View Full Version : Yahoo Messenger

Best Programmer
چهارشنبه 01 بهمن 1382, 14:55 عصر
اولین قدم در هر برنامه مسنجری این است که به سرور مسنجر وصل شود ولیست دوستان را بازیافت کند. یاهو مسنجر کمی با دیگر میسنجر ها متفاوت هست. یاهو مسنجر به سرور اچ تی تی پی وصل میشود و لیست دوستان را بدست می اورد.تمام گفتگو ها از طریق سرور مسنجر ( پورت 5050) صورت میگیرد. بیایید به ارتباط با سرور یاهو برای بازیافت لیست دوستان نگاهی بیاندازیم.

ما به سرور یاهو
در پورت 80 ارتباط برقرار میکنیم.
برای بدست آوردن لیست از سرور داده های زیر را ارسال میکنیم.:

GET /config/ncclogin?.src=bl&login=ymusertest &passwd=ympasstest&n= 1 HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* Accept: text/htm

که ymusertest همان نام کاربر و ympasstest نیز کلمه پسورد میباشد.
اگر این داده ها را بخواهیم با وی بی ارسال کنیم چیزی شبیه این میشود.

strlogin = "GET /config/ncclogin?.src=bl&login=ymusertest&passwd=ympasstest&n=1 HTTP/1.0" & vbCrLf
strlogin = strlogin & "Accept: */*" & vbCrLf
strlogin = strlogin & "Accept: text/html" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
WnsckMn.SendData strlogin

در صورت موفق بودن ارسال داده ها ما این داده های برگشتی را از سرور دریافت میکنیم.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 08:57:11 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Expires: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 08:57:11 GMT
Cache-Control: private
Pragma: no-cache
Set-Cookie:Y=v=1&n=25udo5k8tkvjb&l=l4dao_3k34/o&p=m2f17464130004&r=5s&lg=us&intl=us; expires=Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.yahoo.com
Via: 1.0 hydcache (NetCache NetApp/5.0.1R2)

Chat Friends:ambixxxx,ami_xxxx,d_cexxxx,deepxxxx,dixxxx ,indian_guyxxxx,k_v_pxxxx,kaxxxxdaram,kavithaxxxx1 ,malaxxxx,pujaxxxx,sudxxxx,sunxxxxma,swaxxxxadhu,v kxxxx68
Login= vexxxxe

اتصال به سرور :
حالا ما باید از پروتکل مسنجر یاهو استفاده کنیم تا به مسنجر یاهو لاگ کنیم و س÷س دریافت و ارسال اطلا عات را شروع کنیم.
ما به سرور مسنجر یاهو در پورت 5050 از سرورcs.yahoo.com متصل خواهیم شد.
سخترین بخش همین بخش ارتباط با این سرور هست. برخلاف دیگر پروتکل های یاهو مانند YCHT پروتکل YMSG از یک اینکریبشنی برای ایکریپت کاربر و پسوردش برای ارسال به سرور استفاده میکند. رشته ایکریپ شده چیزی شبیه زیر میباشد:
برای کاربران تازه کاری شبیه من درک نوع ایکریبسنی که بکار رفته بسیار مشکل . ولی پس از جستجو فراوان متوجه شدم که از ایکریبشن یونیکس ام دی 5 استفاده کرده اند.پس از مدتی جستحو فراوان یک کد پرل پیدا کردم که کد را میگرفت و ایکریبت میکرد.
حالا بیایید اتصال به سرور یاهو را شروع کنیم ما این داده را ارسال میکنیم.

YMSG C ZUªUbS`ú0À€userÀ€6À€$1$_2S43d5f$1LfmOGuxGxY CSWvd6nzGb0À€1À€userÀ€
نمایش این داده در ÷ورت به صورت زیر است

0010: 00 7F B1 63 40 00 80 06 00 4C C0 A8 00 08 D8 88 ...c@....L......
0020: AF 90 04 E5 13 BA 21 09 4C 9F B5 59 53 05 50 18 ......!.L..YS.P.
0030: 44 5C 3D D1 00 00 59 4D 53 47 08 00 00 00 00 43 D\....YMSG.....C
0040: 00 01 5A 55 AA 55 6E 56 41 BB 30 C0 80 73 75 6E ..ZU.UnVA.0..sun
0050: 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80 36 C0 80 24 31 24 5F 32 xxxxxx..6..$1$_2
0060: 53 34 33 64 35 66 24 31 4C 55 68 40 47 75 78 47 S43d5f$1xxxOGuxG
0070: 78 59 43 53 57 76 64 36 6E 7A 47 62 30 C0 80 31 xYCSWvd6nzGb0..1
0080: C0 80 73 75 6E 60 61 63 61 78 63 C0 80 ..sunxxxxxx..

