View Full Version : حرفه ای: Recursive Queries چیست؟

چهارشنبه 10 اسفند 1390, 19:32 عصر
دوستان در مورد Recursive Queries هر چی می‌دونند لطف کنند بنویسند.

در سایت intodns.com وقتی برای نشانی radcom.ir جستجو می‌کنی؛ پیام زیر را می‌ده:

I could use the nameservers listed below to performe recursive queries. It may be that I am wrong but the chances of that are low. You should not have nameservers that allow recursive queries as this will allow almost anyone to use your nameservers and can cause problems. Problem record(s) are:

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