View Full Version : مشکل در کار با کامپوننت awesomium

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 04:00 صبح
با سلام ،
من میخوام با این وب براوزر به یه پ.ر.و.ک.س.ی وصل بشم تو خود سایتش گشتم چیزی پیدا نکردم تو گوگل هم قطعه کد زر رو پیدا کردم که بعد از اجرا کردن برنامه با ارور زیر مواجه میشم خواهشاً کسی میدونه مشکلش چیه ؟
WebPreferences ds = new WebPreferences();
ds.ProxyConfig = ""; //настройки сессии
using (WebSession session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(ds)) // сессия
webControl1.WebSession = session;
webControl1.Source = new Uri("https://www.google.com");

و اینم ارور
کسی خواست تست کنه بگه کامپوننت رو هم بزارم ممنون

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 04:12 صبح
بذار من تست کنم،البته تا الان اصن باهاش کار نکردم اما شاید بشه فهمید مشکل کجاست.

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 04:47 صبح
بذار من تست کنم،البته تا الان اصن باهاش کار نکردم اما شاید بشه فهمید مشکل کجاست.

خیلی ممنون تست کن اگه Dll شو خواستی بگو بزارم

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 06:46 صبح
خیلی ممنون تست کن اگه Dll شو خواستی بگو بزارم
آقا من تلاشمو کردم ولی نشد :ناراحت: اصن هیچ داکیمونتی برای سی شارپ نداره ! باید تک تک بشینید همه رو تست کنید یا حداقل یک نمونه مشابه از این کامپوننت ها دیده باشید

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 09:15 صبح
این سایت رو شما دیدید؟!

یا این
http://wiki.awesomium.net/general-use/using-web-sessions.html#assigning_to_a_webcontrol_programmat ically

Setting Up on Windows

Before We Begin

This tutorial assumes that you are developing for the .NET Framework. If you want to use Awesomium with a C++‎‎ Application, then you’ll need to follow our C++‎‎ tutorial instead.


You will need the following:

[*=left]The latest Awesomium SDK for Windows (download it here (http://www.awesomium.com/download/))
[*=left]Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 (or any of the free Express editions)

Installing the SDK

If you have a previous version of the Awesomium SDK installed, you can update to the latest version by executing Check for Updates under the Awesomium SDK Start Menu folder.

During installation, you will be asked to select the installation folder of the SDK.

Typical installation will:

[*=left]Install the native Awesomium libraries and C++‎‎ headers.
[*=left]Install the Awesomium.NET assemblies in GAC and on disk.
[*=left]Deploy documentation and support files.
[*=left]Deploy the Awesomium (C++‎‎) Samples.
[*=left]Deploy the Awesomium.NET Samples.

Select Custom installation to choose if you want to:

[*=left]Deploy the Awesomium (C++‎‎) Samples.
[*=left]Deploy the Awesomium.NET Samples.
[*=left]Deploy Awesomium.NET redistribution modules for Windows installer.

Installation Folder

If you have not specified a custom installation folder during installation, the default installation folder of the SDK (hereafter, %SDKFolder% or just %%) is:
%ProgramFiles%\Awesomium Technologies LLC\Awesomium SDK\1.7.x.x

If you have been updating from version 1.6.x, the Awesomium Technologies LLC folder may be named Khrona LLC. The automatic updater does not > change the root folder for consistency reasons.

Folder Structure of the SDK

The installer creates the following folders in the installation directory:

[*=left]build/bin: Contains DLLs that you will need to bundle with your application.
[*=left]build/lib: Contains static libraries used by C++‎‎ applications.
[*=left]include: Contains headers used by C++‎‎ applications.
[*=left]wrappers/Awesomium.NET: Contains the assemblies, documentation and support files for the official .NET bindings (Awesomium.NET).

Awesomium.NET Assemblies

The Awesomium.NET assemblies and their native dependencies, are installed to the system’s Global Assembly Cache (GAC) by default, when you install the SDK.

These files are also available on disk, under:
Below is a list of those files and a short description for them:


This is the core assembly of Awesomium.NET. It must be referenced by all projects using Awesomium. The core assembly is linked at compilation to all the necessary native Awesomium libraries.

[*=left]Awesomium.Core.dll (Core assembly)
[*=left]Awesomium.Core.XML (XML Documentation used by VS IntelliSense)
[*=left]inspector.pak (Awesomium Inspector assets)


The WPF assembly includes the WPF WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Controls_WebControl) other controls and utilities for using Awesomium in a WPF application.


Windows Forms

The Windows Forms assembly includes the Windows Forms WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebControl) other controls and utilities for using Awesomium in a Windows Forms application.


The Design subfolder

This folder contains the design assemblies, used to provide design-time features for the Awesomium.NET components, in Visual Studio 2010 & Visual Studio 2012.


