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جمعه 30 مرداد 1394, 18:27 عصر
من میخوام با installshield برای برنامم ستاپ بسازم اما موقع بیلد این خطا ها رو میده:عصبانی++:
:Error 10 -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2003 and XP (x64).prq' into setup.exe ISEXP : error : -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2003 and XP (x64).prq' into setup.exe

Error 8 -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2008 (x64).prq' into setup.exe ISEXP : error : -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2008 (x64).prq' into setup.exe

Error 6 -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Vista (x64).prq' into setup.exe ISEXP : error : -6003: An error occurred streaming 'G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Vista (x64).prq' into setup.exe

Error 11 -7066: Your project contains a reference to the InstallShield prerequisite G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2003 and XP (x64).prq; however, this file cannot be located. Either remove the InstallShield prerequisite from your project, or locate this file. ISEXP : error : -7066: Your project contains a reference to the InstallShield prerequisite G:\Installed Software\InstallShield\2015LE\SetupPrerequisites\W indows Installer 4.5 for Windows Server 2003 and XP (x64).prq; however, this file cannot be located. Either remove the InstallShield prerequisite from your project, or locate this file.

لطفا یکی کمک کنه:ناراحت:

جمعه 30 مرداد 1394, 20:50 عصر
هیشکی نمیدونه؟

جمعه 30 مرداد 1394, 23:57 عصر
این همه برنامه نویس هیشکی بلد نیست?