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چهارشنبه 02 شهریور 1401, 18:39 عصر
How big is the NFT market?
One data point is that just three projects – the NFT (https://coincupdaily.com/what-is-an-nft-how-does-it-work/) marketplace Opensea, the Cryptopunks collectible NFT memes and cartoon characters, – have generated more than €8.5 billion in sales. It’s no wonder the rich, the near-rich, and the wanna-be-rich are rushing to embrace NFT technology.Popular NFT Marketplaces
Once you’ve got your wallet set up and funded, there’s no shortage of NFT sites to shop. Currently, the largest NFT marketplaces are:• OpenSea.io (https://opensea.io/): This peer-to-peer platform bills itself a purveyor of “rare digital items and collectibles.” To get started, all you need to do is create an account to browse NFT collections. You can also sort pieces by sales volume to discover new artists.• Rarible.com: Similar to OpenSea, Rarible is a democratic, open marketplace that allows artists and creators to issue and sell NFTs. RARI tokens issued on the platform enable holders to weigh in on features like fees and community rules.• Foundation.app: Here, artists should receive “upvotes” or an invitation from fellow creators to post their art.
