View Full Version : حرفه ای: مرتب سازی خارجی

جمعه 24 مرداد 1393, 09:38 صبح
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می خواستم ببینم مرتب سازی خارجی چه جوری توی سی شارپ انجام میشه ؟

ممنون میشم یه منبع یا سورس و ... معرفی کنید.

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جمعه 24 مرداد 1393, 11:38 صبح
ظاهرا #C پیاده سازی ای برای این الگوریتم نداره. خودتون باید پیاده سازی کنید یا از پیاده سازی های بقیه استفاده کنید.
برای مثال اینجا رو ببنید http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/152242/Fast-External-Sort-in-C

جمعه 24 مرداد 1393, 12:23 عصر
با سلام

می خواستم ببینم مرتب سازی خارجی چه جوری توی سی شارپ انجام میشه ؟

ممنون میشم یه منبع یا سورس و ... معرفی کنید.

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بدون شرح :


static void Split(string file)
int split_num = 1;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(
string.Format("c:\\split{0:d5}.dat", split_num));
long read_line = 0;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file))
while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
// Progress reporting
if (++read_line % 5000 == 0)
Console.Write("{0:f2}% \r",
100.0 * sr.BaseStream.Position / sr.BaseStream.Length);

// Copy a line

// If the file is big, then make a new split,
// however if this was the last line then don't bother
if (sw.BaseStream.Length > 100000000 && sr.Peek() >= 0)
sw = new StreamWriter(
string.Format("c:\\split{0:d5}.dat", split_num));


static void SortTheChunks()
foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles("C:\\", "split*.dat"))
// Read all lines into an array
string[] contents = File.ReadAllLines(path);
// Sort the in-memory array
// Create the 'sorted' filename
string newpath = path.Replace("split", "sorted");
// Write it
File.WriteAllLines(newpath, contents);
// Delete the unsorted chunk
// Free the in-memory sorted array
contents = null;


static void MergeTheChunks()
string[] paths = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\", "sorted*.dat");
int chunks = paths.Length; // Number of chunks
int recordsize = 100; // estimated record size
int records = 10000000; // estimated total # records
int maxusage = 500000000; // max memory usage
int buffersize = maxusage / chunks; // bytes of each queue
double recordoverhead = 7.5; // The overhead of using Queue<>
int bufferlen = (int)(buffersize / recordsize /
recordoverhead); // number of records in each queue

// Open the files
StreamReader[] readers = new StreamReader[chunks];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
readers[i] = new StreamReader(paths[i]);

// Make the queues
Queue<string>[] queues = new Queue<string>[chunks];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
queues[i] = new Queue<string>(bufferlen);

// Load the queues
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
LoadQueue(queues[i], readers[i], bufferlen);

// Merge!
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\BigFileSorted.txt");
bool done = false;
int lowest_index, j, progress = 0;
string lowest_value;
while (!done)
// Report the progress
if (++progress % 5000 == 0)
Console.Write("{0:f2}% \r",
100.0 * progress / records);

// Find the chunk with the lowest value
lowest_index = -1;
lowest_value = "";
for (j = 0; j < chunks; j++)
if (queues[j] != null)
if (lowest_index < 0 ||
queues[j].Peek(), lowest_value) < 0)
lowest_index = j;
lowest_value = queues[j].Peek();

// Was nothing found in any queue? We must be done then.
if (lowest_index == -1) { done = true; break; }

// Output it

// Remove from queue
// Have we emptied the queue? Top it up
if (queues[lowest_index].Count == 0)
readers[lowest_index], bufferlen);
// Was there nothing left to read?
if (queues[lowest_index].Count == 0)
queues[lowest_index] = null;

// Close and delete the files
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)

static void LoadQueue(Queue<string> queue,
StreamReader file, int records)
for (int i = 0; i < records; i++)
if (file.Peek() < 0) break;