View Full Version : تبدیل این کلاس به pdo چجوریه؟

پنج شنبه 19 تیر 1393, 23:37 عصر
class DB {
* @property Resource The connection field
protected $con;

* Database constructor
* Initializes the object and connects to MySQL
public function __construct() {
$this->con = mysql_connect(HOST, USER, PASS) or die('Connection error');
mysql_select_db(NAME, $this->con) or die('Database error');
$this->Query('SET NAMES \'utf8\'');

* How many rows affected?
* @return The number of affected rows by the last excuted query
public function AffectedRows() {
if($this->con) {
return mysql_affected_rows($this->con);
return 0;

* Executes a select query and return the result as standard PHP array
* @param string $query The select query to execute
* @return array The result array
public function ArrayQuery($query) {
$result = array();
if($this->con) {
$rows = $this->Query($query);
if($rows && mysql_num_rows($rows) > 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rows)) {
$result[] = $row;
return $result;

* Escape a value to use safely in queries
* @param string $value The value to escape
* @return string|boolean The escaped value if connection exists, false otherwise
public function Escape($value) {
if($this->con) {
return mysql_real_escape_string($value, $this->con);
return false;

* Execute a query and return the result as a MySQL resource
* @param string $query The query to execute
* @return resource|boolean The result resource if connection exists, false otherwise
public function Query($query) {
if($this->con) {
return mysql_query($query, $this->con);
return false;

نتونستم تبدیل کنم
اینجوری شد

class DB {
* @property Resource The connection field
protected $con;
private $dsn;

* Database constructor
* Initializes the object and connects to MySQL
public function __construct() {

/*$this->con = mysql_connect(HOST, USER, PASS) or die('Connection error');
mysql_select_db(NAME, $this->con) or die('Database error');
$this->Query('SET NAMES \'utf8\'');

$this->dsn = "mysql:host=HOST;dbname=NAME";
$this->con =new PDO($this->dsn,USER,PASS,array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND=>'SET NAMES utf8'));

* How many rows affected?
* @return The number of affected rows by the last excuted query
public function AffectedRows() {
if($this->con) {
return mysql_affected_rows($this->con);
//return $this->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();
return 0;


جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 00:04 صبح
درود و ...
نیازی به تبدیل نیست من این شکلی نوشتم.

class DB extends PDO {

* Database Informations
* @var type
public $connection;
public $host;
public $username;
public $password;
public $db;
public $dsn;

* PDO Database Connection
* @param type $username
* @param type $password
* @param type $host
* @param type $db
public function __construct() {
if ($this->connection == NULL && !is_resource($this->connection)) {
$this->host = DB_HOSTNAME;
$this->username = DB_USERNAME;
$this->password = DB_PASSWORD;
$this->db = DB_TRUENAME;
$this->dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $this->host . ';dbname=' . $this->db . ';';
try {
$this->connection = parent::__construct($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password);
$this->prepare("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
} catch (PDOException $err) {
$this->connection = NULL;
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

public function __destruct() {

* PDO Close Connaction
public function PDOClose() {
$this->connection = NULL;


جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 00:50 صبح
اون سه تابع اخرو کی بکار میبرین؟
چرا تو خط 31 گرفتید utf8 رو prepare کردین؟

جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 01:18 صبح
نحوه استفاده از اون کلاس بالا تو این کلاس چجوریه؟
یدونشو مثلا بزنید بقیشو انجام میدم

class Product extends DB implements CRUD {

public function Create($params = array()) {
if(isset($params['name'], $params['cat_id'])) {
$name = $this->Escape($params['name']);
$cat_id = $this->Escape($params['cat_id']);
$description = (isset($params['description']) ? '\'' . $this->Escape($params['description']) : 'NULL');
$price = (isset($params['price']) ? $this->Escape($params['price']) : 0);
$hidden = (isset($params['hidden']) ? $this->Escape($params['hidden']) : 0);
$this->Query("INSERT INTO `products` VALUES (NULL,'{$cat_id}','{$name}',{$description},'{$pric e}','{$hidden}')");
return $this->AffectedRows();

public function Read($params = array()) {
if(count($params) == 0) {
return $this->ArrayQuery('SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (`hidden`=\'0\') ORDER BY `name`');
if(isset($params['id'])) {
$id = $this->Escape($params['id']);
$product = $this->ArrayQuery("SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (`id`='{$id}' AND `hidden`='0') ORDER BY `name`");
return (count($product) > 0 ? $product[0] : $product);
$query = 'SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (1=1';
if(isset($params['cat_id'])) {
$cat_id = $this->Escape($params['cat_id']);
$query .= " AND `cat_id`='{$cat_id}'";
if(isset($params['name'])) {
$name = $this->Escape($params['name']);
$query .= " AND `name` LIKE '%{$name}%'";
if(isset($params['description'])) {
$description = $this->Escape($params['description']);
$query .= " AND `description` LIKE '%{$description}%'";
if(isset($params['price'])) {
$price = $this->Escape($params['price']);
$query .= " AND `price`='{$price}'";
$query .= ' AND `hidden`=\'0\') ORDER BY `name`';
return $this->ArrayQuery($query);