چهارشنبه 01 بهمن 1382, 15:22 عصر

Best Programmer
جمعه 03 بهمن 1382, 13:10 عصر
بییایید بینیم دقیقا چی ارسال شده.
YMSG : هدر استاندارد باهو برای تمام پیام ها یا دستورات.
این هدر با بایت 08 ادامه مییابد.
سپس 4 بایت 00 00 00 00
سپس طول طول پیام + دوبرابر طول یوزر آی دی
بایتهای بعدی بترتیب 00 و 001 هستند.
سپس 4 بایت که در تمام پیام ها و یا دستورات بطور استاندارد به سرور ارسال میشوند. این 4 بایت شامل 5A 55 AA 55میباشد.
4 بایت بعدی بطور تصادفی هر گاه شما لاگ میکنید ارسال میشوند. شما میتوانید هر 4 بایت را 00 ارسال کنید.
اولین بایت بعدی که ارسال میشود نشان میدهد که این داده ها برای اتصال به سرور ارسال شده اند. این بایت در اسکی 0 میباشد.
2 بایت بعدی معروف به standard argument separatorهستند که شامل این مقادی میباشدC0 80
سپس با یوزر آی دی و standard argument separatorادامه می یابد
سپس با 1 بایت که برای پروسیجر لاگ این "1" استاندارد است و standard argument separator|ادامه می یابد.
بعدی پسورد ایکریپت شده بروشMD5Cryptو standard argument separatorمیباشد
و با لاخره دوباره با یوزر آی دی و standard argument separatorادامه می یابد.

dat3 = "0" & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80) & "ymusertest" & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80) & "6" & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80) & dat1 & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80) & "1" & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80) & "ymusertest" & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H80)
dat2 = "YMSG" & Chr(8) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(Len(dat3)) & Chr(0) & Chr(1) & Chr(&H5A) & Chr(&H55) & Chr(&HAA) & Chr(&H55) & Chr(&H62) & Chr(&H53) & Chr(&H60) & Chr(&HFA) & dat3
Wnsckyhoo.SendData dat2

پاسخ سرور چیزی شبیه این میباشد.
YMSG  jLS˜0À€sundaxxxxÀ€1À€sundaxxxxÀ€
وقتی که با یک نمایش دهنده پورت نگاه میکنیم این دربافت شده است.

0010: 00 59 A2 FA 40 00 2D 06 61 DB D8 88 AF 90 C0 A8 .Y..@.-.a.......
0020: 00 08 13 BA 04 E5 B5 59 53 05 21 09 4C F6 50 18 .......YS.!.L.P.
0030: 83 2C 62 F1 00 00 59 4D 53 47 00 00 00 00 00 1D .,b...YMSG......
0040: 00 01 00 00 00 00 79 52 7E 23 30 C0 80 73 75 6E ......jLS˜0..sun
0050: 64 61 6D 65 62 61 C0 80 31 C0 80 73 75 6E 64 61 daxxxx..1..sunda
0060: 62 65 6D 61 C0 80 00xxxx...

مهمترین بخش پاسخ قسمتی هست که سرور یک هویت دهنده را ارسال کرده است."jLS~ "
بعد از این تمام ارتباطات با سرور شامل این هویت میباشد.همچنین این 4 بایت در جلسات مسنجر به عنوان هویت دهنده کاربر استفاده میشود[/code]

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 05:48 صبح
دوستان علاقه مند به نوشتن Yahoo Messenger لطفا این جا را مساهده کنند. :wink: :idea:

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 05:59 صبح
البته یک سورس دیگه مال VC بود را هم اینجا میزارم تا دوستان مطالعه کنند.

