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سه شنبه 19 دی 1385, 11:18 صبح
اگر بخواهم 2 تا دیتا ویو در خودVB.Net
join بزنم چکاری باید انجام دهم
ممکنه کمکم کنید؟

سه شنبه 19 دی 1385, 11:29 صبح
ببین در اصل DataView های شما توسط Dataset پر می شه درسته حالا شما می تونید در خود DataSet اونا رو باهم Goin کنی و نتیجه Join که در داخل Dataset هستش رو بگی dataview نمایش بده

چهارشنبه 20 دی 1385, 23:13 عصر
با سلام
ببخشید چه‌جورى؟ (این سوال براى من هم وجود داره)

صبا صبوحى

پنج شنبه 21 دی 1385, 07:35 صبح
دوست عزیز با متد merge در دیتاست و دیتاست می توانی دوجدول یا دو دیتا ست را با هم ادغام کنی مثلا کد زیر این کد دو جدول با هم ادغام می شوند

Dim ds, ds1 As DataTable

پنج شنبه 21 دی 1385, 23:15 عصر
دوست عزیز با متد merge در دیتاست و دیتاست می توانی دوجدول یا دو دیتا ست را با هم ادغام کنی مثلا کد زیر این کد دو جدول با هم ادغام می شوند

Dim ds, ds1 As DataTable

با سلام
دنبال Merge نمى‌گردیم، دنبال Join مى‌گردیم. اگر براى Join راه حلى دارید ممنون مى‌شویم که به ما هم بگویید.

صبا صبوحى

جمعه 22 دی 1385, 10:31 صبح
شما ابتدا دو جدول را در یک Query یا SP الحاق ( Join ) کنید سپس با استفاده از یکی از رابط های VS.NET داده ها رو دریافت کنید

جمعه 22 دی 1385, 15:39 عصر
مططفی جان اون که شما گفتی باز Join رو روی دیتابیس انجام می‌ده چون اون Query یا SP روی دیتابیس اجرا می‌شه. اما این که چه جوری می‌شه دوتا DataView رو Join کرد، من خودم تا حالا چون برام پیش نیومده بود اصلاً دنبالش هم نگشته بودم، اما الآن که دنبال جواب می‌گشتم (http://www.google.com/search?q=join+dataview) به این موارد برخوردم:
سوال مشابه در یک تالار (فروم) انگلیسی (http://objectsharp.com/cs/blogs/datasetfaq/archive/2004/04/18/369.aspx) اواسط صفحه لیکنی درباره Joining ADO.Net DataTables می‌بینید، اما سایتش (http://home.hot.rr.com/graye/Articles/DataTableJoins.htm) برای من فیلتر شده بود. با کمی فیلترشکانی، به متنش دست پیدا کردم. پایین همین متنم اون رو Paste می‌کنم، و فایلی رو هم که همراهش بوده براتون آپلود می‌کنم (فایل مثال)
اما از اون جالب‌تر، پاسخی از طرف مایکروسافت به این نیاز کاربران: کنترلی به نام JoinView (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325682) که تمام کارهای لازم رو خودش انجام می‌ده. 24KB بیشتر نبود، از همون صفحهٔ مایکروسافت بگیریدش.

متن صفحهٔ فیلتر شده:

As you probably recall, ADO.Net uses a "disconnected" database model, meaning that it makes a temporary connection to a database to pull the data and all of the data is locally cached in RAM on the client PC. The DataSet object is, in any respects, a miniature in-memory relational database engine.

This might be a good time to review Using ADO.Net DataRelations

By using the built-in features of ADO.Net you can perform many database kinds of things like:
Perform SQL-style queries
Perform aggregations (like SUM, etc) via expressions
Perform an SQL-style database join
SQL Join syntax

Joining multiple Tables in a relational database (such as SQL Server) is done via an SQL statement such as:

SELECT Customers.CompanyName, Orders.OrderDate
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID

In this example, the Customers table is joined to the Orders table based upon a relationship between the two tables where the CustomerID is the same.

There is no native ADO.Net support for parsing a complex SQL statement like the one above, but you can write a class module that will take two DataTables and join them together in much the same way as it's done via an SQL statement.

The trick is to leverage the ADO.Net feature called DataRelations. The DataSet object can hold a collection of relationships between DataTables. After you have created a relationship, you can then use this relationship to get data from a related table.

The Example Code

Let's look at a simple example of a LEFT join:
Dim dr_left, dr_right, dr_dest As DataRow
Dim dt_left, dt_right As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable

' create a relationship between the two tables
ds.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("__RELATIONSHIP__", dc_right, dc_left, False))

For Each dr_left In dt_left.Rows
dr_dest = dt.NewRow

' copy the data from the columns of the Left table
For Each column In dt_left.Columns
dr_dest(column.ColumnName) = dr_left(column.ColumnName)

' get the related rows via the Relationship
dr_right = dr_left.GetParentRow("__RELATIONSHIP__")

If Not IsNull(dr_right) then
' copy the data from the columns of the Right table
For Each column In dt_right.Columns
dr_dest(column.ColumnName) = dr_right(column.ColumnName)
End If

' add the row to the ResultSet

' delete the temporary relationship

Let's examine this example a little closer. The first thing we do is create a new DataRelation between the two tables. The last argument in the DataRelations constructor is set to False because we do not want to create a corresponding foreign key constraint to go along with our relationship.
' create a relationship between the two tables
ds.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("__RELATIONSHIP__", dc_right, dc_left, False))

Note: While it's true that most SQL joins are performed on Primary Keys in one table against Foreign Keys on the other table, that is not a requirement. So, we can't assume that creating a foreign key constraint would be successful.

