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سه شنبه 21 شهریور 1391, 17:36 عصر
با سلام دوستان کسي ميتونه يک template engine ساده وکاربردي براي استفاده توي سايت ها معرفي کنه ممنون

سه شنبه 21 شهریور 1391, 17:40 عصر
دوستان بيشتر مد نظرم موتور ايراني که خود دوستان نوشتن Smarty نه !

سه شنبه 21 شهریور 1391, 19:03 عصر
موتور قالب سیستم مدیریت محتوای ایرانی راش:

/************************************************** *************************
* Rash CMS
* -------------------
* copyright : (C) 2009 The RashCMS $Team = "www.rashcms.com";
* email : info@rashcms.com
* email : rashcms@gmail.com
* programmer : Reza Shahrokhian
************************************************** *************************/
class RashCMS
var $tags = array();
var $required_tags = array();
var $blocks = array();
var $tpl = '';
var $parsed_tpl = '';

function load($tpl=''){
if( !empty($tpl) )
$this->tplerror('Could not find the template file <b>'. $tpl ."</b>");
return FALSE;
$tpl = @implode( '',@file($tpl));
$tpl = $tpl ? $tpl : $this->tplerror('Could not read the template file!');
$this->tpl = $tpl;
function tplerror($error)
echo $error;
return FALSE;
function assign( $input, $value = '', $required = FALSE )
if( is_array( $input ) )
foreach( $input as $tag => $value )
if(empty( $tag ) )
$this->tplerror('R a s h C M S::The tag name shouldnt be empty.');
if( $required == TRUE )
$this->required_tags[$tag] = $value;
$this->tags[$tag] = $value;
elseif( is_string( $input ) )
if( empty( $input ) )
$this->tplerror('R a s h C M S::The tag name shouldnt be empty.');
if( $required == TRUE )
$this->required_tags[$input] = $value;
$this->tags[$input] = $value;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;


function block($block_name, $block_array)
if( !is_string($block_name) || empty($block_name))
$this->tplerror('R a s h C M S::Block name is not a string or is empty!');

if( !is_array($block_array))
$this->tplerror('R a s h C M S::Block array is not an array!');
$this->blocks[$block_name][] = $block_array;


function parse()
if( empty( $this->tpl ) )

# blocks
$tmp_blocknames = array();
foreach( $this->blocks as $block_name => $block_arrays )
if( $anzahl = preg_match_all( '/<tag:'. preg_quote( $block_name, '/' ) .'>(.*)<\/tag:'. preg_quote( $block_name, '/' ) .'>/sU', $this->tpl, $matches ) )
for( $i = 0; $i < $anzahl; $i++ )
$block_plus_definition = $matches[0][$i];
$block = $matches[1][$i];

if( is_int( strpos( $block, '<!-- IF' ) ) )
$parse_control_structures = TRUE;

$parsed_block = '';
foreach( $block_arrays as $block_array )
$tmp = $block;
if( isset( $parse_control_structures ) )
$tmp = $this->_parse_control_structures( $tmp, array_merge( $block_array, $this->tags, $this->required_tags ) );
foreach( $block_array as $tag_name => $tag_value )
$tmp = str_replace( '['.$tag_name.']', $tag_value, $tmp );
$parsed_block .= $tmp;
$this->tpl = str_replace( $block_plus_definition, $parsed_block, $this->tpl );
$tmp_blocknames[] = $block_name;
unset( $parse_control_structures );
if( count( $this->blocks ) > 0 )
$this->tpl = preg_replace( "/<(tag|\/tag):(". implode( '|', $tmp_blocknames ) .")>/", '', $this->tpl );
# unbenutze blcke entfernen
$this->tpl = preg_replace( "/<tag:([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)>.*<\/tag:\\1>( |\r|\n)?/msU", '', $this->tpl );

# single tags
foreach( $this->required_tags as $tag_name => $tag_value )
if( !is_int( strpos( $this->tpl, $tag_name ) ) )
$this->tplerror('R a s h C M S::Could not find tag <i>'.$tag_name.'</i> in the template file!');
$this->tpl = str_replace( '['.$tag_name.']', $tag_value, $this->tpl );
foreach( $this->tags as $tag_name => $tag_value )
$this->tpl = str_replace( '['.$tag_name.']', $tag_value, $this->tpl );

# if & else
$this->tpl = $this->_parse_control_structures(
array_merge( $this->tags, $this->required_tags ),

$this->parsed_tpl = $this->tpl;
$this->tpl = '';


function showit()
if( !empty( $this->tpl ) )
print $this->parsed_tpl;


function dontshowit()
if( !empty( $this->tpl ) )
return $this->parsed_tpl;


function reset()
$this->tpl = '';
$this->parsed_tpl = '';
$this->tags = array();
$this->required_tags = array();
$this->blocks = array();


function _parse_control_structures( $tpl, $vars, $blocks = array() )
if( $matchnumber = preg_match_all( '/<!-- IF (!?)((BLOCK )?)([_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+) -->(.*)((<!-- ELSEIF !\(\\1\\2\\4\) -->)(.*))?<!-- ENDIF \\1\\2\\4 -->/msU', $tpl, $matches ) )
for( $i = 0; $i < $matchnumber; $i++ )
//print( $matches[8 ][$i] . '<br />');
if( !empty( $matches[2][$i] ) )
$code = 'if( '.$matches[1][$i].'isset($blocks[\''.$matches[4][$i].'\']) )'."\n";
$code = 'if( '.$matches[1][$i].'( isset($vars[\''.$matches[4][$i].'\']) ) )'."\n";
$code .= '{ $tpl = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], $this->_parse_control_structures( $matches[5][$i], $vars, $blocks ), $tpl ); }'."\n";
$code .= ' else '."\n";
$code .= '{ $tpl = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], !empty($matches[7][$i]) ? $this->_parse_control_structures( $matches[8][$i], $vars, $blocks ) : \'\', $tpl ); }';
eval( $code );
return $tpl;