View Full Version : سوال در مورد حذف Maintenance plane که برای Bankup ساختم

نیما حتمی
یک شنبه 19 آبان 1392, 15:18 عصر
با سلام

دوستان من یه maintenance plane ساختم برای بانکم که بکاپ میکیره الان اومدم پاکش کنم این اررورو میده:


چرا و چطور حلش کنم؟

یک شنبه 19 آبان 1392, 20:51 عصر
سلام.یکبار Maintenance Plan رو Refresh کنید و ببینید آیا همچنان دسترسی شما به SQL Server برقرار هست یا خیر.
انگار ارتباط شما قطع شده.

نیما حتمی
دوشنبه 20 آبان 1392, 09:40 صبح
نه دوست عزیز درست نشد.وقتی میام jobs-Backup.Subplan_1 این اررور و میده

فکر کنم مشکل امیین باشهه

دوشنبه 20 آبان 1392, 12:12 عصر
میتونید از صفحه Maintenance Plan و لیست Jobs یک عکس اینجا قرار بدید؟

چهارشنبه 07 اسفند 1392, 00:19 صبح
Here are the steps to correct the problem:
– Find the maintenance plan name and id that you want to delete.
– Write down the id of the one you want to delete.
SELECT name, id FROM msdb.dbo.sysmaintplan_plans

– Place the id of the maintenance plan you want to delete
– into the below query to delete the entry from the log table
DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.sysmaintplan_log WHERE plan_id = ‘<<id from 1st query>>’
– Place the id of the maintenance plan you want to delete
– into the below query and delete the entry from subplans table
DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.sysmaintplan_subplans WHERE plan_id = ‘<<id from 1st query>>’
– Place the id of the maintenance plan you want to delete
– into the below query to delete the entry from the plans table
DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.sysmaintplan_plans WHERE id = ‘<<id from 1st query>>’
Now you can delete the jobs from Management Studio.