View Full Version : FBI و اعتراض نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی !

پنج شنبه 27 آذر 1382, 11:00 صبح

می خواستم ذیل این عنوان قدری توضیح بدم اما احساس کردم ممکنه شائبه سیاسی بودن مطلب باعث دردسر بشه . لذا توضیح خاصی نمیدم . خودتون مطالعه کنید خصوصا پاراگراف دوم رو :roll:

Under federal law, the FBI can obtain court orders compelling telecommunications companies, ISPs, landlords and others to assist the Bureau in spying on customers. But the law requires that surveillance in such cases be conducted "unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with the services" provided by the company. With the navigation system's cellular link dedicated full time to eavesdropping, the system had no way to communicate with the company's response center if the roadside assistance or emergency reporting features were activated, according to the court's split 2-1 decision.

منبع : SecurityFocus : http://www.securityfocus.com/news/7491