If you have used the Windows Installer to install the SDK, these assemblies must already be in your system’s GAC.

The Packed subfolder

This folder contains a build of the Awesomium.Core.dll assembly, that has been linked to the packed (compressed) native libraries available under %SDKFolder%\build\bin\packed\.

If you want to use the packed (compressed) native libraries with your projects, you will have to use this version of Awesomium.Core.dll instead of the one under Assemblies (or the one deployed in GAC).

To use this assembly and the packed (compressed) native dependencies, follow the steps below:

Follow the steps in Distributing Awesomium.NET - Manual Deployment (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/redist.html#clickonce_or_manual_deployment), to make sure the Awesomium.NET assemblies are copied to your project’s output directory, when you build your project.

Build your project. All Awesomium.NET assemblies including the necessary native Awesomium libraries, will be copied to your output directory.

When you are ready to deploy your application, copy the following files alongside your executable, overwriting the ones already there:

[*=left]%%\wrappers\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies\Packed\Awesom ium.Core.dll

You can perform this operation automatically, by using a Post Build event in Visual Studio.

Note: Awesomium.NET 1.7.x, targets the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile.

Awesomium.NET Samples

Samples for Awesomium.NET 1.7, are deployed under:
%PublicDocuments%\Awesomium SDK Samples\1.7.x.x\Awesomium.NET\Samples
There are samples available for all desktop technologies (Console, WPF and Windows Forms) and the C#‎‎ and VB.NET languages. The structure of the Awesomium.NET\Samples folder, follows the technology\language scheme.

Building the Samples

To build the included samples, follow these steps:

[*=left]Open Visual Studio.
[*=left]Select File -> Open -> Project/Solution and navigate to the samples folder (see above).
[*=left]Open the Awesomium.NET Samples.sln solution.
[*=left]From the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution.

If you are using any of the Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 Express editions, you will have to open the individual projects, depending on the edition you use.

The default Output Directories of the included samples, are:

Debug Mode:

%PubDocs%\Awesomium SDK Samples\1.7.x.x\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies\Debug Release Mode:

%PubDocs%\Awesomium SDK Samples\1.7.x.x\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies\Release Examining the Samples

You should go through the source code of the included samples. Most of the code in samples is commented and can be used as a fast tutorial to start working with Awesomium.NET.

Set up a Project

To start working with Awesomium.NET 1.7.x, follow these steps:

[*=left]Create a new .NET Framework Windows project.
[*=left]Make sure your project targets either .NET 4 Framework Client Profile or the full .NET Framework 4.
[*=left]Make sure the target platform of your project is x86.

Depending on the technology you use, in addition to the aforementioned steps, follow the steps bellow.

Windowless Applications

For a Console application (or any non-GUI application that uses only the Core features of Awesomium, such as a Windows Service):

[*=left]From the Project menu, select Add Reference
[*=left]In the Add Reference dialog, click on Browse and navigate to the %SDKFolder%\wrappers\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies folder.
[*=left]Add a reference to the Awesomium.Core.dll assembly.

Note: You do not need to manually add references to your project when using any of the Awesomium.NET WPF or Windows Forms controls. All necessary references will be added automatically to your project, when you drag & drop an Awesomium.NET WPF or Windows Forms control to a UI container in the Visual Studio designer. For specific technologies, read the sections below.

Note: The Awesomium.Core.dll assembly, does not contain any components that can be used in a designer.

WPF Applications

For a WPF application:

[*=left]Open the design view of a Window or Control.
[*=left]Open the Toolbox window.
[*=left]You should be able to see the Awesomium.NET tab (if you do not see the Awesomium.NET tab, read the Visual Studio Toolbox (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/setting-up-on-windows.html#visual_studio_toolbox) section below).
[*=left]The tab must contain the following components:

WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Controls_WebControl)
WebPageInfoControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Controls_WebPageInfoContro l)

[*=left]Drag & drop the WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Controls_WebControl) to your Window or Control. This will also add the necessary references to your project and activate design-time features.

For more details, read the Using the WPF WebControl (http://wiki.awesomium.net/wpf/webcontrol.html) article.

Windows Forms Applications

For a Windows Forms application:

[*=left]Open the design view of a Window or Control.
[*=left]Open the Toolbox window.
[*=left]You should be able to see the Awesomium.NET tab (if you do not see the Awesomium.NET tab, read the Visual Studio Toolbox (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/setting-up-on-windows.html#visual_studio_toolbox) section below).
[*=left]The tab must contain the following components:

WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebControl)
WebSessionProvider (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebSessionProvider)
AddressBox (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_AddressBox)
WebControlContextMenu (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebControlContextMen u) (Only used when you want to extend the default context menu)

[*=left]Drag & drop the WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebControl) to your form. This will also add the necessary references to your project and activate design-time features.

