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سعید قدیری مقدم
جمعه 15 اسفند 1382, 14:01 عصر
سلام بچه ها یک سوال ؟ چطور میشه فهمید برنامه اجرا شده و نباید دوباره اجرا بشه استفاده از app تا زمانی امکان پذیر هست که برنامه رو بخواهیم از همون مسیر استفاده کنیم اگه برنامه تو شاخه دیگه ای کپی بشه دیگه از app کاری بر نمیاد
آیا api هست که حافظه رو چک کنه و ببینه برنامه در حافظه نشسته یا نه؟

سعید قدیری مقدم
یک شنبه 17 اسفند 1382, 13:24 عصر

چهارشنبه 20 اسفند 1382, 11:48 صبح
با سلام
ببینید این مثال بدردتان می‌خوره
Option Explicit

' ************************************************** *************************
' Module: basMain.bas
' Description: This module contains some of the most common routines I use
' along with some that are just common to this application.
' CryptoAPI Demo using the registry
' This is freeware. Since security is of the upmost these days,
' a tool such as this should assist you in protecting your data.
' This is well documented and should help you understand what is
' happening. I have tried to give everyone credit on their code
' snippet contributions. If you recognize something I missed, let
' me know and I will update that portion with your name and email
' address (I must have both).
' To begin with, I used a lot of screens to demonstrate each function.
' This is to better illustrate what is going on without getting lost in
' performing multiple functions within a single form.
' Next, I use a database for network security because the user would
' never have access to the directory where this database is located.
' Also, I doubt if they would recognize any of the data in it.
' ** Brief Overview ***************
' Whenever a user logs onto a network, a server application is executed
' from within the login script. This server application has the only
' access to the database as far as the user is concerned. The user's
' logon data is extracted, manipulated and applied to the database for
' verification. If the logon data is authenticated, the user is allowed
' onto the network.
' ***********************************
' This database is very limited as it is for demonstration purposes only.
' One of the things you could add to your code is the number of tries a
' user can make trying to remember their password. Add a couple of fields
' to the database to deny the user access for 15 minutes before being
' allowed to try again. In other words, set a flag field in the database
' for a "1" or "0" and another field for the current timestamp. If the
' user is locked out after three tries, a "1" is entered into the flag
' field and the system timestamp in the other. Whenever the user attempts
' a logon, first see if there is a "1" in the flag field. If so, then test
' to see if 15 minutes have elaspsed since the "1" was entered. If 15
' minutes or more have elapsed then enter a "0" in the flag field and NULL
' in the timestamp field and continue processing.
' Using this scenario is a definite thorn in the side of individuals trying
' to gain unauthorized access to your system by way of brute force entry.
' If you are using local security (the user's workstation), you can
' apply these same principles for the Windows registry. See the "Hash Test"
' and you will see where, in my opinion, a Message Digest (MDn) algorithm
' was probably used for registry entries.
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-DEC-2000 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote module
' 10-JAN-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Converted data to byte array and then encrypt/decrypt the data.
' For display purposes, I use a hex display because if an
' encrypted character returned is a Null, then I would end up
' with a null terminated string. Everything after that null
' would be ignored by the text box control and not displayed.
' Therefore, when I would read from the text box to get the data
' to decrypt, I would not have all the data. Thanks to Haakan
' Gustavsson for pointing me in the right direction.
' See frmEncStrings(cmdChoice_Click)
' 18-JAN-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' The decoded file was be one byte larger than the source. To
' fix this, subtract 1 from the file size to accomodate the zero
' based array. Fix suggested by Harbinder Gill hgill@altavista.net
' See frmEncFiles(cmdChoice_Click)
' 20-JAN-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' According to theory, whenever you leave a text box, the lost
' focus event is supposed to fire. I came upon multiple
' instances where it did not. It would happen when I pressed
' the ENTER key while still inside the text box and executing
' the command button. I decided to move the lost focus logic
' to the validate event and added a piece of code in the
' keypress event to force the validate event to fire. I could
' had done the same with the lost focus but I had already moved
' my code. See all password input forms.
' Also found that when you use PUT to write a byte array to a
' file, the last character is converted to a NULL. To get
' around this quirk, I converted the decrypted byte array to
' a text string and then PUT it in the output file.
' See frmEncFiles(cmdChoice_Click)
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private m_blnFoundApp As Boolean
Private m_intAppCount As Integer
Private m_strTargetTitle As String
Private PGM_EXE_TITLE As String ' Exe name w/o ext
Public g_strVersion As String

