View Full Version : خبر: برگزاری رویداد مایکروسافت آفیس اکسس

شنبه 09 بهمن 1395, 18:06 عصر

یه خبری به دستم رسید که گفتم به سایر دوستان هم اطلاع بدیم

Attend an exciting and informative Access Developers Conference in Vienna
That's right, in Vienna, Austria! And it gets better – the conference will be in English

Developer and Access MVP Karl Donaubauer is currently taking names to gauge the interest in this event

Conference dates: April 1 – 2, 2017

Conference will be held at a four star hotel

7-9 presentations from experienced developers & MVPs from Europe & the US

Free guided tour of Vienna

Other optional activities

For more information and to be placed on the interest list, please visit http://www.donkarl.com/devcon/index.htm (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=fa&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=fa&u=http://www.donkarl.com/devcon/index.htm&usg=ALkJrhglo4psI1BAp_U8s5Mqn2vU84agUg)