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شنبه 19 آذر 1384, 20:29 عصر
سلام . اکر کسی الگوریتم و کد C یا ++C ضرب استراسن رو داره برا من بفرسته .
email من هست : hamid96@yahoo.com

چهارشنبه 03 آبان 1385, 19:53 عصر
سلام . لطفا اگه پیدا گردین واسه من هم بفرستید .

یک شنبه 14 آبان 1385, 03:13 صبح
manam mikham be ghoaran be manam bedin

شنبه 20 آبان 1385, 01:07 صبح
با سلام
اگه ممکنه واسه منم بفرستید

یک شنبه 21 آبان 1385, 00:34 صبح
لطفآ برای من هم بفرستید


سه شنبه 23 آبان 1385, 09:42 صبح
لطفا برنامه ضرب استراسن را هم برای من بفرستید


سه شنبه 23 آبان 1385, 22:24 عصر
سلام بر همگی
سری به کتاب طراحی الگوریتم مترجم قمی بزنید(فصل دو)

یک شنبه 28 آبان 1385, 08:48 صبح
age momkene barname ro bara manam befrestid

یک شنبه 28 آبان 1385, 10:25 صبح
برای من هم بفرستید

یک شنبه 28 آبان 1385, 18:32 عصر
الگوریتم ضرب استراسن
رفتم ازش اسکن گرفتم که کار همه راه بیفته
امیدوارم به دردتون بخوره

جمعه 21 اردیبهشت 1386, 14:07 عصر
in file to che mohiti baz mishe?
ba tashakor

شنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1386, 16:01 عصر
دوست عزیز خیلی خیلی ممنون از لطفتون برای اسکن کردن و در اختیار همه قرار دادن این مطلب.
ولی ایکاش خود برنامه رو قرار میدادین!

شنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1386, 16:44 عصر
دوستان عزیز
من هر چی گشتم سورس کد سی برای این الگوریتم پیدا نکردم! ولی این سورس کد برای زبان فرترن هستش:http://users.bigpond.net.au/amiller/strassen.f90

و این منبع رو از دست ندهید:http://www.netsaz.persiangig.com/document/SA.doc (http://www.netsaz.persiangig.com/document/SA.doc)

شنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1386, 23:50 عصر
دوستان عزیز
بالاخره سورس کد C++ این الگوریتم رو پیدا کردم.
http://www.wol.net.pk/mtshome/cpp/algorithms/ALGO-08.zip (http://www.wol.net.pk/mtshome/cpp/algorithms/ALGO-08.zip)
امیدوارم که تونسته باشم کمک کوچکی به اهالی برنامه نویس کرده باشم.

دوشنبه 24 اردیبهشت 1386, 03:19 صبح
از لطف شما مچکرم.

سه شنبه 08 خرداد 1386, 08:55 صبح
سلام . اکر کسی الگوریتم و کد C یا ++C ضرب استراسن رو داره برا من بفرسته

سه شنبه 08 خرداد 1386, 09:12 صبح
سلام . اکر کسی الگوریتم و کد C یا به زبان++C ضرب استراسن رو داره لطفا برا من بفرسته به آدرس ایمیلی

چهارشنبه 16 خرداد 1386, 11:03 صبح
باباجون کدشو زحمت بکش کتابشو که داریم
!!!!!:گریه: :عصبانی++:

sayeh arian
شنبه 09 آذر 1392, 22:21 عصر
linketoon baz nemishe ke:عصبانی:

کاوه منصوری
دوشنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1393, 18:23 عصر
#include "matmul.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <omp.h>
#ifdef WITH_MKL
#include <mkl.h>

* TODO: malloc checks

* We use strassen algorithm if product size less that kMinStrassen
static const size_t kMinStrassen = 64L * 64L; // best on tested 2 x Xeon E5440

* TODO: use col-major arrays for B matrix, its may improve prefetching
* TODO: replace at_r with inline functions
* _r functions for row-major arrays
#define at_r(M, i, j) (M + (i * rstride##M + j))
#define at_r_ref(M, i, j) (*at_r(M, i, j))

void matmul_init() {
#ifdef WITH_MKL

void matmul_set_num_threads(size_t count) {
#ifdef WITH_MKL

void matmul_fini() {
#ifdef WITH_MKL

void matmul_debug_print(data_t *A, size_t rstrideA, size_t height, size_t width) {
const data_t *end0 = A + height * rstrideA;

for (; A < end0; A += rstrideA) {
const data_t *end1 = A + width;
data_t *a = A;

for (; a < end1; a++) {
printf("%d ", *a);

inline void matmul_matmul(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

// I dont want to use MKL here, please call directly matmul_mkl
if(heightA * widthB < kMinStrassen)
matmul_simple(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA, B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);
matmul_strassen(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA, B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);

* Sum of matrices
static void matmul_add_r(data_t *A, size_t rstrideA, data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *R, size_t rstrideR, size_t height, size_t width) {
const data_t *end0 = A + height * rstrideA;

