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جمعه 23 شهریور 1397, 21:59 عصر
سلام دوستان
من کد زیر رو از این سایت (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1608543/webbrowser-control-caching-issue) پیدا کردم.
کارش پاک کردن کش webbrowser هست.
ولی بلد نیستم ازش تو برنامه استفاده کنم. ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنید.
* Modified from code originally found here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326201
public class WebBrowserHelper
#region Definitions/DLL Imports
/// <summary>
/// For PInvoke: Contains information about an entry in the Internet cache
/// </summary>
public struct ExemptDeltaOrReserverd
public UInt32 dwReserved;
public UInt32 dwExemptDelta;

public UInt32 dwStructSize;
public IntPtr lpszSourceUrlName;
public IntPtr lpszLocalFileName;
public UInt32 CacheEntryType;
public UInt32 dwUseCount;
public UInt32 dwHitRate;
public UInt32 dwSizeLow;
public UInt32 dwSizeHigh;
public FILETIME LastModifiedTime;
public FILETIME ExpireTime;
public FILETIME LastAccessTime;
public FILETIME LastSyncTime;
public IntPtr lpHeaderInfo;
public UInt32 dwHeaderInfoSize;
public IntPtr lpszFileExtension;
public ExemptDeltaOrReserverd dwExemptDeltaOrReserved;

// For PInvoke: Initiates the enumeration of the cache groups in the Internet cache
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "FindFirstUrlCacheGroup",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern IntPtr FindFirstUrlCacheGroup(
int dwFlags,
int dwFilter,
IntPtr lpSearchCondition,
int dwSearchCondition,
ref long lpGroupId,
IntPtr lpReserved);

// For PInvoke: Retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "FindNextUrlCacheGroup",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool FindNextUrlCacheGroup(
IntPtr hFind,
ref long lpGroupId,
IntPtr lpReserved);

// For PInvoke: Releases the specified GROUPID and any associated state in the cache index file
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "DeleteUrlCacheGroup",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool DeleteUrlCacheGroup(
long GroupId,
int dwFlags,
IntPtr lpReserved);

// For PInvoke: Begins the enumeration of the Internet cache
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern IntPtr FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpszUrlSearchPattern,
IntPtr lpFirstCacheEntryInfo,
ref int lpdwFirstCacheEntryInfoBufferSize);

// For PInvoke: Retrieves the next entry in the Internet cache
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "FindNextUrlCacheEntryA",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool FindNextUrlCacheEntry(
IntPtr hFind,
IntPtr lpNextCacheEntryInfo,
ref int lpdwNextCacheEntryInfoBufferSize);

// For PInvoke: Removes the file that is associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists
SetLastError = true,
CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
EntryPoint = "DeleteUrlCacheEntryA",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern bool DeleteUrlCacheEntry(
IntPtr lpszUrlName);

/// <summary>
/// Clears the cache of the web browser
/// </summary>
public static void ClearCache()
// Indicates that all of the cache groups in the user's system should be enumerated
const int CACHEGROUP_SEARCH_ALL = 0x0;
// Indicates that all the cache entries that are associated with the cache group
// should be deleted, unless the entry belongs to another cache group.

// Delete the groups first.
// Groups may not always exist on the system.
// For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url=/workshop/networking/wininet/overview/cache.asp
// By default, a URL does not belong to any group. Therefore, that cache may become
// empty even when the CacheGroup APIs are not used because the existing URL does not belong to any group.
long groupId = 0;
IntPtr enumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheGroup(0, CACHEGROUP_SEARCH_ALL, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref groupId, IntPtr.Zero);
if (enumHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
bool more;
do {
// Delete a particular Cache Group.
DeleteUrlCacheGroup(groupId, CACHEGROUP_FLAG_FLUSHURL_ONDELETE, IntPtr.Zero);
more = FindNextUrlCacheGroup(enumHandle, ref groupId, IntPtr.Zero);
} while (more);

// Start to delete URLs that do not belong to any group.
int cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial = 0;
FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(null, IntPtr.Zero, ref cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial); // should always fail because buffer is too small
if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
int cacheEntryInfoBufferSize = cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial;
IntPtr cacheEntryInfoBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cacheEntryInfoBufferSize);
enumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(null, cacheEntryInfoBuffer, ref cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
if (enumHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
bool more;
do {
INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA internetCacheEntry = (INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA)Marshal.PtrToStructure (cacheEntryInfoBuffer, typeof(INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA));
cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial = cacheEntryInfoBufferSize;
DeleteUrlCacheEntry(internetCacheEntry.lpszSourceU rlName);
more = FindNextUrlCacheEntry(enumHandle, cacheEntryInfoBuffer, ref cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
if (!more && Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
cacheEntryInfoBufferSize = cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial;
cacheEntryInfoBuffer = Marshal.ReAllocHGlobal(cacheEntryInfoBuffer, (IntPtr)cacheEntryInfoBufferSize);
more = FindNextUrlCacheEntry(enumHandle, cacheEntryInfoBuffer, ref cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
} while (more);

شنبه 24 شهریور 1397, 00:58 صبح
با سلام
کد بالا کار نکرد
فایل dll ضمیمه شده رو به references اضافه کنید و کد زیر رو بنویسید

UrlHistoryLibrary.UrlHistoryWrapperClass urlHistory = new UrlHistoryLibrary.UrlHistoryWrapperClass();

موفق باشید

شنبه 24 شهریور 1397, 11:21 صبح
این کش رو پاک میکنه یا History؟