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants ("ThunderMain" - VBx Development)
' ("ThunderRT6Main" - VB6 Executable File)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Const PGM_CLASS As String = "ThunderRT6Main"
Public Const PGM_NAME As String = "CryptoAPI Demo"
Public Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
Public Const APP_NAME As String = "PWDTest"
Public Const APP_SECTION As String = "Settings"
Public Const MYNAME As String = "Freeware by Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com"

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Declares
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' The EnumWindows() function enumerates all top-level windows on the screen
' by passing the handle of each window, in turn, to an application-defined
' callback function. EnumWindows() continues until the last top-level window
' is enumerated or the callback function returns FALSE.
Private Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" _
(ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

' The GetWindowText() function copies the text of the specified window's
' (Parent) title bar (if it has one) into a buffer. If the specified window
' is a control, the text of the control is copied.
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" _
Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

' The GetClassName() function retrieves the name of the class to which the
' specified window belongs.
Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" _
Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long

' Always close a handle if not being used
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Sub Main()

' ************************************************** *************************
' Routine: Main
' Description: This is a generic routine to start an application
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote routine
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define local variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChDrive App.Path
ChDir App.Path

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
g_strVersion = PGM_NAME & " v" & App.Major & "." & App.Minor

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' See if there is another instance of this program running. The parameter
' being passed is the name of the EXE without the extension.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
If AlreadyRunning(PGM_EXE_TITLE) Then
End If

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Get the initial settings.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Load all the screens. If these were intensive forms, I would use a splash
' screen to keep the user occupied while they loaded into memory.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

End Sub

Private Sub Load_All_Forms()

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This routine will load all of my forms
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------
' 22-FEB-2001 Kenneth Ives Written by kenaso@home.com
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' List all forms here except splash form. Make sure the main form is last.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Load frmAddUser
Load frmChgPass
Load frmDB
Load frmDelUser
Load frmEncFiles
Load frmEncStrings
Load frmHash
Load frmOptions
Load frmRnd
Load frmTestPWD
Load frmMainMenu

End Sub

Public Sub TerminateApplication()

' ************************************************** *************************
' Routine: TerminateApplication
' Description: This routine will performt he shutdown process for this
' application. If there are any global object/class (not
' forms) they will be listed below and set to NOTHING so as
' to free them from memory. The last task is to unload
' all form objects. Then terminate this application.
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote routine
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Set all global objects to nothing, if they were used in this application
' EXAMPLE: Set g_objMyObj = Nothing
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Upload all forms from memory and terminate this application
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

End Sub

Public Function CloseOpenFiles() As Boolean

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Closes any files that were opened with an "Open" statement
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
While FreeFile > 1
Close #FreeFile - 1

End Function

Private Sub UnloadAllForms()

' ************************************************** *************************
' Routine: TerminateApplication
' Description: Unload all active forms associated with this application.
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote routine
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define local variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim frm As Form

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Loop thru all the active forms associated with this application
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Each frm In Forms
frm.Hide ' hide the form
Unload frm ' deactivate the form
Set frm = Nothing ' free form object from memory
' (prevents memory fragmenting)

End Sub

Public Function AlreadyRunning(strAppTitle As String) As Boolean

' ************************************************** *************************
' Routine: AlreadyRunning
' Description: This routine will set an external search flag to FALSE and
' perform an enumeration of all active programs, either hidden,
' minimized, or displayed.
' Parameters: strAppTitle - partial/full name of application title to
' look for
' Returns: TRUE/FALSE based on the findings.
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote routine
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define local variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim lngRetCode As Long

