View Full Version : آموزش: نحوه نصب کامپوننت UniDAC_5.3.9 دلفی XE5 Update2 (زبان اصلی)

چهارشنبه 14 خرداد 1393, 04:52 صبح
Installing UniDAC for Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 using make-filesPerform the following steps:

Go to the UniDAC\Source\Delphi19 directory.
Find in the 'Make.bat' line containing
set IdeDir="%PROGRAMFILES%\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0
and make sure that correct path to IDE is set (always include forward quote and do not include ending quote).

Run 'Make.bat'. Binaries will be copied to the Bin, Include, and Lib subdirectories of the UniDAC directory:
*.bpl files for 32-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\Win32 directory.
*.bpl files for 64-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\Win64 directory.
*.dylib files for 32-bit Mac OS will be copied to the UniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\OSX32 directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, *.bpi, *.lib, and *.res files for 32-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win32 directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, and *.res files for 64-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win64 directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, *.bpi, *.a, and *.res files for 32-bit Mac OS will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\OSX32 directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, *.a, and *.res files for the iOS simulator will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSSimulator directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, *.a, *.o, and *.res files for the iOS device will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSDevice directory.
*.dcu, *.dcp, *.a, *.o, and *.res files for Android will be copied to the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Android directory.
*.hpp files for 32-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\Win32 directory.
*.hpp files for 64-bit Windows will be copied to the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\Win64 directory.
*.hpp files for 32-bit Mac OS will be copied to the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\OSX32 directory.
*.hpp files for iOS simulator will be copied to the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\iOSSimulator directory.
*.hpp files for iOS device will be copied to the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\iOSDevice directory.

If you are using 32-bit Windows, copy UniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\Win32\*.bpl files to the System32 directory. If you are using 64-bit Windows, copy UniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\Win32\*.bpl files to the SysWOW64 directory andUniDAC\Bin\Delphi19\Win64\*.bpl files to the System32 directory.
Run Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5.
Install the dclunidac190.bpl UniDAC design-time package. For this, open the "Component->Install Packages" Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 main menu and add the System32\dclunidac190.bpl (if you are using 32-bit Windows) orSysWOW64\dclunidac190.bpl (if you are using 64-bit Windows) package using the Add button.
Install the dclunidacfmx190.bpl UniDAC FireMonkey design-time package. For this, open the "Component->Install Packages" Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 main menu and add the System32\dclunidacfmx190.bpl (if you are using 32-bit Windows) or SysWOW64\dclunidacfmx190.bpl (if you are using 64-bit Windows) package using the Add button.

NOTE: To compile UniDAC based Delphi XE5 applications, add the UniDAC\Source directory to "Library Path" for all platforms you want to work with (32-bit Windows, 64-bit Windows, Mac OS, iOS simulator, iOS device, Android). If you want to use precompiled Source Code, add the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win32 directory to "Library Path" for the 32-bit Windows platform, the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win64 directory to "Library Path" for the 64-bit Windows platform, theUniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\OSX32 directory to "Library Path" for the Mac OS platform, the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSSimulator directory to "Library Path" for the iOS sumulator, the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSDevice directory to "Library Path" for the iOS device, and the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Android directory to "Library Path" for Android.
To compile UniDAC based C++Builder XE5 applications, add the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\Win32 directory to "Include Path" and the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win32 directory to "Library Path" for the 32-bit Windows platform, theUniDAC\Include\Delphi19\Win64 directory to "Include Path" and the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\Win64 directory to "Library Path" for the 64-bit Windows platform, the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\OSX32 directory to "Include Path" and theUniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\OSX32 directory to "Library Path" for the Mac OS platform, the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\iOSSimulator directory to "Include Path" and the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSSimulator directory to "Library Path" for the iOS simulator, and the UniDAC\Include\Delphi19\iOSDevice directory to "Include Path" and the UniDAC\Lib\Delphi19\iOSDevice directory to "Library Path" for the iOS Device.

اگه کسی جاییش رو متوجه نشد بگه تا توضیح بدم

البته ماشالله همه دوستان وارد هستند

چهارشنبه 14 خرداد 1393, 05:17 صبح
این نسخه (UniDAC_5.3.9) تازه توسط Devart کمپانی ، ارائه شده است



http://www.devart.com/unidac/images/schema-unidac.png (http://www.devart.com/unidac/)


چهارشنبه 14 خرداد 1393, 05:19 صبح
اصلاحات نسخه جدید : (5.3.9)

5.3.9 27-May-14

Bug with compilation in C++Builder is fixed
Bug with setting boolean parameters in a non-English IDE at design-time is fixed
Bug with AV failure on fetching records in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
Bug with finding master parameters by original name on refreshing record when using master/detail relationship by parameters is fixed
Bug with missing SmartFetch option is fixed

Oracle data provider

Named parameters on generating procedure call are supported
Bug with invalid behavior in multithreaded applications is fixed
Bug with AV on appending a record with BLOB if DataSet was reopened is fixed
Bug with SQL query for indexes retrieving is fixed
Bug with instant client is fixed

SQLServer data provider

Bug with unnecessary update of all fields when using server cursor is fixed
Bug with AV failure on appending new records when using server cursor and CursorUpdate = False is fixed
Bug with hanging application on closing dataset with non-fetched records is fixed

InterBase data provider

Bug with transaction handling when executing a stored procedure is fixed
Bug with incorrect table alias names detection is fixed
Bug with incorrect DECIMAL fields mapping is fixed

ODBC data provider

Bug with repeated call of the Execute method on error is fixed.

ASE data provider

Ability to set HostName is added

MSAccess data provider

The bug with tables, which names start with numbers, is fixed

چهارشنبه 14 خرداد 1393, 12:02 عصر
نسخه رایگانش را کسی ندارد به ما بدهد آیا؟ :ناراحت:

چهارشنبه 14 خرداد 1393, 17:14 عصر
نسخه رایگانش را کسی ندارد به ما بدهد آیا؟ :ناراحت:

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