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پنج شنبه 24 مهر 1382, 20:01 عصر
بچه ها من می خواهم هنگامی که بر روی DataGrid فلش حرکت پایین یا بالا را می زنم نوار حرکت (رنگ آبی ) در تمامی ستون ها فعال باشد نه فقط بر روی یک ستون که بتوان از این ستون به ستون بعد رفت

پنج شنبه 24 مهر 1382, 23:00 عصر
من برای این کار یک کلاس برای ستون ها ایجاد کردم و زیر برنامه زیر رو در اون قرار دادم:

Private SelectedRow As Integer

Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Edit(ByVal source As CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer, ByVal bounds As Rectangle, ByVal [readOnly] As Boolean, ByVal instantText As String, ByVal cellIsVisible As Boolean)
If (SelectedRow > -1) And (SelectedRow < source.List.Count + 1) Then
Me.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.UnSelect(SelectedRo w)
End If
SelectedRow = rowNum
End Try
End Sub

این کد برای موس هم عمل می کنه.

جمعه 25 مهر 1382, 14:09 عصر
سلام دوستان این رو هم نگاه کنید

Make the DataGrid support single select vs multiselect mode.
You can do this by subclassing your DataGrid and overriding the
OnMouseMove and OnMouseDown methods. I also add a new SingleSelect
property to the DataGrid so you can toggle single selection on and off.
Add these module level variables:
' Single row selection flag.

Private mySingleSelect As Boolean = False

' Used to see what part of grid was clicked.
Private myHitTestInfo As DataGrid.HitTestInfo

Private myOldSelectedRow As Integer
Add this property:
Public Property SingleSelect() As Boolean
SingleSelect = mySingleSelect
End Get

Set(ByVal theValue As Boolean)
mySingleSelect = theValue
End Set
End Property
Add these methods:
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
' Make the DataGrid support single select mode vs the default multiselect mode.
' Don't call the base class if left mouse down to avoid dragging selections.
On Error Resume Next

If (e.Button <> MouseButtons.Left) Or Not mySingleSelect Then
End If

End Sub

Protected Overloads Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
' Make the DataGrid support single select mode vs the default multiselect mode.
' Handle selecting and unselecting without calling the base class if the click
' is on the header
On Error Resume Next

myHitTestInfo = Me.HitTest(New Point(e.X, e.Y))

If (myHitTestInfo.Type = Me.HitTestType.Cell) Then
' When a grid cell is clicked prevent multi-select.
If mySingleSelect Then
If myOldSelectedRow > -1 Then
' Account for deleted rows.
Dim cm As CurrencyManager = _
CType(Me.BindingContext(Me.DataSource), CurrencyManager)

If myOldSelectedRow > cm.Count - 1 Then
myOldSelectedRow = cm.Count - 1
End If

End If
myOldSelectedRow = -1
End If

' Prevent row resizing and multi-select.
If (myHitTestInfo.Type = Me.HitTestType.RowHeader) Then
If myOldSelectedRow > -1 And mySingleSelect Then
' Account for deleted rows.
Dim cm As CurrencyManager = _
CType(Me.BindingContext(Me.DataSource), CurrencyManager)

If myOldSelectedRow > cm.Count - 1 Then
myOldSelectedRow = cm.Count - 1
End If

End If

If ((Control.ModifierKeys And Keys.Shift) = 0) Then
If mySingleSelect Then
Me.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(myHitTestInfo.Row, myHitTestInfo.Column)
End If
End If

myOldSelectedRow = myHitTestInfo.Row
End If
End If
End Sub

For the C# programmer, add these fields:

// Single row selection flag.
private bool mySingleSelect = false;

// Used to see what part of grid was clicked.
private DataGrid.HitTestInfo myHitTestInfo;

private int myOldSelectedRow;
Add this property:
public bool SingleSelect
return mySingleSelect;
mySingleSelect = value;
Add these methods:
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
// Make the DataGrid support single select mode vs the default multiselect mode.
// Don't call the base class if left mouse down to avoid dragging selections.
if ((e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) | (mySingleSelect == false))

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
// Make the DataGrid support single select mode vs the default multiselect mode.
// Handle selecting and unselecting without calling the base class if the click
// is on the header

myHitTestInfo = this.HitTest(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

if (myHitTestInfo.Type == HitTestType.Cell)
// When a grid cell is clicked prevent multi-select.
if (mySingleSelect)
if (myOldSelectedRow > -1)
// Account for deleted rows.
CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[this.DataSour ce];

if (myOldSelectedRow > cm.Count - 1
myOldSelectedRow = cm.Count - 1;

myOldSelectedRow = -1;
// Prevent row resizing and multi-select.
if (myHitTestInfo.Type == HitTestType.RowHeader)
if ((myOldSelectedRow > -1) & (mySingleSelect))
// Account for deleted rows.
CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[this.DataSour ce];

if (myOldSelectedRow > cm.Count - 1)
myOldSelectedRow = cm.Count - 1;


if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0)
if (mySingleSelect)
this.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(myHitTestInfo.Row, myHitTestInfo.Column);

myOldSelectedRow = myHitTestInfo.Row;
} //else
} // OnMouseDown

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