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Intialize variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_blnFoundApp = False
m_intAppCount = 0

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Search all active applicatios to see if this one is already running
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_strTargetTitle = StrConv(strAppTitle, vbLowerCase)
Call EnumWindows(AddressOf FindApplication, &H0)

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Return TRUE/FALSE based on findings
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AlreadyRunning = m_blnFoundApp

End Function

Private Function FindApplication(ByVal lngHandle As Long, _
Optional ByVal lngParam As Long = 0) As Long

' ************************************************** *************************
' Routine: FindApplication
' Description: This routine will search ALL active programs running under
' Windows, including the hidden and minimized. It will
' look for the parent name. The partial/full title name will
' will be used for the search pattern.
' Parameters: lngHandle - Generic application handle to check all active
' programs
' lngParam - Not used (but required for callbacks)
' Returns: Sets an external flag to TRUE/FALSE based on the findings.
' ================================================== =========================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 29-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@home.com
' Wrote routine
' ************************************************** *************************

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define local variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim lngLength As Long ' Length of the title string
Dim strClassName As String ' Class name after formatting
Dim strAppTitle As String ' Parent title after formatting

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize return areas with spaces
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
strClassName = Space$(MAX_PATH)
strAppTitle = Space$(MAX_PATH)

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Make API calls to get the class name
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Call GetClassName(lngHandle, strClassName, MAX_PATH)
strClassName = Trim$(Left$(strClassName, Len(PGM_CLASS)))

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Make API calls to get the parent title. Capture just the left portion for
' the exact number of characters as the search title. We want an exact
' match on the name.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
lngLength = GetWindowText(lngHandle, strAppTitle, MAX_PATH)
strAppTitle = StrConv(Left$(strAppTitle, lngLength), vbLowerCase)
strAppTitle = LTrim$(strAppTitle) ' remove all leading blanks

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' See if the class name matches. If it does then check the parent title.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
If StrComp(strClassName, PGM_CLASS, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

' See if this is the right title. Since we may only have a
' partial title, then we have to do an Instr() compare.
' This is why we want to make sure that the search title is
' as unique as possible.
If InStr(1, strAppTitle, m_strTargetTitle, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

' increment the counter.
m_intAppCount = m_intAppCount + 1

' If we find more than one occurance of this program
' then set the flag to TRUE and leave
If m_intAppCount > 1 Then
' set the flag denoting that we have found a duplicate
m_blnFoundApp = True
Exit Function ' Time to leave
End If
End If
End If

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Continue searching.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Call CloseHandle(lngHandle) ' close the active handle
FindApplication = 1 ' Set the flag for another interation

End Function

پنج شنبه 21 اسفند 1382, 09:49 صبح
آقای قدیری مقدم به این لینک نگاهی بکنید شاید بدردتان بخورد .

Hossein Bazyan
جمعه 25 اردیبهشت 1383, 20:18 عصر
سلام آقای مقدم
در قسمت Form.Load دستور زیر را تایب کن
If App.PrevInstance =True then End
استفاده کنی اگر نسخه ای دیگر از برنامه قبلا فعال شده باشد برنامه اجرا نشده و دستور End جهت خروج اجرا میشود .
همچنین شما میتوانی بین دستورات If , End If دستورات یا بیغامهای خودت را قرار دهی .
البته این مطلب در Visual Basic صادق است و در .Net مسله فرق میکند باید کد زیر را بنویسی

Function PrevInstance() As Boolean
If Ubound(Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(Diag nostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName)) > 0 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

سه شنبه 25 اسفند 1383, 14:13 عصر

یک شنبه 22 خرداد 1384, 13:53 عصر
اگه خواستی ایمیل بزن تا یه سورس خوب واسه این کار بهت بدم چون اینجا نمیشه کدش رو آورد
