View Full Version : سوال: گفتگو در رابطه با Spring.NET

سه شنبه 07 دی 1389, 20:15 عصر
سلام دوستان.
می خواستم بدونم کسی از Spring.NET استفاده کرده ؟
اگر کسی اطلاعاتی در رابطه با این Framework داره ممنون می شم اینجا به اشتراک بزاره.
لینک وب سایت این Framework (http://www.springframework.net/)
اینم توضیحات خلاصه به نقل از وب سایت خودش :


Spring.NET provides comprehensive infrastructural support for developing enterprise .NET applications. It allows you to remove incidental complexity when using the base class libraries makes best practices, such as test driven development, easy practices. Spring.NET is created, supported and sustained by SpringSource (http://www.springsource.com/).

The design of Spring.NET is based on the Java version of the Spring Framework, which has shown real-world benefits and is used in thousands of enterprise applications world wide. Spring .NET is not a quick port from the Java version, but rather a 'spiritual port' based on following proven architectural and design patterns in that are not tied to a particular platform.

The breath of functionality in Spring .NET spans application tiers which allows you to treat it as a ‘one stop shop’ but that is not required. Spring .NET is not an all-or-nothing solution. You can use the functionality in its modules independently.