View Full Version : برنامه شطرنج

چهارشنبه 04 بهمن 1385, 14:20 عصر
لطفا کمکم کنید من برنامه شطرنج را به زبان سی می خوام ممنون میشم

چهارشنبه 04 بهمن 1385, 21:01 عصر
کاربر محترم Yalda2005
از آنجا که خیلی از پست هاتون روخوندم و مطمئنم که خودتون بهتر از من در مورد اشکالات ارایه سورس های آماده به کاربران مطلع اید و با این امید که استفاده های مناسبی درجهت فهم عمیق زبان c از سورسهای زیر کنید دوتا سورس جالب که چند وقت پیش از اینترنت دریافت کردم رو براتون آپلود میکنم خودم که امتحان کردم خیلی جالب وکارا بودند . امیدوارم مشکل شما حل بشه ..

چهارشنبه 04 بهمن 1385, 22:37 عصر
مرسی ممنون لطف کردین

چهارشنبه 04 بهمن 1385, 23:49 عصر
اگه بخواییم اینارو کامپایل کنیم...
باید تو چه سیستم عاملی کامپایل کنیم؟
ممنون می شم یه راهنمایی در مورد کامپایل کردنش بکنید...

پنج شنبه 05 بهمن 1385, 23:04 عصر
اگه بخواییم اینارو کامپایل کنیم...
باید تو چه سیستم عاملی کامپایل کنیم؟
ممنون می شم یه راهنمایی در مورد کامپایل کردنش بکنید...
دوست عزیز من خودم با turbo c 3.1 تست وکامپایل واجرا کردم.

جمعه 06 بهمن 1385, 14:11 عصر
وقتی می خوام کامپایل کنم اینو می گه:::(کامپایلر)
cpp: chess.txt:15 Could not find include file <graphics.h>
cpp: chess.txt:18 Could not find include file <dos.h>
Error chess.txt: 61 undeclared identifier 'DETECT'
Warning chess.txt: 61 possible usage of DETECT before definition
Warning chess.txt: 62 missing prototype for initgraph
Warning chess.txt: 62 Missing prototype for 'initgraph'
Error chess.txt: 84 illegal return type; found 'int' expected 'voi
Warning chess.txt: 92 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 92 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 92 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 93 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 93 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 95 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 95 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_LINE'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'THICK_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 97 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 97 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 103 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 103 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 107 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 109 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 112 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 114 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 116 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 127 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 128 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Warning chess.txt: 129 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 130 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 130 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 131 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 132 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 132 undeclared identifier 'NORM_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 132 possible usage of NORM_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of THICK_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of SOLID_LINE before definiti
Warning chess.txt: 92 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definiti
Error chess.txt: 159 undeclared identifier 'xindx'
Error chess.txt: 170 expecting an enumerator identifier
Error chess.txt: 170 syntax error; found `0' expecting '}'
Error chess.txt: 170 skipping `0' `,' `15'
Error chess.txt: 171 undeclared identifier 'Team'
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Error chess.txt: 171 Syntax error; missing semicolon before `turn
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Warning chess.txt: 171 possible usage of Team before definition
Warning chess.txt: 263 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 263 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 263 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 264 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 264 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 263 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 273 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 273 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 274 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 274 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 275 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 275 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 275 undeclared identifier 'CLOSE_DOT_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 276 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 276 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 279 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 281 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 283 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 284 missing prototype for circle
Warning chess.txt: 284 Missing prototype for 'circle'
Warning chess.txt: 285 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 275 possible usage of CLOSE_DOT_FILL before def
Warning chess.txt: 293 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 293 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 294 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 294 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 295 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 295 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 295 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 296 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 296 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 299 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 299 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 301 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 303 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 304 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 304 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 305 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 306 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 307 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 299 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 295 possible usage of INTERLEAVE_FILL before de
Warning chess.txt: 315 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 315 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 316 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 316 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 317 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 317 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 317 undeclared identifier 'XHATCH_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 318 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 318 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 321 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 321 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 323 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 325 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 326 missing prototype for line
Warning chess.txt: 326 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 327 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 328 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 329 missing prototype for arc
Warning chess.txt: 329 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 330 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 331 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 338 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 339 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 340 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 321 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 317 possible usage of XHATCH_FILL before defini
Warning chess.txt: 348 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 348 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 349 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 349 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 350 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 350 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 350 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 351 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 351 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 354 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 356 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 358 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 358 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'

البته این دوتا ارور اولی تو تمام برنامه هایی که این دو تا فایل رو در خواست می کنن می ده..

