View Full Version : مبتدی: یه قطعه کد php دارم باید با چی ویرایشش کنم؟

چهارشنبه 29 شهریور 1391, 11:44 صبح
سلام دوستان یه قطعه کد php دارم باید با چی ویرایشش کنم؟ که بشه پیش نمایش تغییر یافته اش رو هم ببینم.
ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنید

چهارشنبه 29 شهریور 1391, 12:37 عصر
برای تغییر کدهای php میتونی از نرم افزار قدرتمند Dreamweaverاستفاده کنید.

چهارشنبه 29 شهریور 1391, 12:43 عصر
سلام دوستان یه قطعه کد php دارم باید با چی ویرایشش کنم؟ که بشه پیش نمایش تغییر یافته اش رو هم ببینم.
ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنید

دوست عزیز با notepad++ , DreamWeaver میتونید این کار رو انجام بدید ولی برای مشاهده پیش نمایش باید نرم افزار wamp رو روی سیستمتون نصب کنید و با اون پیش نمایش کد هاتون رو ببینید.

چهارشنبه 29 شهریور 1391, 12:52 عصر
ممنونم از دوستان phpDesigner امتحان کردم ولی نمایش نمیده نمیدونم چون روی local هست.
آرا برای نمایش میخواستم ، یعنی درم ویور قادر به نمایش نیست؟

این کد منه امکانش هست روی local اجرا بشه؟؟؟

* @version: $Id$
* @copyright: Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Elxis.org. All rights reserved.
* @package: Elxis
* @subpackage: Module Frontpage
* @link: http://www.elxis.org
* @email: info@elxis.org
* @license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* Elxis CMS is a Free Software
* @description: Module ideal for been used in the site's frontpage. Displays a summary of the latest site additions.

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

class moduleFrontpage {

protected $wfactor = '2';

public function __construct($wfactor=2) {
$this->wfactor = $wfactor;

public function limittext($txt, $textlimit) {
$len = eUTF::utf8_strlen($txt);
if ($len <= $textlimit) {
return $txt;
} else {
$txt = eUTF::utf8_substr($txt, 0, $textlimit);
$pos = eUTF::utf8_strrpos($txt,' ');
if ($pos >0) {
$txt = eUTF::utf8_substr($txt, 0, $pos);
if ((($tpos = eUTF::utf8_strrpos($txt,'<')) > eUTF::utf8_strrpos($txt,'>')) && ($tpos > 0)) {
$txt = eUTF::utf8_substr($txt, 0, $tpos-1);
return $txt.'...';

protected function genBoxWidth($columns=2, $num_intro=0, $otherlinks=1) {
$w = intval(100/$columns);
$totalboxes = $num_intro + $otherlinks;
return ($w - $this->wfactor);

public function boxWidth($r=0, $rcounter, $columns=2, $num_intro=0, $otherlinks=1) {
$totalboxes = $num_intro + $otherlinks;
$num = $r + 1;

$currentbox = ($num <= $num_intro) ? $num : $num_intro + $otherlinks;
$genWidth = $this->genBoxWidth($columns, $num_intro, $otherlinks);
if ($currentbox < $totalboxes) {
$w = $genWidth;
} else {
$k = (($columns + 1) - ($totalboxes % $columns));
if ($k > $columns) { $k = $k - $columns; }
$w = $genWidth * $k;
return $w;


global $mosConfig_offset, $mainframe, $lang, $my, $Itemid;

$count = intval($params->get( 'count', 10 ));
$columns = intval($params->get( 'columns', 2 ));
if ($columns > 4) {$columns = 4; }
$readmore = intval($params->get( 'readmore', 0 ));
$show_thumbs = intval($params->get( 'show_thumbs', 0 ));
$thumb_width = intval($params->get('thumb_width', 64 ));
$thumb_height = intval($params->get('thumb_height', 64));
$keepratio = intval($params->get( 'keepratio', 0 ));
$textlimit = intval($params->get( 'textlimit', 0 ));
$num_intro = intval($params->get( 'num_intro', 1) );
$title_link = intval($params->get( 'title_link', 1 ));
$cat_title = intval($params->get( 'cat_title', 1 ));
$sections = $params->get( 'sections', '' ) ;
$categories = $params->get( 'categories', '' ) ;
$orderby = (intval($params->get( 'order', 1))) ? 'a.hits' : 'a.created';
$show_front = intval($params->get( 'show_front', 0 ));
$period = intval($params->get( 'period', 900 ));
$show_author = intval($params->get( 'show_author', 0 ));
$show_date = intval($params->get( 'show_date', 0 ));
$wfactor = intval($params->get( 'wfactor', 2 ));

