View Full Version : تغییر از 4:3 به 16:9

جمعه 25 مرداد 1392, 01:33 صبح
با درود . خواستم بدونم چطور میشه صفحه مانیتور 4:3 را به 16:9 تغییر بدیم.با سپاس

دوشنبه 28 مرداد 1392, 09:40 صبح
4:3 به 16:9 تغيير بدم يعني چي، نسبت صفحه نمايش يك مشخصه فيزيكي هست و به سايز مانيتور بستگي داره، چي رو مي‌خواين تغيير بدين
يكم واضح تر توضيح بديد لطفا
البته اگر منظورتون مشابه چيزي هست كه تو تلويزيون ها وجود داره بايد تو تنظيمات كارت گرافيك ويندوز ببينيد گزينه اي هست يا خير

دوشنبه 28 مرداد 1392, 10:24 صبح
منظور دوستمون اندازه صفحه نمایش از حالت سینمائی به سایز بزرگتر است . که در واقع می خواهند صفحه نمایش رو از حالت 4:3 مربعی شکل به حال 16:9 WideScreen در بیاورند .
خوب شما باید رزولیشین مانیتور رو عوض کنید در واقع فکر کنم

Option Explicit

'The EnumDisplaySettings function retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device
Private Declare Function EnumDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (ByVal lpszDeviceName As Long, ByVal iModeNum As Long, lpDevMode As Any) As Boolean

'The ChangeDisplaySettings function changes the settings of the default display device to the specified graphics mode.
Private Declare Function ChangeDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (lpDevMode As Any, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

'Logs off the interactive user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts the system.
Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long

'The GetDeviceCaps function retrieves device-specific information for the specified device.
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

'The CreateDC function creates a device context (DC) for a device using the specified name
Private Declare Function CreateDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (ByVal lpDriverName As String, ByVal lpDeviceName As String, ByVal lpOutput As String, ByVal lpInitData As Any) As Long

'The DeleteDC function deletes the specified device context (DC).
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

'Sends the specified message to a window or windows
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Private Const EWX_LOGOFF = 0 'Log Off
Private Const EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1 'Shut Down
Private Const EWX_REBOOT = 2 'Reboot
Private Const EWX_FORCE = 4 'Force Reboot

Private Const CCDEVICENAME = 32 'Device Name
Private Const CCFORMNAME = 32 'Name of the Form to use; For Example, "Letter" or "Legal"
Private Const DM_BITSPERPEL = &H40000 'Specifies the color resolution
Private Const DM_PELSWIDTH = &H80000 'Specifies the width, in pixels, of the visible device surface.
Private Const DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H100000 'Specifies the height, in pixels, of the visible device surface
Private Const BITSPIXEL = 12 'Bits per Pixel Setting

Private Const CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY = &H1 'Update Registry
Private Const CDS_TEST = &H4 'Allows an application to determine which graphics modes are actually valid, without causing the system to change to the settings.
Private Const DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL = 0 'Was The Change Successful?
Private Const DISP_CHANGE_RESTART = 1 'Does Change Require Restart?

Private Const WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = &H7E 'Display Has Changed
Private Const HWND_BROADCAST = &HFFFF& 'Broadcast to all Windows

'The DEVMODE data structure contains information about the initialization and environment of a printer or a display device.
Private Type DEVMODE
dmDeviceName As String * CCDEVICENAME
dmSpecVersion As Integer
dmDriverVersion As Integer
dmSize As Integer
dmDriverExtra As Integer
dmFields As Long
dmOrientation As Integer
dmPaperSize As Integer
dmPaperLength As Integer
dmPaperWidth As Integer
dmScale As Integer
dmCopies As Integer
dmDefaultSource As Integer
dmPrintQuality As Integer
dmColor As Integer
dmDuplex As Integer
dmYResolution As Integer
dmTTOption As Integer
dmCollate As Integer
dmFormName As String * CCFORMNAME
dmUnusedPadding As Integer
dmBitsPerPel As Integer
dmPelsWidth As Long
dmPelsHeight As Long
dmDisplayFlags As Long
dmDisplayFrequency As Long
End Type

