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پنج شنبه 21 مهر 1390, 21:28 عصر

لیست Game engine هایی که اندروید رو ساپورت میکنند

GameStart is a multi-platform 2D/3D authoring software built on top of a fully C++ engine. It has been used to produce several commercial application and games on PC and console. The editor runs on all three major desktop OS. Author GSworks

Graphics API OpenGL, Software, Other Operating Systems Windows, Linux, MacOS, Nintendo Wii, Google Android Programming Language C/C++ Status Beta Documentation Yes

General Features Object-Oriented Design, Save/Load System:
Scripting • Abstracted script back-end (Default: Squirrel). • Networked script debugger and profiler.
Built-in Editors • Complete IDE for resource management, scene building and scripting. • Full drag'n'drop support. • Multiple document edition with copy/paste support. • Unlimited undo/redo levels. • Script editor with syntax coloring and code completion. • Can run and debug remote targets. • Work and debug at the scene or project level.
Physics Basic Physics, Collision Detection, Rigid Body, Vehicle Physics:
Lighting Per-vertex, Per-pixel, Volumetric, Lightmapping, Gloss maps, Anisotropic:
Shadows Shadow Mapping:
Texturing Basic, Multi-texturing, Bumpmapping, Mipmapping, Volumetric, Projected, Procedural:
Shaders High Level:
Scene Management General, Octrees:
Animation Forward Kinematics, Keyframe Animation, Skeletal Animation, Animation Blending:
Meshes Mesh Loading, Skinning, Deformation:
Special Effects Environment Mapping, Lens Flares, Billboarding, Particle System, Depth of Field, Motion Blur, Water, Fire, Explosion, Decals, Fog, Mirror:
Terrain Rendering:
Sound & Video 2D Sound, 3D Sound, Streaming Sound:
Rendering Fixed-function, Raytracing, Deferred Shading, Render-to-Texture, Fonts, GUI: Features: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Ease of Use: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Stability: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-5.gif Support: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Date Added Mon, 21 Mar 2011 Last Updated Never There are currently 2 reviews for this engine (http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine_details.php?id=673#reviews) License Name Price Source Code Comments Other/Custom Free No Evaluation version, no publishing. Other/Custom $199.00 No Indie version, publish on all supported desktop targets (Windows, Linux and OSX). Other/Custom Not public Yes Engine source license.
ShiVa Engine

ShiVa Engine is dedicated to run games produced by the ShiVa Development platform. It can run on several devices (PC, Mac, PDA, Mobile Phone) in standalone engine or web browser plugin. Author StoneTrip

Graphics API OpenGL, DirectX, Software, Other Operating Systems Windows, Linux, MacOS, Nintendo Wii, iPhone, Browser-based, Google Android, WebOS Programming Language C/C++ Status Productive/Stable Documentation Yes

General Features Object-Oriented Design, Plug-in Architecture, Save/Load System:
Scripting Using LUA to define autonomous objects behaviors.
Built-in Editors • AI model for designer editor • Ambience editor • Animation editor • HUD editor • Terrain editor • Material editor • Navigation editor • Particle editor • Trail editor • Lightmap compiler with ambient occlusion
Physics Basic Physics, Collision Detection, Rigid Body, Vehicle Physics:
Lighting Per-vertex, Per-pixel, Lightmapping, Gloss maps:
Shadows Shadow Mapping:
Texturing Basic, Multi-texturing, Bumpmapping, Mipmapping, Projected:
Shaders Vertex, Pixel, High Level:
Scene Management General, BSP, Octrees, Occlusion Culling, LOD:
Animation Forward Kinematics, Keyframe Animation, Skeletal Animation, Animation Blending:
Meshes Mesh Loading, Skinning:
Surfaces & Curves Splines:
Special Effects Environment Mapping, Lens Flares, Billboarding, Particle System, Motion Blur, Sky, Water, Fire, Explosion, Decals, Fog, Weather, Mirror:
Terrain Rendering:
Networking System Client-Server:
Sound & Video 2D Sound, 3D Sound, Streaming Sound:
Artificial Intelligence Pathfinding, Decision Making, Finite State Machines, Scripted:
Rendering Fixed-function, Render-to-Texture, Fonts, GUI: Features: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Ease of Use: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Stability: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Support: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Date Added Wed, 4 Jul 2007 Last Updated Tue, 23 Nov 2010 There are currently 54 reviews for this engine (http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine_details.php?id=499#reviews) License Name Price Source Code Comments Other/Custom Free No Standalone or web-browser plugin engine Other/Custom Free No ShiVa PLE, for personal use only. Development of games for distribution is not permitted. Other/Custom $169.00 No ShiVa Unlimited, for small teams. No advanced tools, royalty free Other/Custom $169.00 No Full version. For students and staff for instructional, research, and other academic purposes, royalty free. Other/Custom $1,499.00 No ShiVa Advanced, full version, royalty free.

Unity is a multiplatform game development tool, designed from the start to ease creation. Author Unity Technologies ApS

Graphics API OpenGL, DirectX Operating Systems Windows, MacOS, Xbox360, PS3, Nintendo Wii, iPhone, Browser-based, Google Android Programming Language C#, Javascript Status Productive/Stable Documentation Yes

General Features Object-Oriented Design, Plug-in Architecture, Save/Load System:
Scripting • Uses the Mono and supports JavaScript, C# and Boo, interoperable (to a certain extent) and JIT'ted to native code • Complete scripting documentation • Source-level debugging
Built-in Editors • Editor provides zero-cost asset pipeline: save a file and it updates automatically • Editor Extensibility: Create completely custom editor windows, and entirely new tools and workflows. • Asset Server that provides version control capabilities for Unity projects • Optimized for use with large projects New Server view integrated into the Unity user interface • Updates, commits, and graphical version comparisons are all performed inside the Unity editor. Open Source Asset Server • The enterprise-level database PostgreSQL powers the Unity Asset Server Asset Server offers multi-platform support • Install the server on either Mac OS X or Linux • Procedural tree creator • Beast Lightmapping
Physics Basic Physics, Collision Detection, Rigid Body, Vehicle Physics:
Lighting Per-vertex, Per-pixel, Lightmapping:
Shadows Projected planar:
Texturing Basic, Bumpmapping, Procedural:
Shaders Vertex, Pixel, High Level:
Scene Management Occlusion Culling:
Animation Keyframe Animation:
Meshes Mesh Loading, Skinning:
Special Effects Lens Flares, Particle System, Motion Blur, Sky, Water, Mirror:
Terrain Rendering:
Networking System Client-Server:
Sound & Video 2D Sound, 3D Sound, Streaming Sound:
Artificial Intelligence Scripted:
Rendering Deferred Shading, Render-to-Texture, Fonts: Features: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Ease of Use: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4+.gif Stability: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Support: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/rating/rating-4.gif Date Added Mon, 18 Jul 2005 Last Updated Fri, 11 Mar 2011 There are currently 61 reviews for this engine (http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine_details.php?id=256#reviews) License Name Price Source Code Comments Other/Custom Free No Indie version Other/Custom $1,499.00 No Pro version
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