
View Full Version : Interrupt 10h

چهارشنبه 14 دی 1384, 18:48 عصر
با استفاده از Interrupt 10h چه سرویس هایی برای مدیریت کارت گرافیکی قابل دسترسی می باشد

amin joon
چهارشنبه 14 دی 1384, 20:20 عصر
this interrupt contains this functions:
Function(s) Name

00h Set Video Mode
01h Set Cursor Type
02h Set Cursor Position
03h Get Cursor Information
04h Get Light Pen Position
05h Set Display Page
06h, 07h Initialize or Scroll Window
08h Read Character and Attribute at Cursor
09h Write Character and Attribute at Cursor
0Ah Write Character at Cursor
0Bh Set Palette, Background, or Border
0Ch Write Graphics Pixel
0Dh Read Graphics Pixel
0Eh Write Character in Teletype Mode
0Fh Get Video Mode
10h Color
11h Fonts
12h Video Configuration
13h Write String in Teletype Mode
1Ah Get or Set Display Combination Code
1Bh Get Functionality/State Information
1Ch Save or Restore Video State