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پنج شنبه 08 فروردین 1392, 21:12 عصر
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لیست کتاب ها:

Apress - Expert C#‎‎ 5.0 with the .NET 4.5 Framework (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?390754-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%DA%A9%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-C&p=1731994&viewfull=1#post1731994)
Apress - Windows 8 MVVM Patterns Revealed covers both C#‎‎‎ and JavaScript (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?390754-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%DA%A9%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-C&p=1731999&viewfull=1#post1731999)
O'Reilly - Programming Windows, 6th Edition: Writing Windows 8 Apps With C#‎‎‎ and XAML (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?390754-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%DA%A9%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-C&p=1732003&viewfull=1#post1732003)
#Design Patterns in C (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?390754-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%DA%A9%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-C&p=1732116&viewfull=1#post1732116)

پنج شنبه 08 فروردین 1392, 21:35 عصر

سرفصل های کتاب:

Reintroducing C#‎ - A detailed look at the language we all know
C#‎ objects in Memory
Automatic property declarations
ForEach and Iterator
The String data type
Collections explained
LINQ in C#‎
Exception Management

حجم کتاب:22.1 مگابایت

تعداد صفحات:612 صفحه


لینک دانلود:
http://expressleech.com/pkuwo5yj357n/Expert_CSharp_5.0_with_the_.NET_4.5_Framework.pdf. html

پنج شنبه 08 فروردین 1392, 21:42 عصر

سرفصل های کتاب:

Setting up Windows 8 Application Project
Implementing the View
Implementing the Model
Implementing the ViewModel
HTML5, JavaScript, and Windows 8 Applications
View, Model and ViewModel Structures in HTML5 and JavaScript

حجم کتاب:3.4 مگابایت
تعداد صفحات:172 صفحه

لینک دانلود:
http://expressleech.com/pucw3ppx07gi/Windows_8_MVVM_Patterns_Revealed_3A_covers_both_C_ _and_JavaSc_t_.pdf.html

پنج شنبه 08 فروردین 1392, 21:49 عصر

سرفصل های کتاب:

Chapter 1 Markup and Code

The First Project
Graphical Greetings
Variations in Text
Media As Well
The Code Alternatives
Images in Code
Not Even a Page

Chapter 2 XAML Syntax

The Gradient Brush in Code
Property-Element Syntax
Content Properties
The TextBlock Content Property
Sharing Brushes (and Other Resources)
Resources Are Shared
Exploring Vector Graphics
Stretching with Viewbox
A Taste of Data Binding

Chapter 3 Basic Event Handling

The Tapped Event
Routed Event Handling
Overriding the Handled Setting
Input, Alignment, and Backgrounds
Size and Orientation Changes
Bindings to Run?
Timers and Animation

Chapter 4 Presentation with Panels

The Border Element
Rectangle and Ellipse
The StackPanel
Horizontal Stacks
WhatSize with Bindings (and a Converter)
The ScrollViewer Solution
Layout Weirdness or Normalcy?
Making an E-Book
Fancier StackPanel Items
Deriving from UserControl
Creating Windows Runtime Libraries
The Wrap Alternative
The Canvas and Attached Properties
The Z-Index
Canvas Weirdness

Chapter 5 Control Interaction

The Control Difference
The Slider for Ranges
The Grid
Orientation and Aspect Ratios
Slider and the Formatted String Converter
Tooltips and Conversions
Sketching with Sliders
The Varieties of Button Experience
Defining Dependency Properties
RadioButton Tags
Keyboard Input and TextBox
Touch and Thumb

Chapter 6 WinRT and MVVM

MVVM (Brief and Simplified)
Data Binding Notifications
A View Model for ColorScroll
Syntactic Shortcuts
The DataContext Property
Bindings and TextBox
Buttons and MVVM
The DelegateCommand Class

Chapter 7 Asynchronicity

Threads and the User Interface
Working with MessageDialog
Callbacks as Lambda Functions
The Amazing await Operator
Cancelling an Asynchronous Operation
Approaches to File I/O
File Pickers and File I/O
Handling Exceptions
Consolidating Async Calls
Streamlined File I/O
Application Lifecycle Issues
Your Own Asynchronous Methods