The next step is to copy all of the data from the columns in the left table. Since this example is a LEFT join, all rows from the left table should appear in the result set.
' copy the data from the columns of the left table
For Each column In dt_left.Columns
dr_dest(column.ColumnName) = dr_left(column.ColumnName)

This step is where the magic of Relations comes to play... we take a row from the left table and then get the related row from the right table. Then we copy the data from the right table's row into the result set just like we did with the left table.
' get the related rows via the Relationship
dr_right = dr_left.GetParentRow("__RELATIONSHIP__")

If Not IsNull(dr_right) then
' copy the data from the columns of the Right table
For Each column In dt_right.Columns
dr_dest(column.ColumnName) = dr_right(column.ColumnName)
End If
Real-World Example

OK, now that you've got the basics of doing Relationship joins, let's look at a real-world function that can join two tables using LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, and FULL join methods. In this demo function, we create unique column names for the Result Set, since column name collisions are otherwise possible.
' Join two tables together
Private Function JoinTables(ByVal LeftTable As DataTable, ByVal RightTable As DataTable, ByVal LeftColumn As String, ByVal RightColumn As String, ByVal JoinType As String) As DataTable
Dim dr_left, dr_right, dr_dest, dr_temp, drs() As DataRow
Dim dt, left_dt, right_dt As DataTable
Dim right_col, left_col, column As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim RightColumnList, LeftColumnList As ArrayList

' build the detached TempTable that will be returned
dt = BuildTempTable()
left_dt = LeftTable
right_dt = RightTable
left_col = LeftColumn
right_col = RightColumn

' what kind of join is this?
Select Case JoinType
Case "INNER"
Case "LEFT"
Case "RIGHT"
' We don't really do right joins... we just flip the arguments and
' do a left join instead.
left_dt = RightTable
right_dt = LeftTable
left_col = RightColumn
right_col = LeftColumn
JoinType = "LEFT"
Case "FULL"
' A full join is kinda complicated... we do a right join, then a left,
' then combine the two together. The optimum execution plan for a full
' join should be a "merge" operation... but let's not make things any
' more complicated than they already are.
Dim temp As DataTable
temp = JoinTables(RightTable, LeftTable, RightColumn, LeftColumn, "LEFT")
dt = JoinTables(LeftTable, RightTable, LeftColumn, RightColumn, "LEFT")

drs = temp.Select(TabColName(LeftTable.TableName, LeftColumn) & " is null")
For Each dr_right In drs
Return dt
Case Else
Throw New ApplicationException("SQL syntax error: Unknown Join type '" & JoinType & "'")
End Select

' create a relationship between the two tables
ds.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("__RELATIONSHIP__", right_dt.Columns(right_col), left_dt.Columns(left_col), False))

' let's go!
dr_temp = dt.NewRow
LeftColumnList = GetTableColumns(left_dt.TableName)
RightColumnList = GetTableColumns(right_dt.TableName)
For Each dr_left In left_dt.Rows

' Get the related rows from the "right" table
drs = dr_left.GetParentRows("__RELATIONSHIP__")

' For inner joins, we don't record anything unless there is a matching row
If UBound(drs) >= 0 Or JoinType <> "INNER" Then
dr_dest = dt.NewRow

' Let's start by just copying the columns from the "left" table
For Each column In LeftColumnList
dr_dest(TabColName(left_dt.TableName, column)) = dr_left(column)

' There are three possibilities... there are no matching rows, there is
' only one related row, there are many related rows.
Select Case UBound(drs)
Case -1
' Just record the row as it is now (with just the columns from
' the left table).
Case 0
dr_right = drs(0)
For Each column In RightColumnList
dr_dest(TabColName(right_dt.TableName, column)) = dr_right(column)
Case Else
' Make a copy of the prototype datarow that we already filled in
' above. It already has the column data from the left table.
dr_temp.ItemArray = dr_dest.ItemArray
For Each dr_right In drs
dr_dest = dt.NewRow

' Copy prototype row (the left table's data)
dr_dest.ItemArray = dr_temp.ItemArray

' Copy the columns from the related rows in the right table
For Each column In RightColumnList
dr_dest(TabColName(right_dt.TableName, column)) = dr_right(column)
End Select
End If

' delete the temporary relationship we created above

Return dt
End Function

' Make a unique column name
Private Function MakeColumnName(ByVal TableName As String, ByVal ColumnName As String) As String
Return (TableName.Replace(" ", "_").Trim("[]".ToCharArray) & "_" & ColumnName.Replace(" ", "_").Trim("[]".ToCharArray))
End Function

Note: The example above does not show the GetTableColumns() function which included in the source code example.