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چهارشنبه 25 آبان 1390, 09:11 صبح
# Compute several XXXX numbers and put in array, then print
fibs:.word 0 : 19 # "array" of words to contain XXXX values
size: .word 19 # size of "array" (agrees with array declaration)
prompt: .asciiz "How many XXXX numbers to generate? (2 <= x <= 19)"
la $s0, fibs # load address of array
la $s5, size # load address of size variable
lw $s5, 0($s5) # load array size

# Optional: user inputs the number of XXXX numbers to generate
#pr: la $a0, prompt # load address of prompt for syscall
# li $v0, 4 # specify Print String service
# syscall # print the prompt string
# li $v0, ?????Replace_this_dummy_with_the_correct_numeric_v alue??????? # specify Read Integer service
# syscall # Read the number. After this instruction, the number read is in $v0.
# bgt $v0, $s5, pr # Check boundary on user input -- if invalid, restart
# blt $v0, $zero, pr # Check boundary on user input -- if invalid, restart
# add $s5, $v0, $zero # transfer the number to the desired register

li $s2, 1 # 1 is the known value of first and second XXXX number
sw $s2, 0($s0) # F[0] = 1
sw $s2, 4($s0) # F[1] = F[0] = 1
addi $s1, $s5, -2 # Counter for loop, will execute (size-2) times

# Loop to compute each XXXX number using the previous two XXXX numbers.
loop: lw $s3, 0($s0) # Get value from array F[n-2]
lw $s4, 4($s0) # Get value from array F[n-1]
add $s2, $s3, $s4 # F[n] = F[n-1] + F[n-2]
sw $s2, 8($s0) # Store newly computed F[n] in array
addi $s0, $s0, 4 # increment address to now-known XXXX number storage
addi $s1, $s1, -1 # decrement loop counter
bgtz $s1, loop # repeat while not finished

# Fibonacci numbers are computed and stored in array. Print them.
la $a0, fibs # first argument for print (array)
add $a1, $zero, $s5 # second argument for print (size)
jal print # call print routine.

# The program is finished. Exit.
li $v0, 10 # system call for exit
syscall # Exit!

################################################## #############
# Subroutine to print the numbers on one line.
space:.asciiz " " # space to insert between numbers
head: .asciiz "The XXXX numbers are:\n"
print:add $t0, $zero, $a0 # starting address of array of data to be printed
add $t1, $zero, $a1 # initialize loop counter to array size
la $a0, head # load address of the print heading string
li $v0, 4 # specify Print String service
syscall # print the heading string

out: lw $a0, 0($t0) # load the integer to be printed (the current XXXX number)
li $v0, 1 # specify Print Integer service
syscall # print fibonacci number

la $a0, space # load address of spacer for syscall
li $v0, 4 # specify Print String service
syscall # print the spacer string

addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment address of data to be printed
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement loop counter
bgtz $t1, out # repeat while not finished

jr $ra # return from subroutine
# End of subroutine to print the numbers on one line
################################################## #############

چهارشنبه 25 آبان 1390, 17:32 عصر
آفا این کارا چیه چند تا آی دی میسازین که فیبو ناچی رو بپرسید فکر کردین اسمشو پاک کنی بزاری xxx دیگه کسی نمیفهمه چی به چیه
این دستورات اسمبلی میپس هست و کار شمارو راه نمیندازه حداقل سرچ میکنی نوع پردازنده هم مشخص کن
این فیبو بدرت میخوره یه جاهاییش ایراد داره نمیگم خودت رفع کنی
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