// its making no sense to parallelize here
for (; A < end0; A += rstrideA, B += rstrideB, R += rstrideR) {
const data_t *end1 = A + width;
data_t *a = A;
data_t *b = B;
data_t *r = R;

for (; a < end1; a++, b++, r++) {
*r = *a + *b;

* Substraction of matrices
static void matmul_sub_r(data_t *A, size_t rstrideA, data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *R, size_t rstrideR, size_t height, size_t width) {
const data_t *end0 = A + height * rstrideA;

// its making no sense to parallelize here
for (; A < end0; A += rstrideA, B += rstrideB, R += rstrideR) {
const data_t *end1 = A + width;
data_t *a = A;
data_t *b = B;
data_t *r = R;

for (; a < end1; a++, b++, r++) {
*r = *a - *b;

* Strassen P1 helper
* P = (A11 + A22) * (B11 + B22)
static void matmul_strassen_P1 (size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A1,
data_t *A2,
size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B1,
data_t *B2,
size_t rstrideB,
data_t *P, size_t rstrideP)
const size_t heightB = widthA;

data_t *F = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightA * widthA);
const size_t rstrideF = widthA;

data_t *S = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightB * widthB);
const size_t rstrideS = widthB;

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
matmul_add_r(A1, rstrideA, A2, rstrideA, F, rstrideF, heightA, widthA);
#pragma omp section
matmul_add_r(B1, rstrideB, B2, rstrideB, S, rstrideS, heightB, widthB);

// start recursion here
matmul_matmul(heightA, widthA, widthB, F, rstrideF, S, rstrideS, P,


* Strassen P2 and P5 helper
* P = (A1 + A2) * B
static void matmul_strassen_P2_P5 (size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A1,
data_t *A2,
size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B,
size_t rstrideB,
data_t *P, size_t rstrideP)
data_t *F = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightA * widthA);
const size_t rstrideF = widthA;

matmul_add_r(A1, rstrideA, A2, rstrideA, F, rstrideF, heightA, widthA);

// start recursion here
matmul_matmul(heightA, widthA, widthB, F, rstrideF, B, rstrideB, P,


* Strassen P3 and P4 helper
* P = A * (B1 - B2)
static void matmul_strassen_P3_P4 (size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A,
size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B1,
data_t *B2,
size_t rstrideB,
data_t *P, size_t rstrideP)
const size_t heightB = widthA;

data_t *S = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightB * widthB);
const size_t rstrideS = widthB;

matmul_sub_r(B1, rstrideB, B2, rstrideB, S, rstrideS, heightB, widthB);

// start recursion here
matmul_matmul(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA, S, rstrideS, P,


* Strassen P6 and P7 helper
* P = (A1 - A2) * (B1 + B2)
static void matmul_strassen_P6_P7 (size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A1,
data_t *A2,
size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B1,
data_t *B2,
size_t rstrideB,
data_t *P, size_t rstrideP)
const size_t heightB = widthA;

// Linux malloc is enough fast => not parallelize it below
data_t *F = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightA * widthA);
const size_t rstrideF = widthA;

data_t *S = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightB * widthB);
const size_t rstrideS = widthB;

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
matmul_sub_r(A1, rstrideA, A2, rstrideA, F, rstrideF, heightA, widthA);
#pragma omp section
matmul_add_r(B1, rstrideB, B2, rstrideB, S, rstrideS, heightB, widthB);
} // omp paralell sections

// start recursion here
matmul_matmul(heightA, widthA, widthB, F, rstrideF, S, rstrideS, P,


* Strassen C11 and C22 helper
* C = ([P1=C] + P2) + (P3 - P4)
static void matmul_strassen_C11_C22 (
data_t *P1,
size_t rstrideP1,
data_t *P2,
size_t rstrideP2,
data_t *P3,
size_t rstrideP3,
data_t *P4,
size_t rstrideP4,
size_t heightP, size_t widthP)
data_t *S = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightP * widthP);
const size_t rstrideS = widthP;

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
matmul_add_r(P1, rstrideP1, P2, rstrideP2, P1, rstrideP1, heightP, widthP);
#pragma omp section
matmul_sub_r(P3, rstrideP3, P4, rstrideP4, S, rstrideS, heightP, widthP);
// sync
matmul_add_r(P1, rstrideP1, S, rstrideS, P1, rstrideP1, heightP, widthP);


* Strassen C12 and C21 helper
* C = [P1=C] + P2
static void matmul_strassen_C12_C21 (
data_t *P1,
size_t rstrideP1,
data_t *P2,
size_t rstrideP2,
size_t heightP, size_t widthP)
matmul_add_r(P1, rstrideP1, P2, rstrideP2, P1, rstrideP1, heightP, widthP);

static void matmul_strassen_fix_heightA_odd(size_t heightA, size_t widthA,
size_t widthB, data_t *A, size_t rstrideA, data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

A += (heightA - 1) * rstrideA;
C += (heightA - 1) * rstrideC;

matmul_simple(1, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA, B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);

static void matmul_strassen_fix_widthB_odd(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

B += (widthB - 1);
C += (widthB - 1);

