View Full Version : مشکل در Emulator

سه شنبه 02 مهر 1398, 15:51 عصر
با سلام

من در ماشین مجازی اندروید به مشکل خوردم

برنامه BUILD میشه ولی اجرا نمیشه و اررور های پایین میده

4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Could not initialize DirectSoundCapture
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Reason: No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `goldfish_audio_in'
4:16 PM Emulator: C:\Users\Dr.NINJA\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulat or\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe: warning: opening audio input failed
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `adc'
4:16 PM Gradle build finished in 7 s 27 ms
4:17 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:17 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:17 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `adc'
4:17 PM Emulator: Process finished with exit code 0

لطفا راهنمایی کنید

شنبه 20 مهر 1398, 20:08 عصر
با سلام

من در ماشین مجازی اندروید به مشکل خوردم

برنامه BUILD میشه ولی اجرا نمیشه و اررور های پایین میده

4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Could not initialize DirectSoundCapture
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Reason: No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `goldfish_audio_in'
4:16 PM Emulator: C:\Users\Dr.NINJA\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulat or\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe: warning: opening audio input failed
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:16 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `adc'
4:16 PM Gradle build finished in 7 s 27 ms
4:17 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:17 PM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object
4:17 PM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `adc'
4:17 PM Emulator: Process finished with exit code 0

لطفا راهنمایی کنید

فکر میکنم کارت صدای سیستمتون مشکل داره. آپدیت کنید. اگه حل نشد و علت این نیود میتونید از سایر شبیه سازها مث Genymotion استفاده کنید. سرچ کنید آموزش نصبش هست