View Full Version : آموزش: Asynchronous File I/O

سه شنبه 06 تیر 1391, 22:51 عصر

برخی مواقع خواندن و نوشتن از فایل ها و دستگاه های جانبی آنقدر زمان بر می شود که برنامه حالت Hang به خود می گیرد که این یک وضع نا مطلوب است.

Synchronous I/O بدان معنی است که اجرای متد تا زمانی که عملیات I/O کامل نشده متوقف می شود. با استفاده از asynchronous I/O، کاربر متد BeginRead را فراخوانی می کند. Thread اصلی می تواند به کار دیگری ادامه دهد و بعداً کاربر می تواند داده های خوانده شده را پردازش کند. همچنین چندین درخواست انجام عمل I/O می تواند در حالت تعلیق باقی بماند.
برای اطلاع از اینکه داده ها چه زمانی آماده هستند می توانید EndRead یا EndWrite را به همراه ارسال یک شیء IAsyncResult فراخوانی کنید.

کلاس Stream تلفیقی از خواندن نوشتن های همگام و ناهمگام را روی همان Stream پشتیبانی می کند فارغ از اینکه سیستم عامل اجازه این کار را می دهد یا خیر.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

public class BulkImageProcAsync
public const String ImageBaseName = "tmpImage-";
public const int numImages = 200;
public const int numPixels = 512 * 512;

// ProcessImage has a simple O(N) loop, and you can vary the number
// of times you repeat that loop to make the application more CPU-
// bound or more IO-bound.
public static int processImageRepeats = 20;

// Threads must decrement NumImagesToFinish, and protect
// their access to it through a mutex.
public static int NumImagesToFinish = numImages;
public static Object[] NumImagesMutex = new Object[0];
// WaitObject is signalled when all image processing is done.
public static Object[] WaitObject = new Object[0];
public class ImageStateObject
public byte[] pixels;
public int imageNum;
public FileStream fs;

[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
public static void MakeImageFiles()
int sides = (int)Math.Sqrt(numPixels);
Console.Write("Making {0} {1}x{1} images... ", numImages,
byte[] pixels = new byte[numPixels];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
pixels[i] = (byte)i;
FileStream fs;
for (i = 0; i < numImages; i++)
fs = new FileStream(ImageBaseName + i + ".tmp",
FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None,
8192, false);
fs.Write(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);
fs = null;

public static void ReadInImageCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
ImageStateObject state = (ImageStateObject)asyncResult.AsyncState;
Stream stream = state.fs;
int bytesRead = stream.EndRead(asyncResult);
if (bytesRead != numPixels)
throw new Exception(String.Format
("In ReadInImageCallback, got the wrong number of " +
"bytes from the image: {0}.", bytesRead));
ProcessImage(state.pixels, state.imageNum);

// Now write out the image.
// Using asynchronous I/O here appears not to be best practice.
// It ends up swamping the threadpool, because the threadpool
// threads are blocked on I/O requests that were just queued to
// the threadpool.
FileStream fs = new FileStream(ImageBaseName + state.imageNum +
".done", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None,
4096, false);
fs.Write(state.pixels, 0, numPixels);

// This application model uses too much memory.
// Releasing memory as soon as possible is a good idea,
// especially global state.
state.pixels = null;
fs = null;
// Record that an image is finished now.
lock (NumImagesMutex)
if (NumImagesToFinish == 0)

public static void ProcessImage(byte[] pixels, int imageNum)
Console.WriteLine("ProcessImage {0}", imageNum);
int y;
// Perform some CPU-intensive operation on the image.
for (int x = 0; x < processImageRepeats; x += 1)
for (y = 0; y < numPixels; y += 1)
pixels[y] += 1;
Console.WriteLine("ProcessImage {0} done.", imageNum);

public static void ProcessImagesInBulk()
Console.WriteLine("Processing images... ");
long t0 = Environment.TickCount;
NumImagesToFinish = numImages;
AsyncCallback readImageCallback = new
for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++)
ImageStateObject state = new ImageStateObject();
state.pixels = new byte[numPixels];
state.imageNum = i;
// Very large items are read only once, so you can make the
// buffer on the FileStream very small to save memory.
FileStream fs = new FileStream(ImageBaseName + i + ".tmp",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 1, true);
state.fs = fs;
fs.BeginRead(state.pixels, 0, numPixels, readImageCallback,

// Determine whether all images are done being processed.
// If not, block until all are finished.
bool mustBlock = false;
lock (NumImagesMutex)
if (NumImagesToFinish > 0)
mustBlock = true;
if (mustBlock)
Console.WriteLine("All worker threads are queued. " +
" Blocking until they complete. numLeft: {0}",
long t1 = Environment.TickCount;
Console.WriteLine("Total time processing images: {0}ms",
(t1 - t0));

public static void Cleanup()
for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++)
File.Delete(ImageBaseName + i + ".tmp");
File.Delete(ImageBaseName + i + ".done");

public static void TryToClearDiskCache()
// Try to force all pending writes to disk, and clear the
// disk cache of any data.
byte[] bytes = new byte[100 * (1 << 20)];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
bytes[i] = 0;
bytes = null;

public static void Main(String[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Bulk image processing sample application," +
" using asynchronous IO");
Console.WriteLine("Simulates applying a simple " +
"transformation to {0} \"images\"", numImages);
Console.WriteLine("(Async FileStream & Threadpool benchmark)");
Console.WriteLine("Warning - this test requires {0} " +
"bytes of temporary space", (numPixels * numImages * 2));

if (args.Length == 1)
processImageRepeats = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
Console.WriteLine("ProcessImage inner loop - {0}.",
[DllImport("KERNEL32", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern void FlushFileBuffers(SafeFileHandle handle);