$modfpg = new moduleFrontpage($wfactor);

$now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$mosConfig_offset*3600 );
$access = !$mainframe->getCfg( 'shownoauth' );

$whereCatid = '';
if ($categories != '') {
$catids = explode( ',', $categories );
mosArrayToInts( $catids );
if (count($catids) > 0) {
$whereCatid = "\n AND a.catid IN (".implode(',', $catids).")";

$whereSecid = '';
if ($sections != '') {
$secids = explode( ',', $sections );
mosArrayToInts( $secids );
if (count($secids) > 0) {
$whereSecid = "\n AND a.sectionid IN (".implode(',', $secids).")";

$thentime = time() + ($mosConfig_offset * 3600) - ($period * 24 * 3600);
$thendate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $thentime);
$query = "SELECT a.*, u.name, cc.image AS catimage, cc.name AS catname, cc.seotitle AS seocat, s.seotitle AS seosec"
."\n FROM #__content a"
."\n LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage f ON f.content_id = a.id"
."\n LEFT JOIN #__users u ON u.id = a.created_by"
."\n INNER JOIN #__categories cc ON cc.id = a.catid"
."\n INNER JOIN #__sections s ON s.id = a.sectionid"
."\n WHERE a.state = 1 AND a.sectionid > 0"
."\n AND ( a.publish_up = '1979-12-19 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '".$now."' )"
."\n AND ( a.publish_down = '2060-01-01 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '".$now."' )"
.( $access ? "\n AND a.access IN (".$my->allowed.") AND cc.access IN (".$my->allowed.") AND s.access IN (".$my->allowed.")" : '' )
."\n AND ((a.language IS NULL) OR (a.language LIKE '%$lang%'))"
."\n AND ((cc.language IS NULL) OR (cc.language LIKE '%$lang%'))"
."\n AND ((s.language IS NULL) OR (s.language LIKE '%$lang%'))"
."\n AND a.created >= '".$thendate."'"
.( $show_front == '0' ? "\n AND f.content_id IS NULL" : '' )
."\n AND s.published = 1"
."\n AND cc.published = 1"
."\n ORDER BY ".$orderby." DESC";
$database->setQuery( $query, '#__', $count, 0 );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();

$rcounter = count($rows);
$otherlinks = ($rcounter <= $num_intro) ? 0 : 1 ;
if ($num_intro > $rcounter) { $num_intro = $rcounter; }
if ($columns > $rcounter) { $columns = $rcounter; }

$counter = $num_intro;
for ( $r = 0; $r < $rcounter; $r++) {
$row = &$rows[$r];

if ($show_thumbs && $counter) {
if (trim($row->images) != '') { //ok we have a mosimage, skip row
$row->introtext = preg_replace("#<img\s*.*?>#i", '', $row->introtext);
$row->introtext= preg_replace("#{[^}]*}#","",$row->introtext);
$row->introtext = strip_tags($row->introtext,'');
if ($textlimit > 0) { $row->introtext = $modfpg->limittext($row->introtext,$textlimit); }
preg_match_all("#<img\s*.*?>#i", $row->introtext.$row->maintext, $txtimg);
if (!empty($txtimg[0])) {
foreach ($txtimg[0] as $imgtag) {
$row->introtext = eUTF::utf8_str_replace($imgtag, '', $row->introtext);
if (trim($row->images) != '') { continue; } //we only need one image
$row->images = $result[1][0];
$row->introtext= preg_replace("#{[^}]*}#",'',$row->introtext);
$row->introtext = strip_tags($row->introtext,'');
if ($textlimit > 0) { $row->introtext = $modfpg->limittext($row->introtext,$textlimit); }

$openrow = 0;
$opencell = 0;

if ($rows) {
echo '<div class="modfpg-container">'._LEND;
for ( $r = 0; $r < $rcounter; $r++) {
$row = &$rows[$r];

$j = $r+1;
$seolink = '';
$_Itemid = $Itemid;
if (($mainframe->getCfg('sef') == 2) && ($row->seocat != '') && ($row->seosec != '')) {
$seolink = $row->seosec.'/'.$row->seocat.'/'.$row->seotitle.'.html';
} else {
$_Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid($row->id);
$itemlink = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id='.$row->id.'&Itemid='.$_Itemid, $seolink);

//check if I must open row
if (!$openrow) {
echo '<div class="modfpg-row">'._LEND;
$openrow = 1;

