View Full Version : remove cookies

چهارشنبه 21 تیر 1385, 14:26 عصر
با سلام
من در asp.net از cookiesاستفاده کردم . ولی موفق به remove آنها نمی شوم . من از دستورات زیر نیز استفاده کرده ام

Dim objCookie As HttpCookie
objCookie = New HttpCookie("strKeyCode")

objCookie.Expires = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1)

و همینطور
objCookie.Expires = Now
Response.Cookies.Item("strKeyCode").Expires = Now و objCookie = Nothing و

وResponse.Cookies("strKeyCode").Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30)

لطفا کمک کنیدددددددددددددد.
با تشکر

شنبه 14 مرداد 1385, 10:04 صبح
مرجع msdn:

You cannot directly delete a cookie on a user's computer. However, you can direct the user's browser to delete the cookie by setting the cookie's expiration date to a past date. The next time a user makes a request to a page within the domain or path that set the cookie, the browser will determine that the cookie has expired and remove it.

شنبه 14 مرداد 1385, 10:10 صبح
و دیگه اینکه :

Calling the Remove method of the Cookies collection removes the cookie from the collection on the server side, so the cookie will not be sent to the client. However, the method does not remove the cookie from the client if it already exists there.