جمعه 06 بهمن 1385, 17:07 عصر
وقتی می خوام کامپایل کنم اینو می گه:::(کامپایلر)
cpp: chess.txt:15 Could not find include file <graphics.h>
cpp: chess.txt:18 Could not find include file <dos.h>
Error chess.txt: 61 undeclared identifier 'DETECT'
Warning chess.txt: 61 possible usage of DETECT before definition
Warning chess.txt: 62 missing prototype for initgraph
Warning chess.txt: 62 Missing prototype for 'initgraph'
Error chess.txt: 84 illegal return type; found 'int' expected 'voi
Warning chess.txt: 92 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 92 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 92 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 93 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 93 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 95 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 95 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_LINE'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'THICK_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 97 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 97 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 103 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 103 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 107 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 109 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 112 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 114 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 116 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 127 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 128 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Warning chess.txt: 129 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 130 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 130 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 131 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 132 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 132 undeclared identifier 'NORM_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 132 possible usage of NORM_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of THICK_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of SOLID_LINE before definiti
Warning chess.txt: 92 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definiti
Error chess.txt: 159 undeclared identifier 'xindx'
Error chess.txt: 170 expecting an enumerator identifier
Error chess.txt: 170 syntax error; found `0' expecting '}'
Error chess.txt: 170 skipping `0' `,' `15'
Error chess.txt: 171 undeclared identifier 'Team'
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Error chess.txt: 171 Syntax error; missing semicolon before `turn
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Warning chess.txt: 171 possible usage of Team before definition
Warning chess.txt: 263 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 263 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 263 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 264 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 264 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 263 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 273 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 273 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 274 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 274 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 275 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 275 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 275 undeclared identifier 'CLOSE_DOT_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 276 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 276 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 279 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 281 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 283 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 284 missing prototype for circle
Warning chess.txt: 284 Missing prototype for 'circle'
Warning chess.txt: 285 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 275 possible usage of CLOSE_DOT_FILL before def
Warning chess.txt: 293 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 293 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 294 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 294 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 295 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 295 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 295 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 296 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 296 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 299 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 299 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 301 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 303 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 304 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 304 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 305 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 306 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 307 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 299 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 295 possible usage of INTERLEAVE_FILL before de
Warning chess.txt: 315 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 315 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 316 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 316 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 317 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 317 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 317 undeclared identifier 'XHATCH_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 318 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 318 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 321 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 321 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 323 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 325 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 326 missing prototype for line
Warning chess.txt: 326 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 327 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 328 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 329 missing prototype for arc
Warning chess.txt: 329 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 330 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 331 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 338 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 339 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 340 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 321 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 317 possible usage of XHATCH_FILL before defini
Warning chess.txt: 348 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 348 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 349 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 349 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 350 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 350 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 350 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 351 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 351 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 354 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 356 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 358 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 358 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'

البته این دوتا ارور اولی تو تمام برنامه هایی که این دو تا فایل رو در خواست می کنن می ده..
دوست عزیز||_B0SS_||همه این اشکالات واسه اینکه دایرکتوری مرجع رو باید BGI قرار بدی و بعد برنامه رو کامپایل و اجرا کنی همین.
راستی فایل های سرآیند هم فراموش نشه .

جمعه 06 بهمن 1385, 18:14 عصر
چطوری باید دایرکتوری مرجع رو BGI
قرار بدم؟؟

جمعه 06 بهمن 1385, 18:17 عصر
کامپایل کردن تو چه سیستم عاملی باید انجام بیگیره...
چون این ارورم تو بورلند C
می ده::

Error: GRAPHICS.H(20,52):Error directive: BGI graphics not supported under Windows

