View Full Version : سوال: ایجاد تغییرات در Notification Area Icon توسط Registry

سه شنبه 03 مرداد 1396, 01:35 صبح
با سلام خدمت دوستان و اساتید محترم .
قصدم از ایجاد این تاپیک این بود که راه ایجاد تغییرات در پنجره Notification Area Icons رو توسط ایجاد تغییر در کلیدهای رجیستری جویا بشم ( البته واسه یه برنامه ی بخصوص ).
البته یه خورده گشتم و تنها کدی که پیدا کردم رو در پایین میذارم ، البته کد فکر کنم به زبان C باشه و خواهش میکنم اگه این امکان برای دوستان هست ، کد زیر رو به زبان دلفی برگردونن شاید به کار دوستان دیگه هم مثل من بیاد .
قبلاً از همکاریتون ممنونم .

Function AlwaysShowNotifyIcon(ByVal WhenToShow As Byte) As Boolean
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim myHolderString As String
Dim encText As System.Text.UTF8Encoding = New System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
Dim myRegistryKeyAsByte As Byte() = Nothing
Dim myRegistryKeyAsString As String = ""
myRegistryKeyAsByte = ReadCURKByte("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \TrayNotify", "IconStreams", Nothing)

For x = 0 To UBound(myRegistryKeyAsByte)
myHolderString = DoubleToHex(myRegistryKeyAsByte(x))
Select Case myHolderString.Length
Case 0
myRegistryKeyAsString += "00"
Case 1
myRegistryKeyAsString += "0" + myHolderString
Case 2
myRegistryKeyAsString += myHolderString
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Dim myTempAppPathAsByte As Byte()
myTempAppPathAsByte = encText.GetBytes(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath .ToString & "\" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName)
Dim myAppPathAsByte(UBound(myTempAppPathAsByte) * 2) As Byte
Dim myAppPathAsString As String = ""
For x = 0 To UBound(myAppPathAsByte)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
myAppPathAsByte(x) = myTempAppPathAsByte(CInt(x / 2))
myAppPathAsByte(x) = 0
End If

For x = 0 To UBound(myAppPathAsByte)
myHolderString = DoubleToHex(myAppPathAsByte(x))
Select Case myHolderString.Length
Case 0
myAppPathAsString += "00"
Case 1
myAppPathAsString += "0" + myHolderString
Case 2
myAppPathAsString += myHolderString
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Dim myPosition As Long = InStr(myRegistryKeyAsString, myAppPathAsString) - 1

If myPosition > 0 Then
myRegistryKeyAsByte(CInt(myPosition / 2 - 20)) = WhenToShow
WriteCURKByteValue("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \TrayNotify", "IconStreams", myRegistryKeyAsByte)
Dim ExplorerProcess As Process = Nothing
For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If p.ProcessName.ToString = "explorer" Then
ExplorerProcess = p
Exit For
ExplorerProcess = Nothing
End If

If Not ExplorerProcess Is Nothing Then
End If
Return False
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try

End Function

Private Function DoubleToHex(ByVal x As Double) As String
DoubleToHex = ""
Dim lrem As Double
While x > 0
lrem = x - Int(x / 16) * 16
DoubleToHex = Hex(lrem) & DoubleToHex
x = Int(x / 16)
End While
End Function