View Full Version : پلیس اینترنتی انگلستان بر علیه UnderAge Pornography

پنج شنبه 04 دی 1382, 11:56 صبح

پنج شنبه 04 دی 1382, 12:01 عصر
اینم نظر یکی از نویسندگان همون وب سایت در مورد این حرکت :

to lure a hardened pedo (no pun intended) they need provocative pictures...otherwise they are just a dumb lame site with teasers and no substance. But under most laws the police are not allowed to break the law - hence their trap would not be able to show explicit pictures to lure the pedos. And once the fly is deep into their trap they say they will spring on them a screen that says 'You are busted... this site is run by the cops blah blah blah...". Which any smart pedo would than rush about deleting his hard drive and sanitizing it before any cops show up at his home. Are they working with IP's to ID the pedo ? Well pedos use anonomous proxies just like hackers. Are they using credit card details to ID the pedo ? It would be a dumb pedo that doesn't use a stolen credit card. It seems this pedo trap and Press Release are more intended to make pedo's paranoid than to actually catch any of them. And I guess that is a good thing... at least they may catch a few of the dumb pedos as well...

جمعه 05 دی 1382, 04:14 صبح
مثل این میمونه که یه کیف پول تو خیابون بندازن و هر کس که اونرو برداشت دستگیر و زندانی کنن. بیشتر به دوربین مخفی میخوره. خلاصه خیلی مسخره س.