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 06:00 صبح

یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 11:20 صبح
فکر نمیکنی یکم قدیمی شده این ، چون الان Protocol 11 هست اینا Protocol 9 هستش :wink:
با اینا تونستی Login کنی :wink:

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 13:31 عصر
دوست عزیز از راهنماییت ممنون و اگر میتونی به دوستانی که هر روز از من در این باره سوال میکنند کمک کن . نمیدانم چرا امروزه این قدر مبحث روبات یاهو تو بورس شده . مثلا یکی از دوستان یک روبات تهیه کرده که این آی دی را دارد بد نیست یک نگاه هم بندازی.l300t3r2 . اگر میتونی خودت به عنوان یک این کاره بقیه موارد لازم را ادامه بده ( اگر دوست داری) . البته درون سایت بالا اطمینان داده که به سرور 5.6 هم متصل میشود ولی من امتحان نکرده ام.

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 14:30 عصر
Yahoo Messenger Protocol (ver 11)



************************************************** ***********************************************

The following document is just my interpretation of the yahoo protocol.it is based on a lot of assumptions all of which might not be right. The new yahoo protocol is really right up there when it comes to security unlike the previous versions .Also i do not expect people to stop using the original yahoo messenger and use a simple clone which just about sends and receives messages.Yahoo has added a whole range of features to it's messenger like IM Environments,voice chat and webcam support which are pretty cool and pretty tough to replicate(maybe i'llgive it a shot when i got loads of free time!!!).And finally i expect people who might use this protocol info to not harm anybody by making booters and bombers,that's really an awful waste of technology besides serving no purpose. And last but not the least ,thank yahoo for providing a nice tool for instant communication

************************************************** ***********************************************

The basic purpose of writing this document is that people should know what's actually happening when they use the yahoo messenger and help them in making their own client.There is hardly any if not any documentation available on the internet concerning the YMSG ptotocol .

The first step involved in any messenger application is logging into the messenger server and then retrieving the friends list..The yahoo messenger connects to the yahoo server(cs.yahoo.com) on port 5050.Let us first look at logging into the yahoo server

We will connect to the yahoo messenger server scs.yahoo.com on port 5050

As always the most difficult part to figure out in any messenger protocol is the login encryption.And this time it was particularly difficult .The code u will find below for login has been modified from the original source found at gaim.sourceforge.net .It was written by Sean Egan.

You can take a look at the c code here Yahoo Encryption

Now let us start logging into the yahoo messenger server .We send the following data to the messenger server to start the login process

This is the data sent when viewed through a port monitor

0x0000 00 20 18 8F C8 16 00 50-BA 89 95 6B 08 00 45 00 . .ŹČ..Pş‰•k..E.
0x0010 00 4A F7 6A 40 00 80 06-BA 99 C0 A8 01 C1 D8 88 .J÷j@.€.ş™Ŕ¨.ÁŘˆ
0x0020 AD B7 07 0D 13 BA 7F DC-96 ED DA E7 49 68 50 18 ­·...şÜ–íÚçIhP.
0x0030 44 5C F8 02 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 0B 00 00 00 0E D\ř...YMSG......
0x0040 00 57 00 00 00 00 6D 61-93 13 31 C0 80 73 75 6E .W....ma“.1Ŕ€sun
0x0050 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80- damamaŔ€

Let us look at what exactly is being sent

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 0B. -this indicates the version number of the protocol
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
This is followed by the charecter "W" this signifies that the command being sent is a challenge command
Next is a 4 byte are -00 00 00 00
The next 4 bytes is what i call the initial 4 bytes bluff identifier. These 4 bytes identify a particular user and it changes every time you log in. Initially you could send any four bytes including 00 00 00 00 and you would still be able to log in .
This is followed by one byte of data signifying that the data being sent is for logging into the server .This byte has an ASCII equivalent of "0"
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 31 whose ascii equivalent is "1"
This is followed by 2 bytes of data which is the standard argument separator.- C0 80
Finally this is followed by the yahoo user id and the standard argument separator.