Dim OldX As Long 'Old X Setting
Dim OldY As Long 'Old Y Setting
Dim nDC As Long 'Old Device

Sub ChangeResolution(X As Long, Y As Long, BitsPerPixel As Long)

Dim DevM As DEVMODE 'Contains DEVMODE Info
Dim ScreenInfo As Long 'Screen Info
Dim lResult As Long 'Result of Functions
Dim intAnsw As VbMsgBoxResult 'Messagebox Question

'Get DisplaySettings Information
lResult = EnumDisplaySettings(0&, 0&, DevM)

'Change Pixel Settings
DevM.dmPelsWidth = X 'Screen Width
DevM.dmPelsHeight = Y 'Screen Height
DevM.dmBitsPerPel = BitsPerPixel 'Can Be 4, 8, 16, 24, 32

'Try To Change Display Settings
lResult = ChangeDisplaySettings(DevM, CDS_TEST)

'If Succesful
Select Case lResult&

'Requires A Restart
intAnsw = MsgBox("You Must Restart To Apply These Changes." & _
vbCrLf & "Restart Now ¿", _
vbYesNo, "Screen Resolution")

If intAnsw = vbYes Then 'Restart
lResult& = ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, 0&)
End If

'Successful Without The Need Of Restart
lResult = ChangeDisplaySettings(DevM, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY)

ScreenInfo = Y * 2 ^ 16 + X

'Notify all the windows of the screen resolution change

SendMessage HWND_BROADCAST, WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, ByVal BitsPerPixel, ByVal ScreenInfo
MsgBox "Screen Resolution Changed", vbInformation, "Screen Resolution Changed"

Case Else
MsgBox "Mode Not Supported", vbOKOnly + vbSystemModal, "Error"

End Select

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim nDC As Long

'Retrieve Screen's Current Resolution
OldX = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
OldY = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

'Create Device Context Compatible With Screen
nDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", vbNullString, vbNullString, ByVal 0&)

'Change Resolution
ChangeResolution 1024, 768, GetDeviceCaps(nDC, BITSPIXEL)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

'Restore Old Resolution
ChangeResolution OldX, OldY, GetDeviceCaps(nDC, BITSPIXEL)

'Delete Device Context
DeleteDC nDC

End Sub

که شما برای تغییر در رویداد فرم_لود این مقدار رو تغییر میدید . ChangeResolution 1024, 768, GetDeviceCaps(nDC, BITSPIXEL)

اینم لیست رزولیشن ها :

List of 4:3 Monitor Resolutions
Resolution - Aspect ratio

List of 16:9 Widescreen Resolutions
Resolution - Aspect ratio

List of 16:10 Widescreen Resolutions
Resolution - Aspect ratio

سه شنبه 29 مرداد 1392, 00:47 صبح
با درود.من یه برنامه به صورت فول اسکرینس maximized تو مانیتور 4:3 درست کردم بعد وقتی اون برنامه رو تو یه مانیتو 16:9 لود کردم دیدم جای امیج ھا و لیبل ھا تغییر کرده و یه قسمت خالی تو فرم بوجود اومده.مشکل کجاست? با سپاس

سه شنبه 29 مرداد 1392, 08:28 صبح
شما بايد برنامتون رو طوري بنويسيد كه خودش رو با سايزهاي مختلف صفحه سازگار كنه
براي اينكار از متد Form_Resize استفاده كنيد و جا و اندازه اشياء رو متناسب با اندازه فرم تغيير بديد
البته كامپوننتها و سورسهاي مختلفي هم براي اينكار تو سايت هست

سه شنبه 29 مرداد 1392, 18:25 عصر
با درود و سپاس . میشه کمک کنید چطور بفهمم الآن توی مانیتور 4:3 هستم یا توی 16:9 چون من اگه رزولیشن تغییر بدم باز اشیاء تو فرم جابه جا میشن

سه شنبه 29 مرداد 1392, 19:29 عصر
حاصل عبارت زير معادل 4/3 يا 16/9 و به همين ترتيب هست
ضمنا پرانتز اول جداگانه عرض تصوير و پرانتز دوم ارتفاع تصوير رو نشون ميده
MsgBox (Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) / (Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)