View Full Version : Deploying Windows Forms Applications with ClickOnce

سه شنبه 25 مرداد 1384, 22:08 عصر
اینم برای کسانی که آرزو می کردن یه روزی deploy کردن windows form هم به سادگی web form بشه!

ClickOnce is a new Windows Forms deployment technology that will ship with Visual Studio 2005. It enables easy application installation and upgrading of Web applications with smart clients. The deployment of Windows Forms applications through HTTP has been available since the first version of the .NET Framework and has been evolving ever since. This article discusses the advantages of Windows Forms applications and the evolution of this technology leading up to ClickOnce. I will also show a simple example using the public Beta 1 version of Visual Studio 2005.


چهارشنبه 26 مرداد 1384, 01:28 صبح
تشکرات.... کاملا به موقع ارسال کردید.