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پنج شنبه 06 مهر 1385, 07:00 صبح
خیلی وقت هست که دنبال این موضوع دارم می گردم ولی نتونستم توی سرچ انجینها چیزی پیدا کنم ...
وقتی در بعضی از سرورها آدرسی رو وارد می کنیم با نبود آن آدرس و یا فایل مورد نظر ، متن پیغامی نمایش داده می شود ...
حالا این تنظیمات کجا تعریف می شوند و امکان تعریف این مورد بر روی IIS و localhost نیز هست ...
( لطفا" درباره با linux و window و localhost جدا گانه توضیح داده شود )

یا حق ...

پنج شنبه 06 مهر 1385, 09:27 صبح
کدوم پیام ؟ منظورت همون 404 هست؟

پنج شنبه 06 مهر 1385, 10:40 صبح
توی فایل htaccess توی روت سایتت اینو بنویس (رو وب سرور آپاچی من از این استفاده می کنم )

ErrorDocument 405 /405.html

راستی شماره خطارو هم میتونی عوض کنی و اون خطا رو مدیریت کنی

پنج شنبه 06 مهر 1385, 14:42 عصر

پنج شنبه 06 مهر 1385, 14:59 عصر
بله در apache و localhost موضوع روشن شد ولی در سرور windows کجاست ؟؟؟

با تشکر ، یا حق ...

جمعه 07 مهر 1385, 01:46 صبح

To configure custom error messages

In IIS Manager (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/b0c14479-83e3-435d-a935-819fe396e7d2.mspx), double-click the local computer; right-click the Web Sites folder, an individual Web site folder, a virtual directory, or a file; and then click Properties.
http://img.microsoft.com/technet/images/note.gif Note
Configuration settings made at the Web Sites level are inherited by all of the Web sites on the server. You can override inheritance by configuring the individual site or site element.
Click the Custom Errors tab.
In the Error messages for HTTP errors list, click the HTTP error that you want to change, and then click Edit.
http://img.microsoft.com/technet/images/note.gif Note
The following errors are not customizable: 400, 403.9, 411, 414, 500, 500.11, 500.14, 500.15, 501, 503, and 505.
In the Message Type list box, click either File to return a custom error file or URL to direct the request to a custom error URL on the local machine.
http://img.microsoft.com/technet/images/important.gif Important
If your custom error is an .asp page, you must select URL. If you do not select URL, you risk returning .asp source code to the client.
If you selected File, type the path to the file or click Browse to navigate to the file. Custom error messages are installed by default to the systemroot\Help\IisHelp\Common folder. The file names are numbers that correspond to the specific HTTP errors; for example, 400.htm, 401-1.htm, and so on.
If you selected URL, type the path to the Web site or virtual directory. The URL must be a Web site or a virtual directory on the local machine. In addition, the custom error URL must exist in the application pool that directs the request to the custom error URL. If you store custom error pages in a virtual directory, that virtual directory must run in the same application pool as the rest of your Web site. Otherwise, the worker process cannot serve the custom error page when it is requested.
Click OK, and then click OK again.
If you upgraded from IIS 4.0, and you previously created your own custom error files or modified the custom error files that IIS 4.0 installed in the systemroot\Help\Common folder, your custom error files have been moved to the systemroot\Help\IisHelp\Common folder and given a .bak file name extension. You can retrieve your custom errors and reuse them. For example, the custom error file 400.htm that IIS 4.0 installed is now named 400.bak and is located in the systemroot\Help\IisHelp\Common folder (in addition to the new IIS custom error files).

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