View Full Version : merge کردن سلول های table استیمال رپورت با استفاده از C#

سه شنبه 21 آبان 1392, 11:09 صبح
سلام خدمت همه دوستان
چگونه می تونم تو برنامه ام table رو که در استیمال ساخته ام تعدادی از ستون های آن رو merge کنم و یا جدا کنم.
با تشکر از همه دوستان

جمعه 24 آبان 1392, 17:04 عصر
پاسخ خدمت شما عرض شد
موفق باشید

جمعه 24 آبان 1392, 19:16 عصر
سلام خدمت همه دوستان
چگونه می تونم تو برنامه ام table رو که در استیمال ساخته ام تعدادی از ستون های آن رو merge کنم و یا جدا کنم.
با تشکر از همه دوستان

به احتمال زیاد منظورتون از طریق کدنویسی هستش که بهترین را ه طراحی جدول در محیط دیزاین استیمول و استفاده از کدهای تولید شده میباشد.
مانند متال زیر :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table;
using Stimulsoft.Report;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Components;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Data.DataTable tbl = new System.Data.DataTable("f");

tbl.Columns.Add("a", typeof(float));
tbl.Columns.Add("b", typeof(float));

object[] csp = new object[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 5)
csp[0] = i;
csp[1] = 50 - i;
DataView objview = new DataView(tbl);
Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport stiReport1 = new Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport();
stiReport1.Load(System.Windows.Forms.Application.S tartupPath + "\\ReportMerge.mrt");
StiPage page = (StiPage)stiReport1.Pages[0].Page;
StiTable table = new StiTable();
table.Name = "Table1";

table.ColumnCount = 2;
table.Width = page.Width;


// Table1_Cell1
StiTableCell Cell1 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell1.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 0, 3.7, 0.3);
Cell1.ID = 0;
Cell1.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell1.Name = "Table1_Cell1";
Cell1.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell1.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell2
StiTableCell Cell2 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell2.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(3.7, 0, 3.79, 0.3);
Cell2.ID = 1;
Cell2.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell2.Name = "Table1_Cell2";
Cell2.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell2.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell3
StiTableCell Cell3 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell3.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 0.3, 3.7, 0.3);
Cell3.Enabled = false;
Cell3.ID = 2;
Cell3.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell3.Name = "Table1_Cell3";
Cell3.ParentJoin = 3;
Cell3.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell3.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell4
StiTableCell Cell4 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell4.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 0.3, 7.49, 0.3);
Cell4.ID = 3;
Cell4.Join = true;
Cell4.JoinCells = new int[] {
Cell4.JoinHeight = 1;
Cell4.JoinWidth = 2;
Cell4.Name = "Table1_Cell4";
Cell4.ParentJoin = 3;
Cell4.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell4.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
Cell4.HorAlignment = Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiTextHorAlignment.Center ;
Cell4.VertAlignment = Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiVertAlignment.Center;
Cell4.Text = "این دو تا سلول در هم ادغام شده است";
// Table1_Cell5
StiTableCell Cell5 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell5.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 0.6, 3.7, 0.3);
Cell5.ID = 4;
Cell5.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell5.Name = "Table1_Cell5";
Cell5.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell5.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell6
StiTableCell Cell6 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell6.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(3.7, 0.6, 3.79, 0.3);
Cell6.ID = 5;
Cell6.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell6.Name = "Table1_Cell6";
Cell6.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell6.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell7
StiTableCell Cell7 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell7.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 0.9, 3.7, 0.3);
Cell7.ID = 6;
Cell7.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell7.Name = "Table1_Cell7";
Cell7.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell7.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell8
StiTableCell Cell8 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell8.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(3.7, 0.9, 3.79, 0.3);
Cell8.ID = 7;
Cell8.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell8.Name = "Table1_Cell8";
Cell8.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell8.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell9
StiTableCell Cell9 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell9.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(0, 1.2, 3.7, 0.3);
Cell9.ID = 8;
Cell9.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell9.Name = "Table1_Cell9";
Cell9.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell9.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);
// Table1_Cell10
StiTableCell Cell10 = new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.Table.StiTableCell();
Cell10.ClientRectangle = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.RectangleD(3.7, 1.2, 3.79, 0.3);
Cell10.ID = 9;
Cell10.JoinCells = new int[0];
Cell10.Name = "Table1_Cell10";
Cell10.Border = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiBorder(Stimulsoft.Base. Drawing.StiBorderSides.All, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105), 1, Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiPenStyle.Solid, false, 4, new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 105, 105)));
Cell10.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawi ng.Color.Transparent);

table.Page = page;
table.Parent = page;
Cell1.Page = page;
Cell1.Parent =table;
Cell2.Page = page;
Cell2.Parent = table;
Cell3.Page = page;
Cell3.Parent = table;
Cell4.Page = page;
Cell4.Parent = table;
Cell5.Page = page;
Cell5.Parent = table;
Cell6.Page = page;
Cell6.Parent = table;
Cell7.Page = page;
Cell7.Parent = table;
Cell8.Page = page;
Cell8.Parent = table;
Cell9.Page = page;
Cell9.Parent = table;
Cell10.Page = page;
Cell10.Parent = table;
// Add to Table1.Components
table.Components.AddRange(new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.StiComponent[] {
// Add to Page1.Components
page.Components.AddRange(new Stimulsoft.Report.Components.StiComponent[] {

// stiReport1.RegData("viewTest", objview);
// stiReport1.Design();

بجای پیام خصوصی کدها را از طریق همین تاپیک ارسال کردم شاید به درد کس دیگه ای هم خورد
موفق باشید

جمعه 24 آبان 1392, 19:46 عصر
استیمیول شنیده بودیم.ولی استیمال نه.

جمعه 24 آبان 1392, 20:26 عصر
تو چقدر میفهمی.
من به تلفظ بریتیش افتضاحش اشاره کردم که یعنی "اگر بخواهی غلط تلفظ کنی باید بگی فلان.اینی که داری میگی از غلط هم بدتره."

جمعه 24 آبان 1392, 21:03 عصر
تو چقدر میفهمی.خیلیکاملا مشخصه.چون
۱.من سوال نکردم که جواب بدی.
۲.وسط quote جواب نمیدن.