View Full Version : چگونه از فایل Ajax برای ثبت نام استفاده کنم؟

جمعه 09 مرداد 1394, 22:46 عصر
سلام دوستان من بسیار مبتدی هستم و هیچی از کد های ajax و جاوا اسکریپت سر در نمیارم. از یک سایتی یک قالب html5 گرفتم که توش میتونی ایمیل ثبت کنی. اینم لینک دمو سایت: http://html5up.net/eventually
و توی استفاده از سایت گفت برای استفاده از singup form از این دو روش استفاده کن:Signup Form:

The signup form won't actually do anything (other than report back with a "thank you" message)
until you tie it to either a third party service (eg. MailChimp) or your own hosted solution.
In either case, there are two ways to go:

1. The conventional (non-AJAX) way, which pretty much comes down to pointing the form's "action"
attribute to your service/script URL. If you go this route, remove the entire "Signup Form" code
block from assets/js/main.js (since it's not needed for this approach).


2. The AJAX way. How you set this up is largely dependent on the service/solution you're using
so you'll need to consult their/its documentation. However, I have included some basic code
(under "Signup Form" in assets/js/main.js) that will at least let you interact with the
form itself.

این کدی که گفته ازش استفاده کن:

// Signup Form.
(function() {

// Vars.
var $form = document.querySelectorAll('#signup-form')[0],
$submit = document.querySelectorAll('#signup-form input[type="submit"]')[0],

// Bail if addEventListener isn't supported.
if (!('addEventListener' in $form))

// Message.
$message = document.createElement('span');

$message._show = function(type, text) {

$message.innerHTML = text;

window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);


$message._hide = function() {

// Events.
// Note: If you're *not* using AJAX, get rid of this event listener.
$form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {


// Hide message.

// Disable submit.
$submit.disabled = true;

// Process form.
// Note: Doesn't actually do anything yet (other than report back with a "thank you"),
// but there's enough here to piece together a working AJAX submission call that does.
window.setTimeout(function() {

// Reset form.

// Enable submit.
$submit.disabled = false;

// Show message.
$message._show('success', 'Thank you!');
//$message._show('failure', 'Something went wrong. Please try again.');

}, 750);

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