View Full Version : سوال: فرق Or با OrElse؟

پنج شنبه 23 تیر 1390, 01:18 صبح
فرق Or با OrElse چیه؟

If condition [ Or ] condition [ Then ] [ statements ] End If

If condition [ OrElse ] condition [ Then ] [ statements ] End If

پنج شنبه 23 تیر 1390, 02:08 صبح
آقای Carmelo La Monica لطف کرد جوابم داد، جواب رو اینجا هم مینویسم شاید بدرد یه بنده خدایی بخوره:

Hello zdbdam,
education or if it is introduced to evaluate two conditions will be triggered if either is true, as the following faiths.
If Me.TextBox1.Text = "test" OrElse Me.TextBox2.Text = "test1" Then MessageBox.Show("test or") End If
if the value of testbox1.text = test or the value of textbox2.text = test1, the instruction will be executed will be worth real value
However, if you use ORELSE and Expression1 is found to be True then Expression2 is not evaluated.
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