The server in response sends a challenge string to verify the password.The response of the server looks like this
This is the data received when viewed through a port monitor

0x0000 00 50 BA 89 95 6B 00 20-18 8F C8 16 08 00 45 00 .Pş‰•k. .ŹČ...E.
0x0010 00 9C 13 BC 40 00 2F 06-EE F6 D8 88 AD B7 C0 A8 .ś.Ľ@./.îöŘˆ­·Ŕ¨
0x0020 01 C1 13 BA 07 0D DA E7-49 68 7F DC 97 0F 50 18 .Á.ş..ÚçIhÜ—.P.
0x0030 FF FF 3E 30 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 00 00 00 00 60 ˙˙>0..YMSG.....`
0x0040 00 57 00 00 00 01 6D 67-EE 27 31 C0 80 73 75 6E .W....mgî'1Ŕ€sun
0x0050 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80-39 34 C0 80 67 7C 69 2F damamaŔ€94Ŕ€g|i/
0x0060 70 5E 68 26 7A 2D 64 2B-32 25 76 25 78 26 6A 7C p^h&z-d+2%v%x&j|
0x0070 65 2B 28 6D 5E 6B 2D 69-25 68 2A 28 73 2B 38 25 e+(m^k-i%h*(s+8%
0x0080 61 2F 75 2F 78 2A 28 62-2D 34 2A 69 25 68 5E 67 a/u/x*(b-4*i%h^g
0x0090 5E 6A 7C 6D 5E 6E 2D 72-2A 66 2B 70 2B 6A 29 29 ^j|m^n-r*f+p+j))
0x00A0 29 C0 80 31 33 C0 80 31-C0 80 )Ŕ€13Ŕ€1Ŕ€

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 00 00. -this indicates that the data has been sent by the server
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
This is followed by the charecter "W" this signifies that the command being sent is a challenge command
Next is a 4 byte are -00 00 00 01
The next 4 bytes are the most important part of this response these 4 bytes also signify the session id .All future messages/command being sent to the server require this session id
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 31 whose ascii equivalent is "1"
This is followed by 2 bytes of data which is the standard argument separator.- C0 80
This is followed by the yahoo user id and the standard argument separator.
Next are two bytes having ascii equivalent "9" and "4", "94" signifies that what follows is a 24 charecter challenge string
Finally the challenge string followed by the standard argument seperator
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 31 and 33 whose ascii equivalent is "1" & 3"
This is followed by 2 bytes of data which is the standard argument separator.- C0 80

After this has been done it's time to actually log in as invisible and then become online and be able to send and receive messages. This is what is sent

This would log you in invisible mode.

This is the data being sent when viewed through a port monitor

0x0000 00 20 18 8F C8 16 00 50-BA 89 95 6B 08 00 45 00 . .ŹČ..Pş‰•k..E.
0x0010 01 F2 F7 6B 40 00 80 06-B8 F0 C0 A8 01 C1 D8 88 .ň÷k@.€.¸đŔ¨.ÁŘˆ
0x0020 AD B7 07 0D 13 BA 7F DC-97 0F DA E7 49 DC 50 18 ­·...şÜ—.ÚçIÜP.
0x0030 43 E8 76 10 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 0B 00 00 01 B6 Cčv...YMSG.....¶
0x0040 00 54 5A 55 AA 55 6D 61-93 13 36 C0 80 58 3D 37 .TZUŞUma“.6Ŕ€X=7
0x0050 65 2C 48 3D 6A 65 2C 48-3D 6A 37 3B 6D 3D 43 6A e,H=je,H=j7;m=Cj
0x0060 2C 48 3D 43 63 2C 45 3D-33 33 3B 51 3D 6D 6C 3B ,H=Cc,E=33;Q=ml;
0x0070 48 3D 33 37 3B 46 3D 67-67 3B 77 3D 46 35 3B C0 H=37;F=gg;w=F5;Ŕ
0x0080 80 39 36 C0 80 4E 3D 61-68 2C 6D 3D 46 31 2C 6D €96Ŕ€N=ah,m=F1,m
0x0090 3D 33 41 2C 51 3D 41 32-3B 54 3D 41 6C 2C 5A 3D =3A,Q=A2;T=Al,Z=
0x00A0 45 70 2C 68 3D 68 65 2C-53 3D 30 6F 3B 72 3D 31 Ep,h=he,S=0o;r=1
0x00B0 42 2C 43 3D 68 32 3B C0-80 30 C0 80 73 75 6E 64 B,C=h2;Ŕ€0Ŕ€sund
0x00C0 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80 32-C0 80 31 C0 80 31 C0 80 amamaŔ€2Ŕ€1Ŕ€1Ŕ€
0x00D0 73 75 6E 64 61 6D 61 6D-61 C0 80 39 38 C0 80 69 sundamamaŔ€

