
View Full Version : سوال: تفاوته بین jdialog,jframe,jpanel

دوشنبه 30 اردیبهشت 1392, 10:03 صبح
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تفاوته بین jdialog,jframe,jpanel

دوشنبه 30 اردیبهشت 1392, 10:21 صبح
سلام. کمی تفاوت ظاهری با هم دارن اگه دقت کنی. ولی من قبلا این سوالو توی سایت stackoverflow پرسیدم اینم جوابش:
JFrame is a normal window with its normal buttons (optionally) and decorations. JDialog on the other side does not have a maximize and minimize buttons and usually are created with JOptionPane static methods, and are better fit to make them modal (they block other components until they are closed).

But both inherit from Window, so they share much functionality.