// edge was fixed by fix_heightA
heightA &= ~1;
matmul_simple(heightA, widthA, 1, A, rstrideA, B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);

static void matmul_strassen_fix_widthA_odd(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

size_t i;
size_t j;
size_t k = widthA - 1;
// edges were fixed by fix_heightA and fix_widthB
heightA &= ~1;
widthB &= ~1;

// FIXME: replace at_h with pointers
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < heightA; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < widthB; j++) {
at_r_ref(C, i, j) += at_r_ref(A, i, k) * at_r_ref(B, k, j);

* Strassen algorithm for multiplication
* @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strassen_algorithm
void matmul_strassen(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

* divide matrices first
const size_t heightAh = heightA >> 1;
const size_t widthAh = widthA >> 1;
const size_t heightBh = widthAh;
const size_t widthBh = widthB >> 1;

// A
data_t *A11 = at_r(A, 0, 0);
data_t *A12 = at_r(A, 0, widthAh);
data_t *A21 = at_r(A, heightAh, 0);
data_t *A22 = at_r(A, heightAh, widthAh);

// B
data_t *B11 = at_r(B, 0, 0);
data_t *B12 = at_r(B, 0, widthBh);
data_t *B21 = at_r(B, heightBh, 0);
data_t *B22 = at_r(B, heightBh, widthBh);

// C
data_t *C11 = at_r(C, 0, 0);
data_t *C12 = at_r(C, 0, widthBh);
data_t *C21 = at_r(C, heightAh, 0);
data_t *C22 = at_r(C, heightAh, widthBh);

const size_t heightP = heightAh;
const size_t widthP = widthBh;

data_t *P1 = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightP * widthP);
const size_t rstrideP1 = widthP;

data_t *P2 = C21;
const size_t rstrideP2 = rstrideC;

data_t *P3 = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightP * widthP);
const size_t rstrideP3 = widthP;

data_t *P4 = (data_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_t) * heightP * widthP);
const size_t rstrideP4 = widthP;

data_t *P5 = C12;
const size_t rstrideP5 = rstrideC;

data_t *P6 = C22;
const size_t rstrideP6 = rstrideC;

data_t *P7 = C11;
const size_t rstrideP7 = rstrideC;

#pragma omp parallel sections
// P1
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P1(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A11, A22, rstrideA, B11,
B22, rstrideB, P1, rstrideP1);

// P2, P5
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P2_P5(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A21, A22, rstrideA, B11,
rstrideB, P2, rstrideP2);
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P2_P5(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A11, A12, rstrideA, B22,
rstrideB, P5, rstrideP5);

// P3, P4
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P3_P4(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A11, rstrideA, B12, B22,
rstrideB, P3, rstrideP3);
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P3_P4(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A22, rstrideA, B21, B11,
rstrideB, P4, rstrideP4);

// P6, P7
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P6_P7(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A21, A11, rstrideA, B11,
B12, rstrideB, P6, rstrideP6);
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_P6_P7(heightAh, widthAh, widthBh, A12, A22, rstrideA, B21,
B22, rstrideB, P7, rstrideP7);
} // omp paralell sections

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_C11_C22( P7, rstrideP7, P1, rstrideP1, P4, rstrideP4, P5,
rstrideP5, heightP, widthP);
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_C11_C22( P6, rstrideP6, P1, rstrideP1, P3, rstrideP3, P2,
rstrideP2, heightP, widthP);
} // omp paralell sections

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_C12_C21(P5, rstrideP5, P3, rstrideP3, heightP, widthP);
#pragma omp section
matmul_strassen_C12_C21(P2, rstrideP2, P4, rstrideP4, heightP, widthP);
} // omp paralell sections

* Fix odd
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
if (heightA & 1) // heightA is odd
matmul_strassen_fix_heightA_odd(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA,
B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);

#pragma omp section
if (widthB & 1) // widthB is odd
matmul_strassen_fix_widthB_odd(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA,
B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);

#pragma omp section
if (widthA & 1) // widthA is odd
matmul_strassen_fix_widthA_odd(heightA, widthA, widthB, A, rstrideA,
B, rstrideB, C, rstrideC);
} // omp paralell sections

// sync

* Simple, three-loop multiplication
void matmul_simple(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

size_t i;
size_t j;
size_t k;

#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < heightA; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < widthB; j++) {
data_t sum = 0;
/* unsafe, slowly, no sense
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) */
for(k = 0; k < widthA; k++) {
sum += at_r_ref(A, i, k) * at_r_ref(B, k, j);
at_r_ref(C, i, j) = sum;

#ifdef WITH_MKL
#ifdef USE_INT
#error Not implemented yet
* MKL multiplication
void matmul_mkl(size_t heightA, size_t widthA, size_t widthB,
data_t *A, size_t rstrideA,
data_t *B, size_t rstrideB,
data_t *C, size_t rstrideC) {

// C := alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*C
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
heightA, widthB, widthA, 1.0,
A, rstrideA, B, rstrideB, 0.0, C, rstrideC);

#undef at_r_ref
#undef at_r

کاوه منصوری
دوشنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1393, 18:24 عصر
این کد بالای به زبان سی نوشته شده