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 0B. -this indicates the version number of the protocol
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
This is followed by the charecter "T" this signifies that the command being sent is a login command
Next is a 4 byte are -5A 55 AA 55
The next 4 bytes are the session identifier
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "6"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
This is followed by first of the 2 ,50 charcter string authentication response
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "9" & "6"
Next is the 2nd 50 charecter authentication response
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Finally followed by the yahoo user id(name) and the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "2"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "1"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "1"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Finally followed by the yahoo user id(name) and the standard argument separator. Much more data is passed alon with this, but since a lot of those data has to do with earlier sessions we shall not consider them.The yahoo servers would process our request regardless of this.

On succesfully sending this the yahoo server sends us the friend's list and other details like cookie and stuff

0x0000 00 50 BA 89 95 6B 00 20-18 8F C8 16 08 00 45 00 .Pş‰•k. .ŹČ...E.
0x0010 03 1C 17 FA 40 00 2F 06-E8 38 D8 88 AD B7 C0 A8 ...ú@./.č8Řˆ­·Ŕ¨
0x0020 01 C1 13 BA 07 0D DA E7-49 DC 7F DC 98 D9 50 18 .Á.ş..ÚçIÜܘŮP.
0x0030 FF FF 6A 19 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 00 00 00 02 E0 ˙˙j...YMSG.....ŕ
0x0040 00 55 00 00 00 00 6D 67-EE 27 38 37 C0 80 46 72 .U....mgî'87Ŕ€Fr
0x0050 69 65 6E 64 73 3A 62 6D-61 6E 69 75 73 2C 6B 5F iends:bmanius,k_
0x0060 76 5F 70 72 61 62 68 75-2C 70 75 6E 73 61 5F 32 v_prabhu,punsa_2
0x0070 30 30 30 2C 74 65 73 74-34 79 64 65 6D 6F 0A 6A 000,test4ydemo.j
0x0080 61 62 62 65 72 5F 79 74-3A 6B 5F 76 5F 70 72 61 abber_yt:k_v_pra
0x0090 62 68 75 2C 73 75 64 69-62 6F 79 2C 74 65 73 74 bhu,sudiboy,test
0x00A0 34 79 64 65 6D 6F 2C 76-65 6E 6B 79 5F 64 75 64 4ydemo,venky_dud
0x00B0 65 0A 74 65 73 74 31 3A-64 65 65 70 61 6B 37 38 e.test1:deepak78
