View Full Version : حرفه ای: سوال:نحوه کار بار فایل اپلودر NeatUpload؟

سه شنبه 07 آذر 1391, 00:07 صبح
من می خواستم برای سایتی که می سازم از اپلودری استفاده کنم که بشه چند تا فایل رو انتخاب کرد!
ضمنا من فایل های زیر 10مگ خواهم داشت.

The NeatUpload™ASP.NET component allows developers to stream uploaded files to storage (e.g. disk or a database) and allows users to monitor upload progress. It is open source and works under Mono'sXSP / mod_mono as well as Microsoft's ASP.NET implementation.

NeatUpload contains seven custom controls (InputFile, MultiFile, ProgressBar, UnloadConfirmer, HiddenPostBackID, DetailsSpan, and DetailsDiv), an HttpModule (UploadHttpModule), and a Page subclass (ProgressPage). This section briefly describes what they each do and how they are related. The remainder of this manual describes how to install and use NeatUpload.
منبع (http://neatupload.codeplex.com)
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