View Full Version : تبدیل Derived Table در Tsql به LINQ

Salah Sanjabian
دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 11:22 صبح
سلام خدمت دوستان . چطور میتونم این کوئری رو تبدیل به LINQ کنم؟

/SELECT Type='OutGo',Name='SaledProductCost', Debtor= SUM(Temp.Value),Creditor=NULL

(SELECT P.FirstValue*P.FirstPurchasePrice *Units.Ratio As VALUE
Units ON P.MinUnitRef=Units.ID


FROM Factors WHERE TypeRef='Buy'

FROM dbo.Factors WHERE TypeRef='RevertBuy'

SELECT -SUM(VALUE*PurchasePrice)
FROM dbo.Products WHERE Value>0

) Temp(Value)

یه Derived Table رو چطور تو LINQ باید پیاده کرد مشکلم Derived Table بود این کدی هست که من نوشتم

(from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "Buy"
select new { Total = Factors.RealSum }

from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "RevertBuy"
select new { Total = -Factors.RealSum }

from Products in contextDB.Products
where Products.Value > 0
select new { Total = -(Products.Value * Products.PurchasePrice) }
from Products in contextDB.Products
join Units in contextDB.Units on Products.MinUnitRef equals Units.ID
select new { Total = Products.FirstValue * Products.PurchasePrice * Units.Ratio }
.Sum(s => s.Total);

دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 13:36 عصر
var temp = (
from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "Buy"
select new { Total = Factors.RealSum }
from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "RevertBuy"
select new { Total = -Factors.RealSum }
from Products in contextDB.Products
where Products.Value > 0
select new { Total = -(Products.Value * Products.PurchasePrice) }
from Products in contextDB.Products
join Units in contextDB.Units on Products.MinUnitRef equals Units.ID
select new { Total = Products.FirstValue * Products.PurchasePrice * Units.Ratio }

var result = new
Type = "OutGo",
Name = "SaledProductCost",
Debtor = temp.Sum(i => i.Total),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

Salah Sanjabian
دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 14:11 عصر
ممنون از پاسختون .
الان نتیجه (result)رو باید با این کوئری Union کنم.نشد که Concat کنم

(from Cashs in contextDB.CashBoxes
group Cashs by Cashs.ID into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = G.Sum(x => x.Amount),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

Salah Sanjabian
دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 16:28 عصر
مشکل از Creditor Property نبود چون من از اول هم Creditor رو اضافه کرده بودم و این Error رو داشتم

Error 1 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>' does not contain a definition for 'Concat' and the best extension method overload 'System.Linq.Queryable.Concat<TSource>(System.Linq.IQueryable<TSource>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>)' has some invalid arguments

Error 2 Argument 2: cannot convert from 'AnonymousType#1' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1>'

Salah Sanjabian
دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 16:40 عصر
مشکل اینه که نمیشه یه کلاس بی نام رو که هنوز لیست نشده و جز Collection نیست رو Concat کرد اینجوری میشه حلش کرد

class Helper
public string Type{get;set;}
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal? Debtor { get; set; }
public decimal? Creditor { get; set; }

IQueryable<Helper> Query = (from Cashs in contextDB.CashBoxes
group Cashs by Cashs.ID into G
select new Helper
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = G.Sum(x => x.Amount),
Creditor = (decimal?)null
from Accounts in contextDB.Accounts
group Accounts by 0 into G
select new Helper
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = (decimal?)G.Sum(x => x.CurrentSupply),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

decimal Temp = (decimal)


(from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "Buy"
select new { Total = Factors.RealSum }

from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "RevertBuy"
select new { Total = -Factors.RealSum }

from Products in contextDB.Products
where Products.Value > 0
select new { Total = -(Products.Value * Products.PurchasePrice) }
from Products in contextDB.Products
join Units in contextDB.Units on Products.MinUnitRef equals Units.ID
select new { Total = Products.FirstValue * Products.PurchasePrice * Units.Ratio }
.Sum(s => s.Total);

List<Helper> SList = Query.ToList();
SList.Add(new Helper { Type = "OutGo", Name = "SaledProductCost", Debtor = Temp, Creditor = 0 });

Salah Sanjabian
دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 20:26 عصر
دوست عزیز این کار امکان پذیر نیست و باید از روشی که تو پست 6 گفتم استفاده کرد چون نوع Var مشخص نیست و من کد شما رو امتحان کردم و این خطا رو دارم ومنطقی هم هست چون نمیتونه یه کلاس بی نام رو به یه لیست اضافه کنم

Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable<object> -

var temp = (
from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "Buy"
select new { Total = Factors.RealSum }
from Factors in contextDB.Factors
where Factors.TypeRef == "RevertBuy"
select new { Total = -Factors.RealSum }
from Products in contextDB.Products
where Products.Value > 0
select new { Total = -(Products.Value * Products.PurchasePrice) }
from Products in contextDB.Products
join Units in contextDB.Units on Products.MinUnitRef equals Units.ID
select new { Total = Products.FirstValue * Products.PurchasePrice * Units.Ratio }

var result = new
Type = "OutGo",
Name = "SaledProductCost",
Debtor = temp.Sum(i => i.Total),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

query = (from Cashs in contextDB.CashBoxes
group Cashs by Cashs.ID into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = G.Sum(x => x.Amount),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

from Accounts in contextDB.Accounts
group Accounts by 0 into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = (decimal?)G.Sum(x => x.CurrentSupply),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

دوشنبه 07 مرداد 1392, 22:30 عصر
درسته اعضای لیست و همچنین result بدون نوع هستند اما پراپرتی ها همنام و همنوع و هم تعداد هست پس میتونی به صورت زیر اضافه کنی:

var lst = (from Cashs in contextDB.CashBoxes
group Cashs by Cashs.ID into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = G.Sum(x => x.Amount),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

Salah Sanjabian
سه شنبه 08 مرداد 1392, 15:52 عصر
ممنون ولی کد شما با این کد چه فرقی داشت؟ اول tolist کردین بعد Add ولی من یه باره این کارو کردم

from Accounts in contextDB.Accounts
group Accounts by 0 into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = (decimal?)G.Sum(x => x.CurrentSupply),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

سه شنبه 08 مرداد 1392, 20:06 عصر
ممنون ولی کد شما با این کد چه فرقی داشت؟ اول tolist کردین بعد Add ولی من یه باره این کارو کردم

from Accounts in contextDB.Accounts
group Accounts by 0 into G
select new
Type = "Asset",
Name = "CashAmounts",
Debtor = (decimal?)G.Sum(x => x.CurrentSupply),
Creditor = (decimal?)null

یه اشتباه لپی بود! چون اول لیست رو باید بسازید بعد بهش اضافه کنید و همچنین اون خطا میگه متد Add مقدار بازگشتی نداره(void هستش) پس نمیتونه مساوی query قرار بگیره. به همین دلیل باید در یک خط جدا add بشه.