View Full Version : سوال: سوال درباره ی نشان دادن آی پی

سه شنبه 21 آبان 1392, 16:00 عصر
سلام دوباره.
معذرت من یک سورسی دارم که باهاش تا دیشب هر سایتی رو که چک می کردم آی پی می داد اما الان نمیده دیگه!
مشکل از چیه؟!

'Get the HTML source code to the webpage.
strHTML = Inet1.OpenURL("http://www.showmyip.gr/")

'Check if the server returned any data.
If Len(strHTML) > 0 Then
'Extract the IPs.sss
Set colIPs = ExtractIPs(strHTML)

' X = colIPs.Count & IIf(colIPs.Count, " IP found.", " IPs found.")
End If
For intLoop = 1 To colIPs.Count
x = colIPs.Item(intLoop)
Label1.Caption = x
Next intLoop

Option Explicit

Private Function IsIP(ByRef Text As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim strBuff() As String, intLoop As Integer
Dim bytOctect As Byte

strBuff() = Split(Text, ".")

If UBound(strBuff()) = 3 Then
bytOctect = CByte(strBuff(0))
bytOctect = CByte(strBuff(1))
bytOctect = CByte(strBuff(2))
bytOctect = CByte(strBuff(3))

IsIP = True
End If

Erase strBuff()

Exit Function


End Function

'Find next non-numeric character going backwords.
Private Function NextNonNumBack(ByRef Text As String, ByVal Start As Long) As Long
Dim lonLoop As Long, strCur As String

For lonLoop = Start To 1 Step -1
strCur = Mid$(Text, lonLoop, 1)
If Not IsNumeric(strCur) And Not strCur = "." Then
NextNonNumBack = lonLoop
Exit For
End If
Next lonLoop

End Function

'Find next non-numeric character going forwards (excludes periods (.)).
Private Function NextNonNumFor(ByRef Text As String, ByVal Start As Long) As Long
Dim lonLoop As Long, lonLen As Long
Dim strCur As String

lonLen = Len(Text)

For lonLoop = Start To lonLen
strCur = Mid$(Text, lonLoop, 1)

If Not IsNumeric(strCur) And Not strCur = "." Then
NextNonNumFor = lonLoop
Exit For
End If
Next lonLoop

End Function

Public Function ExtractIPs(ByRef HTML As String, _
Optional ByVal ReturnAll As Boolean = False) As Collection

'Tested for errors before this.
'This is just used to prevent duplicates.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim lonLoop As Long, lonLen As Long
Dim lonStart As Long, lonEnd As Long
Dim strTemp As String, lonIPStart As Long
Dim colRet As Collection

'Find .
lonStart = InStr(1, HTML, ".")
Set colRet = New Collection

Do While lonStart > 0
lonIPStart = NextNonNumBack(HTML, lonStart)

If lonIPStart > 0 Then
lonIPStart = lonIPStart + 1
lonEnd = NextNonNumFor(HTML, lonStart)

If lonEnd > 0 Then
strTemp = Mid$(HTML, lonIPStart, lonEnd - lonIPStart)

If Len(strTemp) > 0 Then
If IsIP(strTemp) Then
colRet.Add strTemp, "Your IP is:" & strTemp

If Not ReturnAll Then Exit Do
End If
End If

Exit Do
End If

Exit Do
End If

lonStart = InStr(lonEnd, HTML, ".")

Set ExtractIPs = colRet
Set colRet = Nothing

Exit Function

Resume Next
End Function


سه شنبه 21 آبان 1392, 20:52 عصر
دوست عزیز بهترین کاری که میتونی بکنی اینه ی هاست رایگان بگیری روش ی فایل پی اچ پی ایجاد کن و به طور مثال بنویس

$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ;
Echo "Your IP is " . $ip;

به این طریق با مراجعه به اون فایل آیپی اصلی اینترنتت رو میتونی بگیری

به طور مثال شما الان برو به آدرس زیر ( که البته موقتی گذاشتم )

شنبه 02 آذر 1392, 16:40 عصر
سلام دوست گلم

فایل زیر رو دانلود کنید، امیدوارم که مشکلتون حل بشه.

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