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شنبه 05 آذر 1390, 17:33 عصر
سلام. می خواستم یه برنامه بنوسیم که اطلاعات ورودی و خروجی پرتهای کامپیوتر رو نشون بده.
چجوری میشه این کارو کرد؟
چطور میشه پرتوکل اطلاعات رو فهمید؟
هیچ اطلاعی در مورد توابعی که با پرتها کار میکنن ندارم. اگه میشه توضیح بدین.

چهارشنبه 09 آذر 1390, 09:40 صبح
این توضیحاتش و در آخر پست هم لینک برنامه اش امیدوارم کمکت کنه :

Win32_PortConnector Class:

It represents physical connection port Like Parallel Port ECP/EPP, Serial Port XT/AT Compatible SCSI Port,MIDI Port, Joy Stick Port, Keyboard Port, Mouse Port.

See the structure of Win32_PortConnector Class

class Win32_PortConnector : CIM_PhysicalConnector
string Caption;
string ConnectorPinout;
uint16 ConnectorType[];
string CreationClassName;
string Description;
string ExternalReferenceDesignator;
datetime InstallDate;
string InternalReferenceDesignator;
string Manufacturer;
string Model;
string Name;
string OtherIdentifyingInfo;
string PartNumber;
uint16 PortType;
boolean PoweredOn;
string SerialNumber;
string SKU;
string Status;
string Tag;
string Version;

You can understand property easily by its name.

Example: Serial Number represents the serial number of particular.

Here we basically explain the type of Port using property PortType.

And it returns the value of type uint16.

So the return value and its meaning is given in following table:
Values Meaning 0 None 1 Parallel Port XT/AT Compatible 2 Parallel Port PS/2 3 Parallel Port ECP 4 Parallel Port EPP 5 Parallel Port ECP/EPP 6 Serial Port XT/AT Compatible 7 Serial Port 16450 Compatible 8 Serial Port 16550 Compatible 9 Serial Port 16550A Compatible 10 SCSI Port 11 MIDI Port 12 Joy Stick Port 13 Keyboard Port 14 Mouse Port 15 SSA SCSI 16 USB 17 FireWire (IEEE P1394) 18 PCMCIA Type II 19 PCMCIA Type II 20 PCMCIA Type III 21 CardBus 22 Access Bus Port 23 SCSI II 24 SCSI Wide 25 PC-98 26 PC-98-Hireso 27 PC-H98 28 Video Port 29 Audio Port 30 Modem Port 31 Network Port 32 8251 Compatible 33 8251 FIFO Compatible Here is your code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Dictionary<UInt16, string> dict = new Dictionary<ushort, string>();
dict.Add(1,"Parallel Port XT/AT Compatible");
dict.Add(2,"Parallel Port PS/2");
dict.Add(3,"Parallel Port ECP");
dict.Add(4,"Parallel Port EPP");
dict.Add(5,"Parallel Port ECP/EPP");
dict.Add(6,"Serial Port XT/AT Compatible");
dict.Add(7,"Serial Port 16450 Compatible");
dict.Add(8,"Serial Port 16550 Compatible");
dict.Add(9,"Serial Port 16550A Compatible");
dict.Add(10,"SCSI Port");
dict.Add(11,"MIDI Port");
dict.Add(12,"Joy Stick Port");
dict.Add(13,"Keyboard Port");
dict.Add(14,"Mouse Port");
dict.Add(15,"SSA SCSI ");
dict.Add(17,"FireWire (IEEE P1394)");
dict.Add(18,"PCMCIA Type II");
dict.Add(19,"PCMCIA Type II");
dict.Add(20,"PCMCIA Type III");
dict.Add(22,"Access Bus Port");
dict.Add(23,"SCSI II");
dict.Add(24,"SCSI Wide");
dict.Add(28,"Video Port");
dict.Add(29,"Audio Port");
dict.Add(30,"Modem Port");
dict.Add(31,"Network Port");
dict.Add(32,"8251 Compatible");
dict.Add(33,"8251 FIFO Compatible");
var mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher();
mos.Query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PortConnector");
foreach (ManagementObject mo in mos.Get())



Dictionary is used to give meaning to the result with some messages.

The output will be as:


From above you can easily find the available ports. You can see that there is 4 usb ports, 1 for keyboard, 1 for mouse and etc.

Hope you understand it.

Thank you.

لینک : http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/hrojasara/C-Sharp-and-win32_portconnector-class/download/Port_info.zip

چهارشنبه 09 آذر 1390, 22:43 عصر
ممنون . خیلی مفید بود. کلی ازش یاد گرفتم. اما من میخوام ببینم چجوری میشه یه برنامه اطلاعات یه پرت خاص رو دریافت کنه و پردازش کنه.
مثلا همین اینترنت اکسپلورر که اطلاعات پورت 80 رو میگیره و نمایش میده.
نمیدونم چجوری میشه اینکارو کرد!!