شنبه 07 بهمن 1385, 02:13 صبح
وقتی می خوام کامپایل کنم اینو می گه:::(کامپایلر)
cpp: chess.txt:15 Could not find include file <graphics.h>
cpp: chess.txt:18 Could not find include file <dos.h>
Error chess.txt: 61 undeclared identifier 'DETECT'
Warning chess.txt: 61 possible usage of DETECT before definition
Warning chess.txt: 62 missing prototype for initgraph
Warning chess.txt: 62 Missing prototype for 'initgraph'
Error chess.txt: 84 illegal return type; found 'int' expected 'voi
Warning chess.txt: 92 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 92 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 92 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 93 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 93 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 95 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 95 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_LINE'
Error chess.txt: 95 undeclared identifier 'THICK_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 97 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 97 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 103 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 103 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 107 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 109 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 112 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 114 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 116 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 127 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 128 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Warning chess.txt: 129 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 130 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 130 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 131 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 132 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'
Error chess.txt: 132 undeclared identifier 'NORM_WIDTH'
Warning chess.txt: 132 possible usage of NORM_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of THICK_WIDTH before definit
Warning chess.txt: 95 possible usage of SOLID_LINE before definiti
Warning chess.txt: 92 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definiti
Error chess.txt: 159 undeclared identifier 'xindx'
Error chess.txt: 170 expecting an enumerator identifier
Error chess.txt: 170 syntax error; found `0' expecting '}'
Error chess.txt: 170 skipping `0' `,' `15'
Error chess.txt: 171 undeclared identifier 'Team'
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Error chess.txt: 171 Syntax error; missing semicolon before `turn
Warning chess.txt: 171 Statement has no effect
Warning chess.txt: 171 possible usage of Team before definition
Warning chess.txt: 263 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 263 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 263 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 264 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 264 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 263 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 273 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 273 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 274 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 274 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 275 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 275 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 275 undeclared identifier 'CLOSE_DOT_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 276 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 276 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 279 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 281 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 283 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 284 missing prototype for circle
Warning chess.txt: 284 Missing prototype for 'circle'
Warning chess.txt: 285 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 279 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 275 possible usage of CLOSE_DOT_FILL before def
Warning chess.txt: 293 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 293 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 294 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 294 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 295 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 295 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 295 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 296 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 296 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 299 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 299 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 301 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 303 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 304 missing prototype for bar
Warning chess.txt: 304 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 305 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 306 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 307 Missing prototype for 'bar'
Warning chess.txt: 299 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 295 possible usage of INTERLEAVE_FILL before de
Warning chess.txt: 315 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 315 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 316 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 316 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 317 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 317 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 317 undeclared identifier 'XHATCH_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 318 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 318 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 321 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 321 undeclared identifier 'SOLID_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 323 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Warning chess.txt: 325 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 326 missing prototype for line
Warning chess.txt: 326 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 327 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 328 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 329 missing prototype for arc
Warning chess.txt: 329 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 330 Missing prototype for 'arc'
Warning chess.txt: 331 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 338 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 339 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 340 Missing prototype for 'line'
Warning chess.txt: 321 possible usage of SOLID_FILL before definit
Warning chess.txt: 317 possible usage of XHATCH_FILL before defini
Warning chess.txt: 348 missing prototype for setcolor
Warning chess.txt: 348 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 349 missing prototype for rectangle
Warning chess.txt: 349 Missing prototype for 'rectangle'
Warning chess.txt: 350 missing prototype for setfillstyle
Warning chess.txt: 350 Missing prototype for 'setfillstyle'
Error chess.txt: 350 undeclared identifier 'INTERLEAVE_FILL'
Warning chess.txt: 351 missing prototype for floodfill
Warning chess.txt: 351 Missing prototype for 'floodfill'
Warning chess.txt: 354 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 356 Missing prototype for 'setcolor'
Warning chess.txt: 358 missing prototype for setlinestyle
Warning chess.txt: 358 Missing prototype for 'setlinestyle'

البته این دوتا ارور اولی تو تمام برنامه هایی که این دو تا فایل رو در خواست می کنن می ده..
باید مسیر فایل های Include تون رو اصلاح کنید.اگه اشتباه نکنم از منوی Directories

چهارشنبه 12 دی 1386, 16:44 عصر
چرا جوابه همرو زود می دین جز من
منم بابا کد شطرنجو در دلفی می خوام
تو رو خدا کمکم کنید دیگه .................

یک شنبه 23 دی 1386, 14:10 عصر
این یه کد از شطرنج کد خوبیه ببین به دردت میخوره ؟