0x00C0 2C 73 75 64 69 62 6F 79-0A 74 65 73 74 34 3A 6B ,sudiboy.test4:k
0x00D0 5F 76 5F 70 72 61 62 68-75 0A 74 65 73 74 35 3A _v_prabhu.test5:
0x00E0 6B 5F 76 5F 70 72 61 62-68 75 0A 76 65 6E 6B 79 k_v_prabhu.venky
0x00F0 5F 64 75 64 65 3A 76 65-6E 6B 79 5F 64 75 64 65 _dude:venky_dude
0x0100 0A C0 80 38 38 C0 80 C0-80 38 39 C0 80 73 75 6E .Ŕ€88Ŕ€Ŕ€89Ŕ€sun
0x0110 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80-35 39 C0 80 59 09 76 3D damamaŔ€59Ŕ€Y.v=
0x0120 31 26 6E 3D 44 65 6F 75-43 65 71 73 62 71 67 31 1&n=fxxxxxqsbqg1
0x0130 32 26 6C 3D 44 6B 64 33-20 63 30 63 30 2F 6F 26 2&l=ixxxxx0c0/o&
0x0140 70 3D 6D 31 61 30 61 76-32 30 31 33 30 30 30 30 p=m1a0av20130000
0x0150 30 30 26 72 3D 37 6C 26-6C 67 3D 75 73 26 69 6E 00&r=7l&lg=us&in
0x0160 74 6C 3D 75 73 3B 20 65-78 70 69 72 65 73 3D 54 tl=us; expires=T
0x0170 68 75 2C 20 31 35 20 41-70 72 20 32 30 31 30 20 hu, 15 Apr 2010
0x0180 32 30 3A 30 30 3A 30 30-20 47 4D 54 3B 20 70 61 20:00:00 GMT; pa
0x0190 74 68 3D 2F 3B 20 64 6F-6D 61 69 6E 3D 2E 79 61 th=/; domain=.ya
0x01A0 68 6F 6F 2E 63 6F 6D C0-80 35 39 C0 80 54 09 7A hoo.comŔ€59Ŕ€T.z
0x01B0 3D 45 59 23 63 2F 47 52-65 52 64 97 41 46 41 47 =jY8c/xxxxx/AFAG
0x01C0 55 2F 73 4A 52 57 30 79-4E 6A 51 78 42 6B 34 79 U/sJRWxxxxxxBk4y
0x01D0 54 7A 56 4F 4E 54 59 78-4E 41 2D 2D 26 61 3D 51 TzVONTYxNA--&a=Q
0x01E0 41 45 26 73 6B 3D 44 41-41 6A 51 36 2F 58 67 6D AE&sk=DAAjQ6/Xgm
0x01F0 31 75 4B 4A 26 64 3D 63-32 77 42 54 56 52 4E 4D 1uKJ&d=c2wBTVRNM
0x0200 6B 46 55 61 7A 46 50 52-45 6B 31 54 57 70 46 4D kFUazFPREk1TWpFM
0x0210 6B 31 33 54 53 30 55 59-47 46 52 51 55 55 42 64 k13LxxxxxxRQUUBd
0x0220 47 6C 77 41 55 78 49 53-54 5A 56 51 67 46 36 65 GlwAUxISTZVQgF6e
0x0230 67 46 71 57 54 68 6A 4C-30 46 6E 56 30 45 2D 3B gFqWThjL0FnV0E-;
0x0240 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 73-3D 54 68 75 2C 20 31 35 expires=Thu, 15
0x0250 20 41 70 72 20 32 30 31-30 20 32 30 3A 30 30 3A Apr 2010 20:00:
0x0260 30 30 20 47 4D 54 3B 20-70 61 74 68 3D 2F 3B 20 00 GMT; path=/;
0x0270 64 6F 6D 61 69 6E 3D 2E-79 61 68 6F 6F 2E 63 6F domain=.yahoo.co
0x0280 6D C0 80 35 39 C0 80 43-09 6D 67 3D 31 C0 80 31 mŔ€59Ŕ€C.mg=1Ŕ€1
0x0290 35 33 C0 80 31 C0 80 39-30 C0 80 31 C0 80 33 C0 53Ŕ€1Ŕ€90Ŕ€1Ŕ€3Ŕ
0x02A0 80 73 75 6E 64 61 6D 61-6D 61 C0 80 31 30 30 C0 €sundamamaŔ€

