View Full Version : طریقه پیاده سازی کلاس لینک لیست در php

hard engineer
شنبه 26 مهر 1393, 18:22 عصر
با عرض سلام
من پروژه ای دارم که باید کلاس لینک لیست رو در php پیاده سازی کنم.پیاده سازی این ساختمان داده در C++‎‎ به صورت زیر هست:
class node{
int data;
node *next;
همانطور که ملاحظه کردین در این کد از اشاره گر هم استفاده شده.
لطفا راهنمایی کنین.

شنبه 26 مهر 1393, 19:12 عصر

class ListNode
/* Data to hold */
public $data;

/* Link to next node */
public $next;

/* Node constructor */
function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = NULL;

function readNode()
return $this->data;

class LinkList
/* Link to the first node in the list */
private $firstNode;

/* Link to the last node in the list */
private $lastNode;

/* Total nodes in the list */
private $count;

/* List constructor */
function __construct()
$this->firstNode = NULL;
$this->lastNode = NULL;
$this->count = 0;

public function isEmpty()
return ($this->firstNode == NULL);

public function insertFirst($data)
$link = new ListNode($data);
$link->next = $this->firstNode;
$this->firstNode = &$link;

/* If this is the first node inserted in the list
then set the lastNode pointer to it.
if($this->lastNode == NULL)
$this->lastNode = &$link;


public function insertLast($data)
if($this->firstNode != NULL)
$link = new ListNode($data);
$this->lastNode->next = $link;
$link->next = NULL;
$this->lastNode = &$link;

public function deleteFirstNode()
$temp = $this->firstNode;
$this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next;
if($this->firstNode != NULL)

return $temp;

public function deleteLastNode()
if($this->firstNode != NULL)
if($this->firstNode->next == NULL)
$this->firstNode = NULL;
$previousNode = $this->firstNode;
$currentNode = $this->firstNode->next;

while($currentNode->next != NULL)
$previousNode = $currentNode;
$currentNode = $currentNode->next;

$previousNode->next = NULL;

public function deleteNode($key)
$current = $this->firstNode;
$previous = $this->firstNode;

while($current->data != $key)
if($current->next == NULL)
return NULL;
$previous = $current;
$current = $current->next;

if($current == $this->firstNode)
if($this->count == 1)
$this->lastNode = $this->firstNode;
$this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next;
if($this->lastNode == $current)
$this->lastNode = $previous;
$previous->next = $current->next;

public function find($key)
$current = $this->firstNode;
while($current->data != $key)
if($current->next == NULL)
return null;
$current = $current->next;
return $current;

public function readNode($nodePos)
if($nodePos <= $this->count)
$current = $this->firstNode;
$pos = 1;
while($pos != $nodePos)
if($current->next == NULL)
return null;
$current = $current->next;

return $current->data;
return NULL;

public function totalNodes()
return $this->count;

public function readList()
$listData = array();
$current = $this->firstNode;

while($current != NULL)
array_push($listData, $current->readNode());
$current = $current->next;
return $listData;

public function reverseList()
if($this->firstNode != NULL)
if($this->firstNode->next != NULL)
$current = $this->firstNode;
$new = NULL;

while ($current != NULL)
$temp = $current->next;
$current->next = $new;
$new = $current;
$current = $temp;
$this->firstNode = $new;