public function Update($params = array()) {
if(isset($params['id'])) {
$id = $this->Escape($params['id']);
$query = 'UPDATE `product` SET `id`=`id`';
if(isset($params['name'])) {
$name = $this->Escape($params['name']);
$query .= ",`name`='{$name}'";
if(isset($params['description'])) {
$description = $this->Escape($params['description']);
$query .= ",`description`='{$description}'";
if(isset($params['price'])) {
$price = $this->Escape($params['price']);
$query .= ",`price`='{$price}'";
if(isset($params['hidden'])) {
$hidden = $this->Escape($params['hidden']);
$query .= ",`hidden`='{$hidden}'";
$query .= " WHERE (`id`='{$id}')";
return $this->AffectedRows();

public function Delete($id) {
$id = $this->Escape($id);
$this->Query("DELETE FROM `product` WHERE (`id`='{$id}')");
return $this->AffectedRows();

جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 16:43 عصر
کسی نیست برای قسمت read توضیح بده؟
بقیشو میتونم انجام اگه یکیو بفهمم

جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 19:43 عصر

class db extends PDO {

public function __construct() {
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=pdo;host=localhost';


public function Create($params = array()) {

if(isset($params['name'], $params['cat_id'])) {
$cat_id = $params['cat_id'];
$name = $params['name'];
$description = (isset($params['description']) ? $params['description'] : 'NULL');
$price = (isset($params['price']) ? $params['price'] : 0);
$hidden = (isset($params['hidden']) ? $params['hidden'] : 0);

$stmt=$this->prepare("INSERT INTO `product` VALUES (NULL,:cat_id,:name,:description,:price,:hidden)");
':cat_id' =>$cat_id,
':name' =>$name,
':description' =>$description,
':price' =>$price,
':hidden' =>$hidden,
return $stmt->rowCount();

public function Read($params = array()) {
if(count($params) == 0) {
$stmt=$this->query('SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (`hidden`=\'0\') ORDER BY `name`');
return $stmt->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(isset($params['id'])) {
$id = $params['id'];
$stmt = $this->prepare("SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (`id`=:id AND `hidden`='0') ORDER BY `name`");
return (count($product) > 0 ? $product[0] : $product);

$query = 'SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE (1=1 ';
$param = array();
if(isset($params['cat_id'])) {
$query .= " AND `cat_id`= ? ";
if(isset($params['name'])) {
$query .= " AND `name` LIKE ? ";
if(isset($params['description'])) {
$query .= " AND `description` LIKE ? ";

if(isset($params['price'])) {
$query .= " AND `price`= ? ";

$query .= ' AND `hidden`=\'0\') ORDER BY `name` ';
$stmt = $this->prepare($query);
return $stmt->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

public function Update($params = array()) {
if(isset($params['id'])) {
$param[] = $params['id'];
$query = 'UPDATE `product` SET `id`= ?';

if(isset($params['cat_id'])) {
$param[] = $params['cat_id'];
$query .= ",`cat_id`= ?";

if(isset($params['name'])) {
$param[] = $params['name'];
$query .= ",`name`= ?";
if(isset($params['description'])) {
$param[]= $params['description'];
$query .= ",`description`= ?";
if(isset($params['price'])) {
$param[]= $params['price'];
$query .= ",`price`= ?";
if(isset($params['hidden'])) {
$query .= ",`hidden`= ?";
$param[] = $params['id'];
$query .= " WHERE (`id`= ?)";
$stmt = $this->prepare($query);
return $stmt->rowCount();

public function Delete($id) {
$stmt = $this->prepare("DELETE FROM `product` WHERE `id`=:id ");

return $stmt->rowCount();



$db=new db();

$result = $db->Read($data);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($result,true) .'</pre>';

'name' =>'name1',
$result = $db->Read($data);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($result,true) .'</pre>';

'cat_id' =>3,
'name' =>'name3',
'price' =>3000,
'hidden' =>0,
echo 'ok';

'id' =>1,
'cat_id' =>10,

echo 'ok';

echo 'ok';

جمعه 20 تیر 1393, 20:09 عصر
مشکلی که نیست؟؟

یک شنبه 22 تیر 1393, 11:46 صبح
حل شد ......

یک شنبه 22 تیر 1393, 13:07 عصر
میتونید تو پروژه هاتون از این کلاس استفاده کنید خیلی سریع و امنه.اینم لینکش (http://medoo.in/)