The cookie can be grabbed from this data which is received by us and can be used for
various yahoo http functions.

After this we change our status as being online and available
This is what we send

YMSG .w U ~*

When viewed through a port monitor this is what shows up

0000: 20 53 52 43 00 00 44 45 53 54 00 00 08 00 45 00 SRC..DEST....E.
0010: 00 3C CF 04 40 00 80 06 BA 25 CB 5E EA D9 D8 88 .<..@....%.^....
0020: E2 D0 04 8B 00 50 00 71 FE 1B 82 BE 3D 8B 50 18 .....P.q....=.P.
0030: 21 80 A3 50 00 00 59 4D 53 47 00 0B 00 00 00 00 !..P..YMSG......
0040: 00 04 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 ..........

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 0B. -this indicates the version number of the protocol
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
The next bytes of data is 04 - this signifies the user is changing his status to being available
Next is a 4 byte are -00 00 00 0C
Final 4 bytes are -00 00 00 00
On sending this the server responds by sending us the details of any fried who is online at that moment


Sending a Message

To send a message the following data is sent to the server

—1Ŕ€sunxxxxxŔ€5Ŕ€venkxxxxeŔ€14Ŕ€hiŔ€ 97Ŕ€0Ŕ€63Ŕ€;0Ŕ€64Ŕ€0Ŕ€1002Ŕ€1Ŕ€

When viewed through a port monitor

0000: 20 53 52 43 00 00 44 45 53 54 00 00 08 00 45 00 SRC..DEST....E.
0010: 00 80 F7 04 40 00 80 06 91 E1 CB 5E EA D9 D8 88 ....@......^....
0020: E2 D0 04 8B 00 50 00 71 FE 2F 82 BE 3F EA 50 18 .....P.q./..?.P.
0030: 21 80 54 8F 00 00 59 4D 53 47 00 0B 00 00 00 44 !.T...YMSG.....D
0040: 00 06 5A 55 AA 56 7E 2A 0A 97 31 C0 80 73 75 6E ..ZU.V.*..1..sun
0050: 64 xx xx 61 xx xx C0 80 35 C0 80 76 65 6E 6B 79 dxxxx..5..venky
0060: xx xx xx 64 65 C0 80 31 34 C0 80 68 69 C0 80 39 xxxxe..14..hi..9
0070: 37 C0 80 30 C0 80 36 33 C0 80 3B 30 C0 80 36 34 7..0..63..;0..64
0080: C0 80 30 C0 80 31 30 30 32 C0 80 31 C0 80 ..0..1002..1..

Let us look at what is being sent
YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 2 byte of data - 00 0B. -this indicates the version number of the protocol
This is followed by 2 bytes of data - 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
The next bytes of data is 06 - this signifies that the command is a user message
Next is a 4 byte are standard for all messages/commands being sent to the messenger server.The 4 bytes are 5A 55 AA 56
The next 4 bytes are the user identifier for the current session.
This is followed by one byte of data signifying that the data is a Private Message(PM) being sent to a user.This byte has an ASCII equivalent of "1"
This is followed by 2 bytes of data which is the standard argument separator.- C0 80
This is followed by the yahoo user id and the standard argument separator.
Followed by one byte which which has an ASCII equivalent of "5" and whch signifies that the next data is the user id to whom the message is to be sent
Followed by the standard argument separator.
This is followed by the id of the user to whom the message is being sent and the standard argument separator.
Followed by again one byte which has an ASCII equivalent of "14" and signifies that the data following it is the actual user message and the standard argument separator.
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "6" & "3"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of ";"
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "6" & "4"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "1" & "0"
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "0" & "2"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "1"
Finally followed by the standard argument separator.


YMSG A . .~* —5Ŕ€sundaxxxxŔ€4Ŕ€venkyxxxxŔ€14Ŕ€hi thereŔ€63Ŕ€;0Ŕ€64Ŕ€0Ŕ€97Ŕ€0Ŕ€

0000: 44 45 53 54 00 00 20 53 52 43 00 00 08 00 45 00 DEST.. SRC....E.
0010: 00 7D 9C 0F 40 00 32 06 3A DA D8 88 E2 D0 CB 5E .}..@.2.:......^
0020: EA D9 00 50 04 8B 82 BE 3F 95 00 71 FE 2F 50 18 ...P....?..q./P.
0030: FF FF 73 60 00 00 59 4D 53 47 00 00 00 00 00 41 ..s`..YMSG.....A
0040: 00 06 00 00 00 01 7E 2A 0A 97 35 C0 80 73 75 6E .......*..5..sun
0050: xx xx xx xx xx 61 C0 80 34 C0 80 76 65 6E 6B 79 dxxxxx..4..venky
0060: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 31 34 C0 80 68 69 20 74 68 xxxxe..14..hi th
0070: 65 72 65 C0 80 36 33 C0 80 3B 30 C0 80 36 34 C0 ere..63..;0..64.
0080: 80 30 C0 80 39 37 C0 80 30 C0 80 .0..97..0..

