View Full Version : سوال: تولید اینترفیس برنامه دسکتاپ توسط html5

کاربر مبتدی
شنبه 16 دی 1391, 13:16 عصر
آیا میتوان از html5 مثل wpf یا winapp برای ساخت اینترفیس برنامه سی شارپ استفاده کرد؟

شنبه 16 دی 1391, 13:42 عصر
سلام دوستان
من در بدر دنبال چنين مطلبي هستم
البته تا اونجا كه جستجو كردم نميشه چون HTML خاص وب است و در براوز جواب مي دهد و تفسير مي شود
اما اگر دوستان اطلاعات تكميليد ارند بفرمايند

کاربر مبتدی
سه شنبه 19 دی 1391, 11:52 صبح
یه راه پیدا کردم استفاده از Kendo UI نمیدونم چیه اگه کسی اطلاعات داره بگه ممنون میشم

سه شنبه 10 بهمن 1391, 13:52 عصر
یه راه پیدا کردم استفاده از Kendo UI نمیدونم چیه اگه کسی اطلاعات داره بگه ممنون میشم

Comprehensive HTML5, JavaScript framework for modern web and mobile app development

Kendo UI is everything professional developers need to build HTML5 sites and mobile apps. Today, productivity of an average HTML/jQuery developer is hampered by assembling a Frankenstein framework of disparate JavaScript libraries
and plug-ins.

Kendo UI has it all: rich jQuery-based widgets, a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid DataSource, validation, internationalization, a MVVM framework, themes, templates and the list goes on.
شرکت Telerik محصول جدیدی ویژه استفاده در ASP.NET MVC تولید کرده است، این ابزار به Kendo UI معروف است. :تشویق:

سه شنبه 10 بهمن 1391, 15:22 عصر
سلام روزتون بخیر فکر نکنم این امکان وجود داشته باشه چون عمده کار HTML ارسال درخواست به سرویس دهنده باشه و ترجمه...

سه شنبه 10 بهمن 1391, 16:29 عصر
اینکار توسط کامپوننت های شرکت Devexpress وجود داره البته نسخه اخرش
جدید ترین مجموعه دروو اکسپرس DXTREME هستش

Multi-Channel Experiences
From Windows 8 and the iPad to iPhone and Android smartphones, take advantage of new digital touch points by creating the apps that that feel as though they were designed expressly for the device. Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) support means you can run your touch based applications natively on all target devices. You can even submit your applications to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Modern, Windows 8 XAML
The new Windows 8 user experience is a new way for end-users to take direct action from Live Tiles that, providing important information to the user's desktop. If you develop in WPF or Silverlight, you'll want to explore DXTREME Windows 8 tools for XAML. If you work on the web, see our Windows 8 HTML5 + JavaScript functionality. However you develop experiences, we can help take you there

Use your existing skills
With DXTREME, programming tasks are demystified. Forget about having to learn XCode, Objective-C, Java and Dreamweaver. Use your existing .NET skills to build applications that run across iOS, Android and the interactive Web.

Lean on us – we provide beautiful sample applications and templates created by professional graphic designers to help you to do what you do best: focus on building the function of the application.

Mobile Experiences
Developers building Silverlight applications understand the importance of elegant UI. Whether you prefer the Microsoft Office UI or need specialized elements in your application, the DevExpress Silverlight theme-engine empowers options -- effortlessly ensuring your application sare always fresh, exciting, and yours.

Interactive Web Experiences
Integrating social experiences into applications can presents challenges. DXTREME's upcoming built-in social-media functionality, including support for Facebook, lets you focus on building apps without worry about authentication and user-management. And, getting data from the web means getting data from various web services and APIs like OData. DXTREME reaches across the web and integrates into all your applications - plug it in, you're ready to go.

DXTREME is deeply integrated into Visual Studio with design-time preview, runtime simulator for iOS and Android and Visual Studio toolbox items and project template support.

توضیحات مختصری هست که سایتش گفته

سه شنبه 10 بهمن 1391, 20:31 عصر
من یه کتابی پیدار کردم که توش با استفاده از html و زcss‌برای ویندوز 8 اینکار رو میکنه هنو نخوندم عنوانی که سایت گزاشته رو میگم فکر کنم اونب که میخواین باشه

دوشنبه 23 بهمن 1391, 15:51 عصر
این کار برای ویندوز 8 و فقط در قالب Metro UI قابل پیاده سازی هست.