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شنبه 17 مرداد 1394, 11:55 صبح
سلام خدمت دوستان
لطفا یه نگاهی به این سر فصل ها میندازید برای شروع به کار
Java Platform Overview
Course Schedule
Java Overview
Java Platforms
Java in Server Environment
The Java Community Process

Java Syntax and Class Review
Simple Java classes
Java fields, constructors and methods
Model objects using Java classes
Package and import statements

Encapsulation and Polymorphisms
Encapsulation in Java class design
Model business problems with Java classes
Sub classing
Overloading methods
Variable argument methods

Java Class Design
Access modifiers: private, protected and public
Method overriding
Constructor overloading
The instance of operator
Virtual method invocation
Casting object references
Overriding Object methods

Advanced Class Design
Abstract classes and type generalization
The static and final modifiers
Field modifier best practices
The singleton design pattern
Designing abstract classes
Nested classes
Enumerated types

Inheritance with Java Interfaces
Java Interfaces
Types of Inheritance
Object composition and method delegation
Implementing multiple interfaces
The DAO design pattern

Generics and collections
Generic classes and type parameters
Type inference (diamond)
Collection and generics
List, set and map
Stack and Deque

String processing
String manipulation with String Builder and String Buffer
Essential String methods
Tex parsing in Java
Input processing with Scanner
Text output and formatting
Regular expressions with the pattern and matcher classes

Exception and Assertion
Exceptions categories
Standard Java Exception classes
Creating your own Exception classes
Using try-catch and the finally clause
Using try-with-resources and the Auto Closeable interface
The multi-catch feature
Best practices using exceptions

I/O Fundamentals
I/O using java
Reading the console input streams
Writing to the console
Using I/O Streams
Chaining I/O Streams
Channel I/O
Reading and writing object using Serialization

File I/O with NIO 2
The path interface
The Files class
Directory and file operations
Managing file system attributes
Reading, writing, and creating files
Watching for file system changes

Operating system task scheduling
Recognizing multithreaded environments
Creating multi-threaded solutions
Sharing data across threads
Synchronization and Deadlock
Immutable objects

Creating Atomic variables
Using Read-Write Locks
Thread-safe collections
Concurrenct synchronizers (Semaphore, phaser, and others)
Executors and thread Pools to concurrently Schedule tasks
Parallelism and the fork-Join framework

Database Application with JDBC
Layout of the JDBS API
JDBS divers
Queries and results
Prepared Statement and callable Statement
Row Set 1.1 Row Set Provider and Row Set Factory
The DAO Pattern and JDBC

Advantages of localization
Defining local
Read and set local using the local object
Resource bundles
Format messages, dates and numbers

یک شنبه 18 مرداد 1394, 05:40 صبح
هم اکنون نیازمند یاری سبزتان هستیم

دوشنبه 19 مرداد 1394, 11:38 صبح
دوست عزیز تقریبا ساختار زبان جاوا رو تشکیل میدن این مفاهیم، و شما برای نوشتن ی برنامه کاربردی به زبان جاوا نیازمند دونستن اینها هستید.