Let us look at what has been received
YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 00. -signifying that this is a server response
This is followed by 3 bytes of data - 00 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
The next bytes of data is 06 - this signifies that the command is a user message
Next is a 4 byte are 00 00 00 01
The next 4 bytes is the session id
This is followed by one byte of data signifying that the data is a Private Message(PM) being sent to a user.This byte has an ASCII equivalent of "5"
This is followed by 2 bytes of data which is the standard argument separator.- C0 80
This is followed by the yahoo user id and the standard argument separator.
Followed by one byte which which has an ASCII equivalent of "4" and whch signifies that the next data is the user id who has sent the message
Followed by the standard argument separator.
This is followed by the id of the user to whom the message is being sent and the standard argument separator.
Followed by again one byte which has an ASCII equivalent of "14" and signifies that the data following it is the actual user message and the standard argument separator.
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "6" & "3"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of ";"
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "6" & "4"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
Next 2 bytes have an ascii equivalent of "9" & "7"
This is followed by the standard argument separator.
Next byte has an ascii equivalent of "0"
Finally followed by the standard argument separator.


0x0030 FF FF D2 AA 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 00 00 00 00 31 ˙˙ŇŞ..YMSG.....1
0x0040 00 04 00 00 00 01 B5 67-52 29 37 C0 80 73 75 6E ......µgR)7Ŕ€sue
0x0050 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80-31 30 C0 80 30 C0 80 31 ddddddŔ€10Ŕ€0Ŕ€1
0x0060 31 C0 80 37 35 36 42 36-36 41 39 C0 80 31 37 C0 1Ŕ€756B66A9Ŕ€17Ŕ
0x0070 80 30 C0 80 31 33 C0 80-31 C0 80 €0Ŕ€13Ŕ€1Ŕ€

let us see what is being sent

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 00. -signifying that this is a server response
This is followed by 3 bytes of data - 00 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
The next bytes of data is 04 - specifying user status as being online
Next is a 4 byte are 00 00 00 01
The next 4 bytes is the session id
Also in this message is present the id of the user who has gone offline


0x0030 FF FF CD C6 00 00 59 4D-53 47 00 00 00 00 00 31 ˙˙ÍĆ..YMSG.....1
0x0040 00 02 00 00 00 01 B5 67-52 29 37 C0 80 73 75 6E ......µgR)7Ŕ€sun
0x0050 64 61 6D 61 6D 61 C0 80-31 30 C0 80 30 C0 80 31 damamaŔ€10Ŕ€0Ŕ€1
0x0060 31 C0 80 45 32 36 31 46-45 44 37 C0 80 31 37 C0 1Ŕ€E261FED7Ŕ€17Ŕ
0x0070 80 30 C0 80 31 33 C0 80-30 C0 80 €0Ŕ€13Ŕ€0Ŕ€

YMSG- is the yahoo standard header for all messenger command/messages
This is followed by 1 byte of data - 00. -signifying that this is a server response
This is followed by 3 bytes of data - 00 00 00
Next 2 bytes specify is the length of the message information-i.e total lengthof the string -length of the header(20 bytes)
The next bytes of data is 00
The next bytes of data is 02 - specifying user status as being offline
Next is a 4 byte are 00 00 00 01
The next 4 bytes is the session id
Also in this message is present the id of the user who has gone offline

Best Programmer
یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 14:34 عصر
حالا این درست هست ؟؟؟؟؟:-/ :| دوست عزیز هیچ چیزی نیست که در اینتر نت اطلاعاتی در مورد ان نباشد. :wink: :wink:

یک شنبه 05 بهمن 1382, 15:09 عصر
حالا این درست هست ؟؟؟؟؟:-/ :| دوست عزیز هیچ چیزی نیست که در اینتر نت اطلاعاتی در مورد ان نباشد. :wink: :wink:

خوب این چیزی که شما نقل قول کردید من خیلی وقت پیش گذاشتم توی یکی از تاپیک ها در هر صورت بازم اینجا ذکر میکنم :
و شما هم عینا از همین جا کپی کردید ! :D

ولی بازم این Protocol لازم هست ولی کافی نیست :wink:

Best Programmer
دوشنبه 06 بهمن 1382, 10:03 صبح
دوستان عزیزی که هر شب برایم PM میزارید.من مسپولیت نوشتن برنامه را ندارم. گفتید کمک میخواهید اینم کمک. فقط کاقی هست استاندارد های جدید را در ان مثال ها اعمال کنید. من که قرار نیست برایتان کد اماده 100٪ قرار بدهم.

سه شنبه 07 بهمن 1382, 23:16 عصر