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شنبه 24 دی 1390, 09:26 صبح
سلام. همین طور که از اسمش مشخص هست، این یه ابزار برای مدیریت ویندوز هست. مثلا می تونید از راه دور ویندوز رو کنترل کنید. که به وسیله اسکریپت نویسی انجام می شه. اول یه توضیح مختصر:
Microsoft® Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) is Microsoft's best-kept secret, or so we've been told. Be that as it may, make no mistake; WMI is Microsoft's primary management enabling technology for Windows. What does that mean to you? Well, if you manage Windows servers and workstations, or if you create Windows management applications, you need to know WMI. This article is the first in a series of articles that will teach you WMI, and more specifically, how to use the WMI scripting library to create a vast array of Windows system administration scripts.
Before we get started, we should take a second to thank Andrew Clinick for giving us the opportunity to carry Scripting Clinic forward. You could say Andrew wasn't kidding when he said he planned to delegate more in his last column! The fact is, Andrew is moving on to another project, so he graciously asked us to pick up where he left off. Despite our initial reluctance due to the high quality bar Andrew set for Scripting Clinic, we're glad to be here.

So who are we? We're the Scripting Guys (scripter@microsoft.com); the team writing the System Administration Scripting Guide, a new book that will ship as part of the Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. That's Dean on the left and Greg on the right in the column's mug shot (http://msdn.microsoft.com/columns/). Rumor has it Ethan and Bob missed the photo op due to their weekly Botox appointment. So if their photos appear overly handsome when they do show up, we're here to tell you Ethan and Bob are really two of the nerdiest looking guys we've ever seen! Consider yourself warned.

What Is WMI?

Originally released in 1998 as an add-on component with Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, WMI is the core management-enabling technology built into Windows 2000, Windows XP, and the Windows Server 2003 family of operating systems. Based on industry standards overseen by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), WMI is the instrumentation and plumbing through which all—well, almost all—Windows resources can be accessed, configured, managed, and monitored.

To grasp the power and breadth of WMI, consider how you managed and monitored Windows workstations and servers yesteryear, and perhaps even today. You probably used, or use, numerous graphical administrative tools to manage Windows resources, such as disks, event logs, files, folders, file systems, networking components, operating system settings, performance data, printers, processes, registry settings, security, services, shares, users, groups, and so on.

Although the graphical tools provided a functional management solution, what did they all have in common? One answer is, prior to WMI, all Windows graphical administrative tools relied on Win32 application programming interfaces (APIs) to access and manage Windows resources. Why? Because the only way you could programmatically access Windows resources before WMI was through the Win32 APIs. This situation left Windows system administrators without an easy way to automate common system administrative tasks using popular scripting languages, because most scripting languages cannot call Win32 APIs directly. WMI changes that by providing a consistent model and framework through which all Windows resources are described and exposed to the outside world. And best of all, system administrators can use the WMI Scripting Library to create system administrative scripts to manage any Windows resource exposed through WMI!

Using Windows Script Host and Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), or any scripting language supporting COM automation (for example, ActiveState Corporation's ActivePerl), you can write scripts to manage and automate the following aspects of your enterprise systems, applications, and networks:

Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional, and Windows 2000 systems management. You can write scripts to retrieve performance data, manage event logs, file systems, printers, processes, registry settings, scheduler, security, services, shares, and numerous other operating system components and configuration settings.
Network management. You can create WMI-based scripts to manage network services such as DNS, DHCP, and SNMP-enabled devices.
Real-time health monitoring. Using WMI event subscriptions, you can write scripts to monitor and respond to event log entries as they occur, file system and registry modifications, and other real-time operating system changes. Conceptually, WMI event subscriptions and notifications are to WMI what SNMP traps are in the SNMP world.
Windows .NET Enterprise Server management. You can write scripts to manage Microsoft® Application Center, Operations Manager, Systems Management Server, Internet Information Server, Exchange Server, and SQL Server.

شنبه 24 دی 1390, 10:51 صبح
این جا هم اسم کتاب هایی که راجع به wmi چاپ شده. لطفا هر کدوم از این کتاب ها رو که تونستین دانلود کنید، لینکش رو لطفا بذارید.
The following printed material is available to help you learn more about WMI:

Lavy, Matthew and Megitt, Ashley Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 1578702607; 1st edition (October 15, 2001).
Lissoir, Alain Understanding Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Scripting.Digital Press; ISBN: 1555582664 (March 2003).
Lissoir, Alain Leveraging Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Scripting.Digital Press; ISBN: 1555582990 (March 2003).
Includes a section on secure scripting and the use of security descriptors for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
Golomshtok, Alexander .NET System Management Services.Apress; ISBN 1-59059-058-9 (April 8, 2003).
The Microsoft Windows Resource Kit Scripting Team Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide.Microsoft Press; ISBN: 0735618674; 1st edition (December 16, 2002).
Tunstall, Carig and Cole, Gwyn Developing WMI Solutions: A Guide to Windows Management Instrumentation.Addison Wesley Professional; ISBN: 0201616130; 1st edition (November 12, 2002).
Includes information for writing WMI providers.
Policht, Marcin WMI Essentials for Automating Windows Management.Sams; ISBN: 0672321440; 1st edition (July 23, 2001).
Martinsson, Tobias Scripting XML and WMI for Professional Developer's Guide.John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471399515; Book & CD edition (January 12, 2001).
Wilson, Ed Microsoft Windows Scripting with WMI: Self-Paced Learning Guide.Microsoft Press; ISBN: 0735622310 (November 2005).
Tutorial format for beginning scripters that includes WMI scripts for more than 100 WMI classes.