View Full Version : آموزش: سورس کد یه بازی ساده داخل کنسول

شنبه 07 آبان 1390, 00:42 صبح
مراقب باشید سرتون رو از دست ندید :چشمک:
برای هر قسمت کد به صورت جداگانه توضیح داره.

#include <iostream> // For input/output
#include <fstream> // For file input/output
#include <string> // For strcpy
#include <time.h> // For time
#include <stdlib.h> // For toupper and tolower
#define MAX_WORD_SIZE 15 // The max size for words
#define MAX_WORDS 255 // The max number of words
using namespace std;
void LoadFile(); // Prototypes for our functions
void RunGame();
void DrawGallows(int State);

typedef char String[MAX_WORD_SIZE]; // Make a char type with 15 chars
String Words[MAX_WORDS - 1]; // This array will hold our words
int Count; //word count
// the main function of our hangman game
int main()
char Continue = 'Y'; // end game if = to 'N'
cout<<"Welcome to Hangman . . . Don't lose your head!"<<endl;
LoadFile(); // Load the data file
// Continue the game as long as the player wants
while(Continue == 'Y')
RunGame(); // Run the game
cout<<endl<<"Do you want to play again (Yes or No)? ";
Continue = toupper(Continue);
// say good bye
cout<<endl<<"Thanks for playing."<<endl;

return 0;
// This will load our file
void LoadFile()
char C; //Used to find EOF
ifstream Datfile; //The in file
Count=0; //Set count to 0

// Open the data file
//Loop till the end of file
while((C=Datfile.peek()) != EOF)
// Get the next word and then increment Count
// If we surpass the max exit and tell the user
if(Count > MAX_WORDS - 1)
cout<<endl<<"Too many words in the file, stopping with "
<<MAX_WORDS<<" Words."<<endl;
Count = MAX_WORDS;
// We need to subtract one to get the correct number of words
// Close the data file
// This function will run the game
void RunGame()
int Word; // This will hold the subscript of our word
int Size; // This will hold the length of our word
int State=1; // This holds the game state
int Subscript=0; // This will hold subscripts
char Guess[MAX_WORD_SIZE]; // this will hold their current word
char Copy[MAX_WORD_SIZE]; // This will hold a copy of the word
char Letter; //This will be their letter guess
int Correct=0; // This is a True/False value deciding if they got a good answer

// Seed and create a random number
srand((unsigned)time( NULL )); // use time as a seed
Word = rand() % Count;
// Make a local copy of the word
Size = strlen(Words[Word]); // Get the word's size
// Create a null terminated string to represent the word as the
// player knows it.
for(; Subscript < Size; Subscript++)
Guess[Subscript] = '-';
// insert the null character
Guess[Subscript] = '\0';
// Go till the player is hung
DrawGallows(State); //Draw the gallows
cout<<Guess<<endl; // Draw Guess
cout<<"Guess a letter :";
// We will use only lower case letters
Letter = tolower(Letter);

// Loop through the word
for(Subscript = 0; Subscript < Size; Subscript++)
//if the guess is good tell the user and update Guess
if(Copy[Subscript] == Letter)
Guess[Subscript] = Letter;
Correct = 1;
cout<<endl<<"Good Guess!";
// If guess equals the word they won so exit
if(strcmp(Words[Word],Guess) == 0)
cout<<endl<<"Yea, You survived and won!";
// If they didn't get aletter correct chide the user
if(Correct == 0)
cout<<endl<<"Sorry, bad guess!";
Correct = 0; // reset Correct
DrawGallows(State); //Draw the gallows at end of game
//They lost if they are here so tell them the answer.
cout<<"The word was : "<<Words[Word]<<endl<<endl;
// This will Draw the gallows according to the state
void DrawGallows(int State)
// The \\ will translate as '\' because it is a special char
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | O "<<endl
<<" | /|\\ "<<endl
<<" | / \\ "<<endl
<<" |Your Dead "<<endl
<<" ============"<<endl<<endl;
else if(State==5)
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | O "<<endl
<<" | /|\\ "<<endl
<<" | \\ "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" ============"<<endl<<endl;
else if(State==4)
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | O "<<endl
<<" | /|\\ "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" ============="<<endl<<endl;
else if(State==3)
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | O "<<endl
<<" | /| "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" ============="<<endl<<endl;
else if(State==2)
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | O "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" ============="<<endl<<endl;
else if(State==1)
<<" +----+ "<<endl
<<" | | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" | "<<endl
<<" ============="<<endl<<endl;



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