View Full Version : Visual FoxPro 8.0 Service Pack 1 Released

چهارشنبه 16 مهر 1382, 07:38 صبح
بالاخره سرویس پک 1 ویژوال فاکس پرو هم اومد :P
برای تهیه و دانلود آن به آدرس زیر بروید :(
http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro :twisted:

amin panahi
چهارشنبه 16 مهر 1382, 10:58 صبح
سلام کیا جون . مرسی
یه سوال داشتم vfp8 برای کاربران عادی به جز امکان تغییر رنگ منوها چه امکانات دیگری اضافه کرده ؟

چهارشنبه 16 مهر 1382, 14:45 عصر
فقط عنوان هاشو می نویسم :

Visual FoxPro Task Pane Manager
Visual FoxPro Toolbox
Code References Search Tool
Enhancements to Visual FoxPro Designers and Editors
Windows-Style Open and Save Dialog Boxes
Keyboard Shortcut Changes and Enhancements
IntelliSense for the Watch Window
Wordwrapping for ToolTip Text
Viewing Properties in the Properties Window Using Zoom

Support for Additional Classes in the Class Designer
Form Designer Enhancements
Table Designer Enhancements
Improvements for Multi-Table Joins and the SQL SELECT Command in the Query and View Designers
Support for Moving Menus in the Menu Designer
Report Design and Printing Enhancements

Search for Code References and View Code Definitions
View Parent and Inherited Code
Beautify Code Blocks
Printing Source Code Syntax in Color

Structured error handling using TRY...CATCH...FINALLY, THROW, and Exception class
Collection class
XMLAdapter, XMLTable, XMLField classes and other XML enhancements
Binding events from native Visual FoxPro objects
Defining and subclassing member classes
Delayed control binding on forms using BindControls property
Remote data connectivity using CursorAdapter class
Automatic sizing and locking for Grid and Browse columns
Highlighting for Grid rows and selected fields
Position pictures relative to captions
Controlling orientation of tabs on PageFrame controls
Hyperlinks support for TextBox and EditBox controls
Support for Windows XP Themes in all controls
GDI+ image support (animated .gif files, RotateFlip property)
Controlling font character sets on objects supporting fonts
Support for docking windows and toolbars
Centering check boxes within grid columns
Displaying images in the text box portion of ComboBox controls
Using grids as list boxes
Empty class
Firing events when moving items in a list box using the mover bar
Adding and removing properties and values to objects at run time
Searching for executable (.exe) applications along file paths
Removing empty values where not supported
Enabling accumulation of mouse wheel events in the event queue
Choose SQL data engine compatibility prior or according to Visual FoxPro 8.0
Allow default output to appear on a form
Specify level of table validation to perform
New XML Web services foundation classes

Enhanced SQL Pass-Through functionality and language improvements
Multiple expressions of different data types in the DEBUGOUT command
Specifying external DataEnvironment classes for forms
Language support for collating sequences and autoincrementing field values
Support for FontCharSet property in AFONT()
HOME(8) returns Visual FoxPro Projects subdirectory
Toggle off-screen bitmaps
Component Object Model (COM) enhancements for improved array and type support
Hand pointer setting for MousePointer property
MaxLength property available for ComboBox controls
Language support for caption expressions
Changing the background color of the CommandButton control
Displaying images in a column header
ToolTipText and StatusBarText properties for all visual controls
Refresh method for Label and Shape controls
Providing multiple configuration files
Suppressing display of data-related messages in the status bar
SYS(2007) returning checksum values greater than 16 bits
Removing white space from text merges
Updating an existing object with values from current record using SCATTER...NAME
Specifying an object when inserting a new table record using SQL INSERT command
Hiding columns
CLEAR DEBUG resets Debugger windows when open and clears all breakpoints
Suspending program execution until a Windows event occurs
Checking for hidden or system files and directories
Retrieve container object reference in context with current code editing window
Specify name and location of mapping schema for XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) function

Remote Data Connectivity Using CursorAdapter Class
Creating, Subclassing, and Specifying a DataEnvironment Class
Automatically Incrementing Field Values
Support for Collating Sequences
Implicit Data Conversion for SQL SELECT...UNION Command
Inserting Rows from a SQL SELECT Command

Walkthrough topics
New Solution samples
New NorthWind sample database
Pool Manager Foundation Class
IntelliSense scripts
Task List
Object Browser
GenDBC.prg tool
SccText.prg tool
PivotTable Wizard, Mail Merge Wizard, and Referential Integrity Builder
TypeLib Foundation Class
Dr. Watson error reporting
Choosing a Visual SourceSafe database when opening projects
Support for Windows XP True Color icon images
Improved error message details

امین جون ، بازم خواستی بگو :wink:

پنج شنبه 17 مهر 1382, 08:18 صبح
مرسی محمد جان
کار منو راحت کردی
محمد جان همه موارد را ذکر کرده
مواردی هم که رفع اشکال شده در فایل همراه سرویس پک عنوان شده است

شنبه 19 مهر 1382, 18:02 عصر
دستت درد نکنه کیا جون واقعا خبر عالیی بود . :تشویق:
ولی هنوزم چند تا مورد مونده که دست نخورده ولش کردن :roll: انشا... سرویس پک بعدی 8)