Chapter 8 App Bars and Popups

Implementing Context Menus
The Popup Dialog
Application Bars
The Application Bar Button Style
Inside the Segoe UI Symbol Font
App Bar CheckBox and RadioButton
An App Bar for a Note Pad
Introducing XamlCruncher
Application Settings and View Models
The XamlCruncher Page
Parsing the XAML
XAML Files In and Out
The Settings Dialog
Beyond the Windows Runtime

Chapter 9 Animation

The Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation Namespace
Animation Basics
Animation Variation Appreciation
Other Double Animations
Animating Attached Properties
The Easing Functions
All-XAML Animations
Animating Custom Classes
Key Frame Animations
The Object Animation
Predefined Animations and Transitions

Chapter 10 Transforms

A Brief Overview
Rotation (Manual and Animated)
Visual Feedback
Transform Groups
The Scale Transform
Building an Analog Clock
Making an Entrance
Transform Mathematics
The Composite Transform
Geometry Transforms
Brush Transforms
Dude, Where’s My Element?
Projection Transforms
Deriving a Matrix3D

Chapter 11 The Three Templates

Data in a Button
Making Decisions
Collection Controls and the Real Use of DataTemplate
Collections and Interfaces
Tapping and Selecting
Panels and Virtualizing Panels
Custom Panels
The Item Template Bar Chart
The FlipView Control
The Basic Control Template
The Visual State Manager
Using generic.xaml
Template Parts
Custom Controls
Templates and Item Containers

Chapter 12 Pages and Navigation

Screen Resolution Issues
Scaling Issues
Snap Views
Orientation Changes
Simple Page Navigation
The Back Stack
Navigation Events and Page Restoration
Saving and Restoring Application State
Navigational Accelerators and Mouse Buttons
Passing and Returning Data
Visual Studio Standard Templates
View Models and Collections
Grouping the Items


Chapter 13 Touch, Etc.

A Pointer Roadmap
A First Dab at Finger Painting
Capturing the Pointer
Editing with a Popup Menu
Pressure Sensitivity
Smoothing the Tapers
How Do I Save My Drawings?
Real and Surreal Finger Painting
A Touch Piano
Manipulation, Fingers, and Elements
Working with Inertia
An XYSlider Control
Centered Scaling and Rotation
Single-Finger Rotation

Chapter 14 Bitmaps

Pixel Bits
Transparency and Premultiplied Alphas
A Radial Gradient Brush
Loading and Saving Image Files
Posterize and Monochromize
Saving Finger Paint Artwork
HSL Color Selection
Reverse Painting
Accessing the Pictures Library
Capturing Camera Photos

Chapter 15 Going Native

An Introduction to P/Invoke
Some Help
Time Zone Information
A Windows Runtime Component Wrapper for DirectX
DirectWrite and Fonts
Configurations and Platforms
Interpreting Font Metrics
Drawing on a SurfaceImageSource

Chapter 16 Rich Text

Private Fonts
A Taste of Glyphs
Font Files in Local Storage
Typographical Enhancements
RichTextBlock and Paragraphs
RichTextBlock Selection
RichTextBlock and Overflow
The Perils of Pagination
Rich Editing with RichEditBox
Your Own Text Input

Chapter 17 Share and Print

Settings and Popups
Sharing Through the Clipboard
The Share Charm
Basic Printing
Printable and Unprintable Margins
The Pagination Process
Custom Printing Properties
Printing a Monthly Planner
Printing a Range of Pages
Where to Do the Big Jobs?
Printing FingerPaint Art

Chapter 18 Sensors and GPS

Orientation and Orientation
Acceleration, Force, Gravity, and Vectors
Follow the Rolling Ball
The Two Norths
Inclinometer = Accelerometer + Compass
OrientationSensor = Accelerometer + Compass
Azimuth and Altitude
Bing Maps and Bing Map Tiles

