View Full Version : مبتدی: تحلیل کد تقویم

پنج شنبه 30 دی 1395, 11:08 صبح
امیدوارم خوب باشین! من این کد تمرینی از کتاب کار کردم ولی همه جاشو متوجه نشدم اون جاهایی که فهمیدم کامنت کردم بخصوص از لاین 58 به بعد نفهمیدم ! اگه میشه دوستان اون قسمت به بعد

برام توضیح بدن ممنون میشم

define("ADAY", (60*60*24));
if (!checkdate(@$_POST['month'], 1, @$_POST['year'])) { //1esh vase chie line 24 bebad bebin
$nowArray = getdate();//getdate(timestamp);zaman halo gereft ta maho salesho faghat bedas biare
$month = $nowArray['mon'];
$year = $nowArray['year'];
//تو این قسمت با استفاده از تابع گت دیت زمان فعلی را گرفته و حال ماه و سال فعلی را درمتغییرها قرار میدهد
} else {
$month = $_POST['month'];//age check date ghalat nabood yani tarikh varede karbar sahih bood
$year = $_POST['year'];
$start = mktime (12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$firstDayArray = getdate($start);
//mk time() timestamp misaze pas time stamp zaman feli ro ba moshkhasat khase mktime(yani saat 12 va rooze 1om(to get time avval faghat mikhastim maho sal bedas biarim hamin) ) bedast miarim sepas ba get date zaman mored nazaro bedas miarim
<title><?php echo "Calendar: ".$firstDayArray['month']." ".$firstDayArray['year'] // line 13 ?>
<h3>Select a Month/Year Combination</h3>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo "$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]"; ?>">
<select name="month">
$months = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
"June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
for ($x=1; $x <= count($months); $x++) { //count tedad anasor araye ro neshun mide
echo"<option value=\"$x\"";// soal beshe in ghesmat mishe inotriam nevesht(echo"<option value=".$x.' ';)
if ($x == $month) {
echo " SELECTED";
echo ">".$months[$x-1]."";//baraye inke az x=1 to for shoroo kardim intori kard ta $x[0] ham hesab she
<select name="year">
for ($x=1980; $x<=2020; $x++) {
echo "<option";
if ($x == $year) {
echo " SELECTED";
echo ">$x";
<input type="submit" value="Go!">
$days = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");
echo "<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=5><tr>\n";
foreach ($days as $day) {
//az in line be bad tozih bede nmifahmam ziad
for ($count=0; $count < (6*7); $count++) {//chera 6*7???
$dayArray = getdate($start);//day array jadide moteghayeresh,$start ham line 12(zaman mored nazar)
if (($count % 7) == 0) { //chrea inkaro kard??
if ($dayArray['mon'] != $month) {
} else { //else vase chi dad??
echo "</tr><tr>\n";
if ($count < $firstDayArray['wday'] || $dayArray['mon'] != $month) {// age count roozi koochiktar az rooze hafte(0 ta 6) bashe ya aslan mahesh ba $month motebaghat nadashte bashe
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";//satr khali chap kon
} else {
echo "<td>".$dayArray['mday']." &nbsp;&nbsp; </td>\n";
$start += ADAY;// yani chi??
echo "</tr></table>";

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