//check if I must open box
if (!$opencell) {
$w = $modfpg->boxWidth($r, $rcounter, $columns, $num_intro, $otherlinks);
echo '<div class="modfpg-box" style="width: '.$w.'%;">'._LEND;
$opencell = 1;

//Where am i? Am I inside an intro item?
$inside_intro = ($r < $num_intro) ? 1 : 0;
if ($inside_intro) {
if ($cat_title) { echo '<span class="modfpg-ctitle">'.$row->catname.'</span>'._LEND; }
if ($title_link == 1) {
echo '<span class="modfpg-introtitle"><a href="'.$itemlink.'" title="'.$row->title.'">'.$row->title.'</a></span>'._LEND;
} else {
echo '<span class="modfpg-introtitle">'.$row->title.'</span>'._LEND;
echo '<br />'._LEND;

if ($show_date || $show_author) {
echo '<span class="modfpg-authordate">';
if ($show_date) {
echo mosFormatDate ($row->created, _GEM_DATE_FORMLC);
if ($show_date && $show_author) { echo ' | '; }
if ($show_author) {
echo ($row->created_by_alias != '') ? $row->created_by_alias : $row->name;
echo '</span>'._LEND;
echo '<br />'._LEND;

if ($show_thumbs == 1) {
echo '<a href="'.$itemlink.'" title="'.$row->title.'">';
if (!empty($row->images)) {
if (preg_match('#^(http\:\/\/)#', $row->images)) { //url link from custom image
if (strstr($row->images, $mainframe->getCfg('live_site').'/images/')) { //in this site --> gd resize
$simg = str_replace($mainframe->getCfg('live_site').'/images/', '', $row->images);
$iurl = $mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/includes/thumb.php?fi=';
$iurl .= base64_encode($thumb_width.','.$thumb_height.','.$ keepratio.',images/'.$simg);
$image = '<img src="'.$iurl.' " width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$row->title.'" />';
} else { //in other site -> html resize
$image = '<img src="'.$row->images.'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$row->title.'" />';
} else { //relative path
$img = preg_split('/\|/', $row->images); //split mambot
$simg = strip_tags($img[0]); //make safe
if (file_exists($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/images/stories/'.$simg)) { //mambot
$iurl = $mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/includes/thumb.php?fi=';
$iurl .= base64_encode($thumb_width.','.$thumb_height.','.$ keepratio.',images/stories/'.$simg);
$image = '<img src="'.$iurl.'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$simg.'" />';
} else if (file_exists($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/images/'.$simg)) { //relative image
$iurl = $mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/includes/thumb.php?fi=';
$iurl .= base64_encode($thumb_width.','.$thumb_height.','.$ keepratio.',images/'.$simg);
$image = '<img src="'.$iurl.'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$simg.'" />';
} else {
//display default image
$image = '<img src="'.$mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/images/M_images/story.png" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$row->title.'" />';
echo $image;
} else if ($row->catimage != '') {
$iurl = $mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/includes/thumb.php?fi=';
$iurl .= base64_encode($thumb_width.','.$thumb_height.','.$ keepratio.',images/stories/'.$row->catimage);
echo '<img src="'.$iurl.' " width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$row->seocat.'" />';
} else {
echo '<img src="'.$mainframe->getCfg('ssl_live_site').'/images/M_images/story.png" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="modfpg-img" alt="'.$row->title.'" />';
echo '</a>'._LEND;
echo $row->introtext;
echo '<br />'._LEND;
if ($readmore) {
echo '<a class="modfpg-more" href="'.$itemlink.'" title="'._READ_MORE.'">'._MORE.'</a>'._LEND;
} else { //I am inside the otheritems box
if ($r == $num_intro) {
echo '<span class="modfpg-ctitle">'._E_ALSOREAD.'</span>'._LEND;
echo '<ul class="modfpg-ul">'._LEND;
echo '<li><a href="'.$itemlink.'" title="'.$row->title.'">'.$row->title.'</a></li>'._LEND;
if ($j == $rcounter) {
echo '</ul>'._LEND;

//check if I must close box
if ($opencell && (($r < $num_intro) || ($j == $rcounter))){
echo '</div>'._LEND;
$opencell = 0;

//check if I must close row
if ($openrow && ((is_integer($j/$columns) && ($j <= $num_intro)) || ($j == $rcounter))) {
echo '</div>'._LEND;
$openrow = 0;
echo '</div>'._LEND;
echo '<div class="clear"></div>'._LEND;