Chapter 19 Pen (Also Known as Stylus)

The InkManager Collections
The Ink Drawing Attributes
Erasing and Other Enhancements
Selecting Strokes
The Yellow Pad

حجم کتاب:8.9 مگابایت
تعداد صفحات:1136 صفحه
ناشر: O'Reily

لینک دانلود
http://expressleech.com/xrcx4b9m48xz/Programming_Windows_2C_6th_Edition_3A_Writing_Wind ows_8_Apps_With_C-Sharp_and_XAML.epub.html
(http://expressleech.com/xrcx4b9m48xz/Programming_Windows_2C_6th_Edition_3A_Writing_Wind ows_8_Apps_With_C-Sharp_and_XAML.epub.html)

(http://expressleech.com/xrcx4b9m48xz/Programming_Windows_2C_6th_Edition_3A_Writing_Wind ows_8_Apps_With_C-Sharp_and_XAML.epub.html)

جمعه 09 فروردین 1392, 00:34 صبح
#Design Patterns in C
کتاب فوق العاده ایه....
برنامه نویسا حتما بخونند....
1.الگوی Singleton
الگوی Command
الگوی Adapter
الگوی Decorator
الگوی Strategy
الگوی Template method
الگوی Visitor
الگوی Observer
الگوی Builder
الگوی Chain of responsibility
الگوی Abstract factory
الگوی Factory method
الگوی Flyweight
الگوی Proxy
الگوی Facade
الگوی State
الگوی Iterator
الگوی Mediator
الگوی Memento
الگوی Prototype
الگوی Bridge
الگوی Interpreter
الگوی Composite
سورس کد
لینک (http://www.prolearn-vs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Design-Patterns-In-CSharp-www.prolearn-vs.com_.rar)

جمعه 09 فروردین 1392, 00:51 صبح
#Design Patterns in C
کتاب فوق العاده ایه....
برنامه نویسا حتما بخونند....
1.الگوی Singleton
الگوی Command
الگوی Adapter
الگوی Decorator
الگوی Strategy
الگوی Template method
الگوی Visitor
الگوی Observer
الگوی Builder
الگوی Chain of responsibility
الگوی Abstract factory
الگوی Factory method
الگوی Flyweight
الگوی Proxy
الگوی Facade
الگوی State
الگوی Iterator
الگوی Mediator
الگوی Memento
الگوی Prototype
الگوی Bridge
الگوی Interpreter
الگوی Composite
سورس کد
لینک (http://www.prolearn-vs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Design-Patterns-In-CSharp-www.prolearn-vs.com_.rar)

ممنون بابت کتاب خوبتون من لینک Mirror رو هم میزارم که اگه زمانی مشکلی برای لینک اصلی پیش اومد لینک دوم هم باشه

جمعه 09 فروردین 1392, 10:44 صبح
یه پیشنهاد برای هر کتاب یه مقدار توضیح بزارین

شنبه 28 دی 1392, 17:32 عصر
آموزش فارسی mvvm به زبان ساده (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?437170-%D8%A2%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B4-%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%DB%8C-mvvm-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B2%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%87)

یک شنبه 29 دی 1392, 16:25 عصر
دوست عزیز لینك كار نمیكنه‌

1.الگوی Singleton
الگوی Command
الگوی Adapter
الگوی Decorator
الگوی Strategy
الگوی Template method
الگوی Visitor
الگوی Observer
الگوی Builder
الگوی Chain of responsibility
الگوی Abstract factory
الگوی Factory method
الگوی Flyweight
الگوی Proxy
الگوی Facade
الگوی State
الگوی Iterator
الگوی Mediator
الگوی Memento
الگوی Prototype
الگوی Bridge
الگوی Interpreter
الگوی Composite

یک شنبه 29 دی 1392, 16:33 عصر
فارسی بذارید لطفا

دلتنگ اسمان
یک شنبه 29 دی 1392, 17:46 عصر
همه لینکها مشکل دارن .