View Full Version : سرعت دلفی و سی بیلدر

سه شنبه 15 شهریور 1384, 12:10 عصر
حقیقت داره سرعت اجرای برنامه های دلفی به علت نوشته شدن کامپوننت ها با پاسکال بیشتر از سی بیلدر هست ؟

سه شنبه 15 شهریور 1384, 14:25 عصر
جواب عمومی و کلی برای چنین سوالاتی وجود نداره ؛ سرعت اجرا وابسته به فاکتورهای متعددیه ؛ بهر حال زبان VCL دلفی است و همراه با محیط BCB یه کامپایلر دلفی برای کامپایل VCL ها و پیوند با پروژه وجود داره و این مساله تاثیر مشخصی روی سرعت اجرا برنامه نداره .

سه شنبه 15 شهریور 1384, 21:20 عصر
البته من این مطلب رو از فردی که اظهار می داشت این رو در سایت بورلند بصورت "پیشنهاد بورلند در استفاده از دلفی به جای بیلدر به علت فوق" شنیدم و اگه تو آرشیو پیداش کردم اصل متن رو این جا میزارم.

با تشکر .

سه شنبه 15 شهریور 1384, 22:36 عصر
نه عزیزم همچین چیزی نیست این هم نظر یکی از اعضای تیم BCB

Highly unlikely.

Although it's true that the VCL is written in Pascal (Borland's Delphi
dialect of it) it compiles to 80x86 machine code just as C++ code does.
Delphi as a language is not particularly innefficient so the resulting
DLLs/LIBs that we link to probably execute at the same speed as if
they'd been written in C++. Some C++ code had to be written to provide
an interface between us and the VCL but this is minimal code (mostly
just wrappers) and unlikely to impact on performance.

If there are any performance issues associated with the VCL they are
almost certainly dwarfed into insignificance by the message handling
aspect of the Windows GUI. No-one expects lightening fast instantaneous
response from a GUI so a few extra function calls or poorly implemented
functions are unlikely to have any effect on the user experience.

The only real downside to the use of Delphi for the VCL is that a few
C++ design paradigms aren't directly available to us and we are tied
into Borland's products. In practice I don't imagine that C++
developers are continuously being stymied by not being able to employ
multiple inheritance and std::auto_ptr lets us put components on the
stack for most practical purposes. Actually multiple inheritence may be
available in the next version since I think I heard that the Delphi
language now supports it.

Being tied into Borland products can at times seem like a real problem.
The sad neglect of BCB until recently is perhaps the worst example of
the consequences of this. Thankfully Borland are now working to correct
that issue and based on past experience the result should be just about
enough to get most of us back on their side.
Andrue Cope [TeamB]
[Bicester, Uk]
http://info.borland.com/newsgroups/guide.html (롁璒睴Ư睴Ưᜄ璞Ѐ)

چهارشنبه 16 شهریور 1384, 01:09 صبح
امیدوارم که اینطور باشه چون تازه یه آیتم مناسب پیدا کردم و دلم نمی خواد از دستش بدوم ولی در کل, اگه به مطلبی بر خوردم حتماً اینجا قید می کنم.