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شنبه 15 بهمن 1384, 06:21 صبح

Life and Times of Anders Hejlsberg

This episode features industry luminary, Anders Hejlsberg. Before coming to Microsoft in 1996 he was well noted for his work as the principal engineer of Turbo Pascal and the chief architect of the Delphi product line. At Microsoft he was architect for the Visual J++ development system and the Windows Foundation Classes (WFC). Promoted to Distinguished Engineer in 2000, Anders is the chief designer of the C# programming language and a key participant in the development of Microsoft’s .NET framework. In this show, Anders is joined by a surprise guest.

This episode of “Behind the Code” is hosted by Barbara Fox – former senior security architect of cryptography and digital rights management for Microsoft.

شوی جالبیه ؛ یک ساعت و حدود دویست مگ . چند نفر از حضار از اعضای سابق بورلند هستند ، در واقع ، دات نت بدون حضور این افراد بی معنیه .


بابک زواری
شنبه 15 بهمن 1384, 21:19 عصر
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