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Delphi Skyline
سه شنبه 25 مرداد 1384, 17:16 عصر
من تازه چند روزیه با زبان خوب جاوا آشنا شدم . و جی بیلدر (بهترین IDE برای جاوا) را تهیه کردم .
حالا من وقتی توی قسمت Disegn دکمه یا چیزه دیگری می زارم وقتی کامپایل می کنم دکمه نمایش داده نمیشه . چرا ؟
با تشکر .
Borland JBuilderX 2005

Delphi Skyline
پنج شنبه 27 مرداد 1384, 11:33 صبح
کسی نیست کمک کنه ؟

پنج شنبه 27 مرداد 1384, 20:13 عصر

be ehtemale ziad moshkel az Layout hast.

JBuilder behtarin IDE Java nist. (bood vali dige nist)
man behet Eclipse ro pishnahad mikonam. ba Plugin Visual Editor.

khosh bashi

شنبه 29 مرداد 1384, 04:22 صبح

مشکلی که گفتی از layout هست. بهتره با null layout کار کنی.

در مورد دوستمون هم که گفته بودن جی بیلدر بهترین محیط نیست. فکر نکنم اینطور باشه. جی بیلدر فوق

العاده قوی هست. ولی در مجموع تمام این محیط ها وابسته به قدرت بی نظیر جاوا هستن

شنبه 29 مرداد 1384, 18:30 عصر
Pesianshadow jan,

moshkele shoma ine ke be har mohiti ke RAD bashe, migid "fogholade ghavi". shoma ba eclipse barnamenevisi kon yebar, hamechiz dastet miad. man roo computeram JBuilder X, eclipse 3.1, NetBeans 4.1, IntelliJ IDEA, Sun Java Studio Creator 2004 daram vali ba eclipse controle bishtari roo ye code daram va moshkelate pishepa-oftadeii mesle layout baram pish nemiad chon montazer nistam ke IDE baram chizi too code generate kone.

mofagagh bashid

شنبه 05 شهریور 1384, 18:24 عصر
همانطور که گفته شده مشکل از Layout شماست البته سعی کنید همیشه از Container استفاده کنید من
به شما XYLayout رو پیشنهاد می کنم.

یک شنبه 06 شهریور 1384, 04:25 صبح
hi om...

this is depends on your capabilties and requirement , your problems is you feel you should waste your time for GUI design, most of the people want and must to use a RAD tool for development, in team work you cannot waste your time and let's say wait for other developer TO CODE your GUI, it is why many people are not interested in VC++! nothing can say to you just wait to develop a GUI by code, it is similiar to 15 years before when just VB was available in few windows machines with low speed, but RAD in GUI is only logical way, how much take time for you to just develop a form!? you should place it somewhere in your mind , somewhere realy it is wasting time, when you want to use from templates why you should do it trough code? it is meaning you have depending to your CODE! team proramming have different meaning, your team also contact with your code and understand it, sorry i says this, but if you are perfect who says in professional world RAD tools are not interested? most of the people professional people also use it, Delphi, Jbuilder, jbuilder is expensive but you have it for free! try it and compare with Eclipse also withit's new gui designer! how much differ? large number of people love RAD tool but also it is your advantage when you know how to do a code, for compelex forms, etc. anyways, it is the main reason people come here, about development of an environment by third parties, JBUILDEr and totaly prime time is so nice, geate tool and say only real tool in this space, also eclipse is similiar but i believe, it need mroe work, it have gui designer also, but team work with Jbuilder is differ.