For more details, read the Using the Windows Forms WebControl (http://wiki.awesomium.net/winforms/webcontrol.html) article.

Awesomium.NET Namespaces

Finally, in your code files, depending on the technology you develop for, you will have to import (using) any of the available Awesomium.NET namespaces. These are:

[*=left]Awesomium.Core (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=N_Awesomium_Core) (Core features, WebView (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Core_WebView) etc.)
[*=left]Awesomium.Core.Data (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=N_Awesomium_Core_Data) (DataSource (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Core_Data_DataSource) wrappers)
[*=left]Awesomium.Windows.Controls (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=N_Awesomium_Windows_Controls) (WPF WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Controls_WebControl), other controls, surfaces and Utilities)
[*=left]Awesomium.Windows.Data (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=N_Awesomium_Windows_Data) (WPF DataSource (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Core_Data_DataSource) providers for use in XAML)
[*=left]Awesomium.Windows.Forms (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=N_Awesomium_Windows_Forms) (Windows Forms WebControl (http://docs.awesomium.net/?tc=T_Awesomium_Windows_Forms_WebControl), other controls, surfaces and Utilities)

Visual Studio Toolbox

If for any reason you do not see the Awesomium.NET tab in the Toolbox window of Visual Studio when the WPF or Windows Forms designer view is open or if the contents of the Toolbox are accidentally corrupted, you can restore the Awesomium.NET tab and its contents by following these steps:

[*=left]Close Visual Studio.
[*=left]Execute the Setup.exe utility under %SDKFolder%\wrappers\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies.
[*=left]Click on Uninstall.
[*=left]When the operation completes and the Setup utility exits, open Visual Studio.
[*=left]Make sure you open the Toolbox window. You do not need to have a project loaded. Just opening the Toolbox window is enough for Visual Studio to read the relevant registry keys and update its contents.
[*=left]Close Visual Studio.
[*=left]Execute the Setup.exe utility under %SDKFolder%\wrappers\Awesomium.NET\Assemblies again.
[*=left]Click on Install. This will re-install the assemblies in GAC and restore the necessary registry keys to add the Awesomium.NET components in the Visual Studio Toolbox.

Next time you start Visual Studio and open the Toolbox window, its contents will be updated and you should be able to see the Awesomium.NET tab when the WPF or Windows Forms designer view is open.

Distributing Awesomium.NET

When working on a system where the Awesomium SDK is installed, projects that use Awesomium.NET reference the Awesomium.NET assemblies and native Awesomium libraries deployed in your system’s GAC by the SDK’s installer.

To distribute your application, you must make sure all the necessary references are deployed with your executable to the target system.

For details, read the Distributing Awesomium.NET (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/redist.html) article.

Read some more articles

[*=left]Basic Concepts (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/basic-concepts.html)
[*=left]What’s New in the latest release (http://wiki.awesomium.net/changelogs/whats-new.html)
[*=left]Distributing Awesomium.NET (http://wiki.awesomium.net/getting-started/redist.html)

Additional Resources

[*=left]Awesomium.NET Online API Reference (http://docs.awesomium.net)
[*=left]Community Forums (http://answers.awesomium.com/spaces/11/)
[*=left]Codeplex (http://awesomium.codeplex.com/)

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 10:38 صبح
این سایت رو شما دیدید؟!

یا این
http://wiki.awesomium.net/general-use/using-web-sessions.html#assigning_to_a_webcontrol_programmat ically

Setting Up on Windows

بله ،چون منم از توی گوگل باید کامپوننت رو برای دانلود پیدا میکردم:لبخندساده:
اول اون آدرس CodePlex رو من چک کردم و مثالشو دانلود کردم که خطا داد،در نظرات نوشته بودند که با آخرین SDK مشکل داره و برای همین دیگه خیلی پیگیر نشدم که حتما 5،6 تا خطایی که داده رو بررسی کنم ( البته احتمال داره اون نفر خودش اشتباه کرده بوده ).این توضیحات رو هم موقع پیدا کردن لینک دیدم اما مربوط به نصب هست که نیازی به انجام دستی آن وجود ندارد و یک برنامه نصب داره.
اون یکی لینک رو هم رفته بودم،فقط اشتباه کردم مستقیما توی آموزش های Windows Form در این آدرس http://wiki.awesomium.net/winforms/webcontrol.html رفتم که هنوز خالی هست.دیگه چک نکردم توی بخش General هم توضیحاتی گذاشته اند.
ایشاالله دوستمون با خوندن لینکی که گذاشتید،مشکلش حل میشه ،اون آخراش در مورد این خطا توضیح داده:لبخند:

پنج شنبه 02 مرداد 1393, 14:53 عصر
از دوستان که پیگیر شدن ممنون ، خودم زیاد سرچ کردم ولی متاسفانه بی فایده بود بازم تشکر :قلب: